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RIVER DOWNS THE DAILY DOUBLE" ON THE WINNERS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND RACES AT RIVER DOWNS SATURDAY PAID S42.80 FOR . CINCINNATI, OHIO, SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1938— River Downs 1 mile. Twenty second day. River Downs, Inc. Spring meeting of 23 days. Bahr Stall Gate used. Weather Clear. Presiding Steward, J. A. Murphy. Associate Stewards, H. R. Allshouse and J. S. Young. Judges, C. F. Henry, J. Carey and W. G. Kelly. Starter, G. R. Wingfield. Racing Secretary, C. F. Henry. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. *Indicates apprentice allowance of 5 pounds; **7 pounds; ***10 pounds. FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Cliute. Clang, Oct. 12, 1935— 1:09 —3— 110. Purse RTQ-j £JQ 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners in 1938. 3-year-olds, OOlDO 105 lbs.; older, 115 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May-28-38-R.D Nct va|ue t0 wjnn£r 5425; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V± % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 58019 ALBERT BECK w 4 115 4 1 2* 2" 14 V ThorntonB H G Shoemaker 320-100 58019*IMPERIAL SALLY wb 4 105 10 5 4* 414 31 2*4 QuinteroM E B W Anhut 360-100 573132ANTELA G. wb 5 110 11 3 1" 1 4 2* 32 VedderRL Revnolds Bros 200-100 57956 CONASTANTO w 5 115 8 6 62 6 51 4* PoolE Hall and Fetzer 1710 100 57892*IMPERIAL BOOTS wb3101 14 34 32 4l 51 BrackH A D Steele 643C-100 57764 THISTLE DINA w 6 110 6 2 5 J 51 62 614 SwainC J F Starr fl970 -100 58018*MYSTIC MAN w 3 103 5 7 I1 72 72 72 GardelleJ Mrs J E Hawkins t 578902BINDY w 3 104 7 9 93 93 82 82 FarrellW S Chris 440-100 53112 TROIKA w 7 115 2 8 84 84 93 93 BemissR A Girton 4990-100 57642 THISTLE DICK wb 9 115 9 10 102 102 103 102 MurphvM Cooper Bros + 45119 LONELY WIDOW wb4110 3 11 11 11 11 11 BeasvC C Childress 2680-100 tMutuel field. Time. :2*%. Al%, 1:14%. Track good. , 52 MUTUELS PAID , t OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS -, ALBERT BECK .40 .20 .00 320—100 110—100 50—100 IMPERIAL SALLY 4.20 3.20 110—100 60—100 ANIELA G 2.40 20—100 Winner — B. e, by Chicaro — Baby G., by Pride of India trained by W. E. Suggs; bred by Messrs. J. and C. Howell. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:19. OFF AT CNCE. Start good and slow. Won drivins; second and third the same. ALBERT BECK forced the pace from the start, responded when straightened out for the stretch run and, under mild pressure, was drawing clear at the end. IMPERIAL SALLY, hard hustled from the start, was easily the best of the others, but was unable to menace the winner in the final drive. ANIELA G., rushed to the front quickly, tired in the final eighth. CONASTANTO had no excuses. IMPERIAL BOOTS, close up early, tired under ureine. BINDY had no excuses. Scratched— 58091 Stall Man, 110. Overweight — Imperial Boots, 1 pound; Mystic Man, 3: Bindy, 4. Corrected weight — Conastanto, 115; Thistle Dick, 115. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE Out of~Chute. Clang, Oct. 12, 1935—1:09—3—110. Purse tr o -g £* a 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners in 1938. 3-year-olds, 001D4 105 lbs.; older, 115 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May-28-38-R.D Net vaue to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 57952 ROYAL LINK wb6115 13 14 14 l2 l2 VedderRL H K Barron 200-100 579512*EXHORT wb4110 7 2 34 2" 24 22 GrantD Mrs L H Silver 150-100 57950-SWALE m 4 115 9 5 42 3h 34 3J4 JacksonWG H Forrest 730-100 57894*BURNG BILLOWSwb 6105 10 6 62 6£ 4= 4* BrackH G La Flesh 3810100 58021 DOWN IN FRONT wji 5 115 4 4 52 5J4 5* 52 PoolE Mrs R Fischer 610-100 57952*PENMAR wb 6 110 8 10 10 10 7* 64 LeBlancE A Moore f237O-10O 48023i,GIPSY DANCE wb 7 110 5 1 22 44 63 72 SylvesterA Lewin Stable 6210-100 57426 SIVA wb4115 2 7 72 72 10 84 SauterT G Wilt 2540-100 57951 GAY BILL wb4115 3 9 EJ4 83 83 9* BeayC Mrs R Clavman 1820-100 5795PSHELBY J. w 5 110 6 8 91 94 92 10 QuinteroM Miss M Patricia t tMutuel field. Time, :?S. -Aiy5. 1:13?4- Track fast. , 0 MUTUELS PAID—-, , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS,. ROYAL LINK .00 .40 .69 200—100 70—100 30—100 EXHORT 3.20 2.40 60—100 20—100 SWALE 3.80 90—100 Winner— Gr. g. by St. Henry — Royal Chain, by Royal Canopy trained by H. K. Barron; bred by Mr. P. M. Walker. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:52. AT POST— 4 minutes. Start cood and slow. Won handily; second and third driving. ROYAL LINK, under good handling, disposed of GIPSY DANCE in the early stages, met repeated chal-lences from EXHORT in the final quarter and drew clear in the last seventy yards. The latter made a bold bid in the stretch run when taken to the outside, but was not good enough. SWALE raced the overland route throughout and showed a good effort. BURNING BILLOWS finished gamely. DOWN IN FRONT had no excuses. GIPSY DANCE, hustled along from the start, tired in the drive. Scratched— 52143 Harper. 115; 57584 Derby Eve, 115. THIRb_RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Clang, Oct. 12, 1935— 1:09!£— 3— HOT Purse pro-j £»RT 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 108 lbs.; older, 119 "OlDO lbs. Non-winners of two races since May 3 allowed 2 lbs.; one race since May 28 38-R.D then, 5 Ibs. Claiming price. ,250; if for ,100, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 57954*ETHELS CHOICE wb 4 107 11 1 l2 124 l2 13 QuinteroM Mrs W M Emerson 730 100 575852SQUADS RIGHT w 7 112 10 6 62 41 24 22 BeasyC Mrs W J Wertz 830-100 57954DARK REVUE w 4 112 8 11 714 7*4 72 3" FarrellW J S Anderson 1740-100 569712*ADOLF wb 5 110 4 7 52 6*4 51 42 GrantD J H Gaines 170-100 57427 MAID OF CHANCEwb3 101 7 10 11 82 64 5 * HanauerC WHWhitehouse +510-100 57953T.EN. GREENOCK w 5 112 9 9 94 92 82 6" BrackH Mrs D E Bryant + 57894 BLAKEEN w 5 114 2 3 44 51 44 7» JacksonWG A R Mann 1640-100 579543JUST AHEAD wb4114 5 5 24 24 34 84 PoolE H H Chopin 1280-100 5795DEUXINE wb 8 109 3 4 81 10* 10 93 VedderRL F G Orr + 57091;;RETTEF wb 7 114 6 2 3*4 3* 9s 10 ThorntonB L B Maxwell 720-100 57647 MAIDS GOLD wb 3 100 1 8 102 11 Broke dn.CalvertM Mrs D Christian 970-100 ■fMutuel field. Time. :23. :47. 1:12. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , ,— OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS, ETHELS CHOICE 6.60 $ 5.60 $ 5.80 730—100 180—100 190—100 SQUADS RIGHT 7.00 5.00 250—100 150—100 DARK REVUE 9.20 360—100 Winner— Ch. f, by Cohort— Emancipate, by Upset trained by W. M. Emerson; bred by Mr. H. N. Davis. Winner entered to be claimed for ,250. WENT TO POST— 3:25. AT POST— 2 minutes. . Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. ETHELS CHOICE, away fast and showinc good speed, was never seriously threatened and was well in hand in the final seventy yards. SQUADS RIGHT, racing on the outside and losing ground on the far turn, showed a eood effort. DARK REVUE, outrun in the early stages was placed under strong pressure and finished gamely. ADOLPH, in close quarters soon atfer the start and pinched back turning into the stretch, failed to respond when clear. MAID OF CHANCE and GEN. GREENOCK lacked early speed. MAIDS GOLD broke down turning into the stretch and was eased up. BLAKEEN and JUST AHEAD faltered in the final drive. RETTEF had early speed. Scratched— 578942Mere Blaze, 117. Overwcicht — Adolf, 1 pound ; Maids Gold. 2. Corrected weight— Rettef. 114; Dark Revue, 112; Squads Right, 112. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Clang, Oct. 12, 1935— 1:09 /£— 3— 110. Purse CTO-j £*£* S600- 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 108 lbs.; older, 118 wol"™ lbs. Non-winners since May 3 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for May 28 38-R.D less, 2 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,200. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 57820 MY BLAZE wb8118 10 1 24 1 l2 l3 CalvertM F Cropper 580-100 57953IGLOWSET w 4 113 9 5 42 P 24 23 PoolE S G Baker Sr 320-100 57953HARPEN BELLE w 7 105 3 9 92 72 42 34 QuinteroM Mrs W M Emerson 330-100 57636-ANN STAR wb3103 6 4 14 24 32 44 ButlerJ E H Baumgardner 2730-100 57460 PRIVATE CAR wb3108 7 7 6*441 54 52 VedderRL Belmont Stable 880 100 57431 FOXSTER wb 3 105 8 2 I* * 8* 62 FarrellW Mrs D Christian 2840 100 5LWSUNSHINE BOY wb7113 13 52 54 6 74 BeasyC J Chivis 460-100 57953 PRETTY BUSY wb 5 110 5 8 10 92 93 84 JacksonWG A R Mann 560-100 56067WAUTCH wb6110 2 10 82 10 10 92 BrackH M H Gallagher +2840-100 48374JUDIE G. w 3 104 4 6 34 63 74 10 MolbertJ C H Howt + tMutuel field. Time, :23%, :47and, 1:13. Track fast. mv ri A7r riSl. »mrax« *aid — , ,-— orrtciAi bookimo odds — . co„1srerPf sa tret? k *** tT**« hy f- crow*r: * Mr- m j- WENT TO P0ST-4*2i. AT POST-4* minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. MY BLAZE, going in his best form, disposed of ANN STAR after three-eighths and, taken in hand roundmg the stretch turn, was allowed to estahlish a commanding lead in th- final quarter and had something left at the end. GLOWSET, in hand early, was steered to the inside for the final drive and, placed nr,.Vtr0"? pressure was ""able to reach the winner, but was easily the best of the others. HARPEN BELLE, outrun early, finished gamely. ANN STAR tired in the final quarter. PRIVATE CAR and FOXSTER had no excuses. JUDIE G. quit. Overweight— Ann Star, 3 pounds; Judie G., 4. CofYected weight — Glowset, 113. FIFTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Main Man, Oct. SO, 1937— 1 :42%— 3— 115. Purse 00. Ctfi~| Ctrj 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 105 lbs.; older, 117 lbs. „,»,," * Non-winners of two races at one mile or over since May 3 allowed 3 lbs.: way a -38-R.D one such race since then. 5 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 57896NORMAN D. WB7114 1 2 1« 1« 1* 1* is CalvertM A Zitnik 200-100 57768 NEVER CEASE wb 3 100 6 5 3* 3* 2* 2* 2* BrackH J H Miles 730-100 57769 BARBARA J. w 6 111 9 1 2* 2J 3* 32 34 SauterT C N Finch 630100 57768 LENA J. w5109 2 8 8 8 7451 «J ThorntonB J Lane 880-100 r™GAY JAY wb 3 100 5 6 6« 62 41 4i 5« GardelleJ Spring Valley Stable 4860-100 57585«CANAVIA w4105 3 4 7« 51 62 6* 6* BrennanJ Mrs K Horvath 4860-100 57955ARNOLDS ACTOR w4112 4 3 41 74 8* 8« 7* GrantD A Easton 1820-100 67525=AERIALIST wb4112 8 7 5* «J 5* 7* 8* SwainC J C Melr 1090-100 57955APPLE TIME wb 6 112 7 9 9 9 9 9 9 QuinteroM Hall and Fetzer 260-100 Time, :244£, :49, 1:15. 1:49, 1:4996. Track sloppy. „.....„ _ 1 *2 MUTTJELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS E2wrAN,.?:,.V: * *00 * 420 •** 200—100 110—100 80—109 -jER CEASE 8.40 7.20 320-100 269-100 BARBARA J 4.60 130—100 Winner— B. g, by Genie— Minette, by Friar Rock trained by J. Zitnik; bred by Hamburg Place. Winner •ntered to be claimed for ,000. * WENT TO P0ST-4:39J. AT POST— minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. NORMAN D. sprinted to the lead, was taken in hand in the run through the back stretch was roused in the final eighth and was never in danger. NEVER CEASE, also taken in hand in the early stages came to the outside in the final quarter, disposed of BARBARA J., but couW not reach the winner. BARBARA J. was under mild urging from the start, was placed under strong pressure for the final drive, but was not good enough. LENA J., outrun early, finished gamelv. APPLE TIME had no excuses Scratched— 57769 Merne, 95; 57896Sarah Justice, 112. Overweight — Barbara J., 2 pounds; Canavia, 3. Corrected weight — Barbara J., 109. SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Main~Man, Oct. SO, 1937— 1:42%— 3— 115. First Running 58168 NETHEBLAND PLAZA HANDICAP. ,500 Added. 3-year-olds and up- May-28-38-R.D Net value to winner ,930; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 558322BUTTERMILK w 4 105 1 1 1» H li 14 HanauerC Lewin Stable 140-100 57766 STAR BANNER wb 6 107 2 2 2* 3 3 7? SwainC E K Thomas 100-100 570933UNSELFISH wb 3 104 3 3 3 V~ 23 GardelleJ Blue Ridge Farm 360-100 Time :24%.:49 1:15* 1:425. 1:49%. Track sloppy. BUTTERMILK $ 4.80 No place or show prices. 140—100 Winner— B. f, by Milkman— Drystone, by Man o War trained by H. M. Goldstine ; bred by Mrs W. P. Stewart. WENT TO POST-otflJ. AT POST— minute. Start t" od and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. BUTTERMILK, showing a liking for the going and under good rating in the run down the back stretch was placed under mild urging in holding STAR BANNER safe at the end. The latter, in hand in the early racing while racing in the center of the track, came to the leaders with a rush, disposed of UNSELFISH in the final eighth, but was not good enough. UNSELFISH kept on the inside and, under strong urging, had nothing loft for the final drive. Scratched— 56913 Yantis, 110; 56965 Dnieper, 108; 57766,Oddesa Girl, 108. Overweight— Star Banner, 1 pound; Unselfish, 3. SEVENTH~RACE 1 MDLE AND 40 YARDS. Main Man, Oct. 27, 1937— 1:39%— 3— 112. CCQI f£Q F1"** WW- 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since May 3. - r~™ Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners of a race at one mile or over since February « May-Z8-38-R.D 15 allowed 3 lbs.; one such race in 1938, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 578973GREAT SMOKE wb 4 110 4 2 t* P 24 11 Ink SwainC J S McGinnis 200-100 I 58024 CAW CAW wb7110 1 5 54 5» 52 5» 24 FrederickJ Mrs R M Chastain 490-100 I 57895 LITTLE REIGH w 6 111 2 1 l« 12 Bj 22 U VedderRL F A Cagle 430-100 58023 QUEENS BEST w 6 105 5 3 3* 4* 43 41 4* CalvertM A Newman 2560-100 1 57646 BUSBY w 5 116 7 4 4* 3= 32 3£ 5 JacksonWG Mrs F Stafford 400-100 57950*BUSY DAUGHTER wb 5 100 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 LeBlancE C P Le Blanc 1610-100 ! 57956"ADAMITE wb7111 3 Refused. GardelleJ Mrs G C Milton 490-100 Time, 25, :50. 1:15*4. 1:44%, 1:46%. Track sloppy. T*2 MUTT/ELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS— . r GREAT oc»t e..,M„- SMOKE .00 .80 .00 200—100 90—100 50—100 ; CAT, £AW_lrL1 «•«• 3" 140-100 99-100 LITTLE RtIGH 3.8O ! 80—100 , Winner— Ch. g, by Pot au Feu— Banbury Cross, bv Midway trained by R. L. Mitchell; bred by Mr L. D. Keith I. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000 WENT TO POST— 5:40. OFF AT ONCE. I Start good ?nd slow for all but Adamite. Won driving; second and third the same. GREAT SMOKE forced the pace from the start, came to the outside of LITTLE REIGH rounding the far turn, disposed of the latter under strong urging reaching the final eighth and. continuing gamely, with-1 stood CAW CAW. The latter, under restraint in the early stages, finished with a belated rush, but hung in the final strides. LITTLE REIGH set the pace under mild urging, was placed to stronger pressure when tiring in the final drive, but was unable to withstand CAW CAW. QUEENS BEST had no excuses. BUSBY tired in the final drive. BUSY DAUGHTER was outrun. ADAMITE refused to break with the field Scratched— 57949*Madame J., 105; 57897JCol. Goodnight, 105; 58024 Polisher, 110- 57956 Registerite 106; 57703 White Bread. 110. Overweight — Little Reigh, 1 pound. fnr*tiniif i1 an twentieth nnae. - — RIVER DOWNS Continued from sixteenth page. EIGHTH RACE 2 MILES AND 40 YARDS. Hill Jimmy, Oct. 23, 1937—3:38—4—112. ro-j rrfk Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 104 lbs.; " 43 OX 4 older, 117 lbs. Non-winners since March 1 of two races at one and one-May-28-38-R.D quarter miles or over allowed 3 lbs.; two races at one and one-eighth miles or over, 5 lbs.; one such race, 8 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,100, allowed 2 lbs.; if for ,000, 5 lbs. No apprentice allowance. Net value to winner 25; second, 50; third, 00; fourth, 5; fifth, 0. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % 1 1% Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 580232WEST SEA wb 3 91 3 5 5» 53 2 l™ 1" HanauerC Belmont Stable 280 100 580233KIEVS PENNANT wb 5 109 4 7 7s 7h 6£ 54 21 SwainC E A Bischoff 130-100 57955 WOODBRIDGE w 4 107 1 1 34 43 410 22 34 CalvertM E Dickason 770-100 58092 WEBBING wb 3 86 2 4 45 22 3£ 4| 4£ LeBlancE F Feldman 2740-100 56055FOOTWORK wb 6 112 5 8 8 8 I6 t1 52 VedderRL F G Orr 260-100 58024 MICHIGAN II. w 8 104 7 6 21* l2 P 32 63 FarrellW C N Finch 12240-100 57822 HIGH EXPLOSIVE w 8 101 8 3 62 612 5» 7 7 BemissR Mrs W J Werti 4040-100 57949 WILD OAK w 6 108 6 2 lh 3h 8 Pul. up. BeasyC Mrs A L Casanova 9170-100 Time, :26%, :b1%, 1:18, 1:47, 2:15. 2:42%. 3:08. 3:35. 3:37% new track record. Track sloppy. , 12 MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS WEST SEA .60 .60 .80 280—100 80—100 40—100 KIEVS PENNANT 3.00 2.40 50—100 20—100 WOODBRIDGE 3.00 50—100 Winner — Gr. g, by Westwick — Deep Sea, by Royal Canopy trained by E. Legere; bred by Mr. P. M. Walker. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 6:11*. AT POST— 3* minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily ; second and third driving. WEST SEA, under good rating for a mile and a quarter, was allowed to move to the leaders under mild urging, drew into the lead with ease and was easing up near the finish. KIEVS PENNANT, in hand for the early stages, lacked his usual belated speed. WOODBRIDGE showed a good effort. WEBBING had no excuses. FOOTWORK, under strong handling, failed to respond. MICHIGAN II. quit. WILD OAK was through after the first mile and a quarter. Scratched— 58024Secured, 107; 57529 Pang. 104. Overweight — High Explosive, 2 pounds; Wild Oak, 4. Corrected weight — Webbing, 86.