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HEART AILMENT KILLS RIDER ! Harry Louman Suffers Fatal Heart Attack While Astride Horse at Churchill Downs. LOUISVILLE, Ky., May 28.— Harry Louman, thirty-seven-year-old jockey of Payal-up. Wash., suffered a fatal heart attack while astride a horse at Churchill Downs here this morning. He had just eased his mount, Tyr, owned by Louise J. Hickman, of this city, to a walk after having made a gallop of the main track when stricken. In falling from the saddle, he fell clear of the horse but died before horsemen could remove him to the office of a physician just outside the track. Horsemen who picked him up said that they noted faint signs of life as they placed his limp form in an automobile but that he was unconscious and expired without uttering a sound. Louman had a long and successful career in the saddle. He had appeared at practically all of the more important tracks and had ridden for many prominent stables, i i However, he had been riding free-lance for some time. He had his last mount in a race here on Thursday and it was the same horse on which he was stricken early today. Survivors include his widow and one child.