Thursdays Last Six Tanforan Charts, Daily Racing Form, 1939-04-22

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THURSDAYS LAST SIX TAN FO RAN CHARTS THIRD RACE 8-4 MILE Oul of Chute. Indian Broom, Dec 4, 1937 l:109ff 4 115. T2Qt"l purse 5"00- 3-year-olds. Foaled In California. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners of two races since March 17 allowed S lbs.; one race since a m Apnl-2Q-39-Tan then, 5 lbs.; In 1939, 7 lbs.; maidens, 9 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; If for ,250, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fm Jocktyi Owntra Equiv. Odds Strt 71741 NANAK wb 109 4 3 23 lh 12 16 CorbcttC R Yatsu 380-100 72732 CRYSTAL LOU wb113 6 2 Z 33 3 23J WestropeJ R C Stable 390-100 72700 REDCAR wb 108 3 4 4and 4J 5 3" DyeG Mrs J A Casson 460-100 727322LAST HAND wb 111 7 6 52 58 4J 44 WardWF L Rowan 190-100 727323KAYEL wb 108 11 1J 22 2 5 ChnackiF Mrs F P Miller 470-100 72682 DALFENCE wb103 5 5 64 6 64 64 SmithRW J J Elmore 13330-100 72867SHEERNESS w 106 27 7777 RobinsonR Indian Mountain Stable 2940-100 Time, :23, :47, 1:12. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS NANAK $ 9.60 $ G.20 $ 5.20 380100 210100 160100 CRYSTAL LOU 4.60 4.00 130100 100100 REDCAR 4.00 100100 Winner Ch. f, by King Heather Lovelace, by Ormondale trained by J. Wallace; bred by Mr. J. W. Marchbank. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 3:14. AT POST-4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. NANAK followed KAYEL closely under restraint to the stretch, then took the lead and, increasing his advantage in the last eighth, won in hand. CRYSTAL LOU moved up under urging in the stretch. REDCAR finisned fairly well. LAST HAND was outrun early, then finished strongly. KAYEL acted badly at the post. Scratched 72868 Easter Ele, 105. Overweight Nanak, 3 pounds; Crystal Lou, 2; Kayel, 2; Sheerness, 3. FOURTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Special Agent, March 14, 19361:434105. Purse 00. 70QOO 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since December 30. 4 djyd Weight, 116 lbs. Non-winners since October 5 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming April-20-39-Tan price, ,000. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 728663ALS PRIDE wb 6 113 6 3 14 4 14 14 1" NevesR Martin and Robertson 160-100 72797SWIFT GAL wb 4 107 4 4 3 3and 3 24 23 DyeG Mr and Mrs E Wright 1170-100 72866ROYAL ROVER wb 7 108 1 5 71 5 4and 4 3h YoungWJ Szanse Stable 400-100 72698 UNION GIRL w 8 111 3 2 6 71 5 3J 44 LeishmanW M B Anderson 1550-100 72350BATTLG KNIGHTwb 10 108 5 1 54 6 6n 5 54 RobertsonJ H Nutter 1880-100 72E04 HOLSTER wb7116 2 7 9 9h 7 62 6J ChnackiF H Miller 340-100 727353SCEED w4108 9 10 10 103 94 72 7 ReynoldsB G Adams 1740-100 72683 DIDUTELLUS wb 4 108 11 9 4 42 8 848 CorbettC Mrs J Bernard 1270-100 " 72766DONNA JEAN w7103 8 8 8" 8 10 10 9h SmithRW Miss N Jones 16200-100 72689SUPREME COURT wb 7 111 10 11 11 11 11 11 104 DobsonD J Woodward 13320-100 72284 RADIO HOUR wb 5 113 7 6 24 2 2 92 11 McDmtL P Heim Jr 10270-100 Time, :Uys, :W5, 1:13, 1:40, 1:47. Track fast. . 19 MUTUEL1 PAID . , OFFICIAL OOXIK ODD! . ALS PRIDE $ 5.20 $ 3.80 $ 3.20 160100 90100 60100 SWIFT GAL 7.40 4.40 270100 120100 ROYAL ROVER 3.60 80100 Winner B. g, by High Cloud Vixen Lassie, by Sir Barton trained by M. Robertson; bred by Audley Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:48. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. ALS PRIDE took the lead early and, well rated while making the pace, saved ground in the stretch, but barely lasted. SWIFT GAL was close up from the start and might have won but for going wide on the stretch turn. ROYAL ROVER closed a gap. UNION GIRL finished fairly well. BATTLING KNIGHT went evenly. HOLSTER was never a serious contender. RADIO HOUR and DIDUTELLUS tired after three-quarters. Scratched 72804 Rodney Pan, 108. Overweight Swift Gal, 1 pound. Corrected weight Swift Gal, 107 pounds. FIFTH RACE S-4 MILE Out of Chute. Indian Broom, Dec. 4, 1937 1:10 4 115. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of two races. Weight, 4 uuO 118 lbs. Non-winners of a race other than claiming allowed 3 lbs.; maid-April-20-39-Tan ens, 9 lbs. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 726862EASTER CALL wb 113 2 2 4 4 43 24 H NevesR Mrs R E Cooper 350-100 71467 WEDDING CALL wb 118 6 6 52 51 43 2n WardWF Gaffers and Sattler 1840-100 716982FAST FLIGHT wb113 3 4 2n 1 4 3 DyeG -Mrs H Child 50-100 72686 CARGADOR w 118 5 3 6 6 6 4and WestropeJ Mrs V Phelps 2150-100 726863BAR THIRTEEN wb118 4 1 3h 3and 3b 53 ScheihF Circle M Ranch 790-100 70753 BELPLAY wb 112 15 1and 2 5h 6 YagerE I B Reed 2230-100 Time, :23, :46, 1:12. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS EASTER CALL $ 9.00 $ 4.20 $ 2.40 350100 110100 20100 WEDDING CALL 13.00 3.40 550100 70100 FAST FLIGHT 2.20 10100 Winner Br. f, by Easter Bells Annunciation, by War Cry trained by R. E. Cooper; bred by Mr. C. E. Cooper. WENT TO POST 4:21. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won ridden out; second and third driving. EASTER CALL found an opening on the stretch turn and, wearing down FAST FLIGHT, won under pressure. WEDDING CALL moved up fast through the middle of the track in the stretch and overtook FAST FLIGHT in the final strides. The latter took the lead after going half the distance, but tired nearing the end. CARGADOR was never a serious threat. BAR THIRTEEN tired in the stretch. BELPLAY dropped back when the real racing began. Overweight Belplay, 3 pounds. SIXTH RACE 3-1 MILE Out of Chute. Indian Broom, Dec. 4, 1937 1:10 4 115. ryQQQf Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-4 MtF04 winners of two races since March 17 allowed 3 lbs.; one race since then, April-20-39-Tan 5 lbs.; In 1939, 7 lbs. Claiming price, 1,750; if for ,500, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 72551JPALMAR w 6 110 6 2 4and 24 lh lh DyeG R S R Ranch 100-100 72687HARVEY G. O. wb 8113 4 6 6 3 3 23 RobertsonJ Franedi Stable 1680-100 72734 ROYAL FEAST wb5115 3 5 54 4 45 3 CorbettC C A Price 390-100 72687 JACK O SPADES wb 5 113 5 1 14 14 2 45 LeishmanW Needmore Stable 1140-100 72685GROG w6110 2 3 3h 52 5 52 ScottL C S Howard 350-100 72734 RETURN CHECK w 4 108 1 4 2h 6 6 6 ChnackiF R C Stable 1140-100 Time, :22, :46, 1:12j. Track fast. . MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS PALMAR $ 4.00 $ 3.00 $ 2.20 100100 50100 10100 HARVEY G. 0 7.20 3.80 260100 90100 ROYAL FEAST 2.60 30100 Winner B. h, by Copetin Pizpa, by Tanner trained by H. T. Bray; bred in Argentina by Mr. R. Rache. Winner entered to be claimed for ,750. WENT TO POST 4:49. AT POST 2J minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. PALMAR overtook JACK O SPADES in the stretch, but was forced to do his best near the end to hold HARVEY G. O. The latter staged a strong finish. ROYAL FEAST had a rough race, being in close quarters rcpeatedyl. JACK OSPADES tired badly in the stretch after taking a good early lead. GROG and RETURN CHECK lost all chance when they were shut off and forced to take up sharply on the far turn. Overweight Return Check, 2 pounds. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Special Agent, March 14, 19361:434105. Purse 00. ryOQQET 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since March 17. Weight, 4 jUtjy 116 lbs. Non-winners since December 30 allowed 3 lbs.; since October 5, April-20-39-Tan 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for ,250, allowed 3 lbs. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 726202RECOATNA wb5106 5 3 7 2 2 lh In RobertsonJ G J Giannini 320-100 726992DANKE SCHON wb 5 111 2 1 l1 4 lh 22 2h WardWF D E Foster 330-100 727653BREEZG ALONG wb 8 111 3 6 5h 6h 7 34 34 DyeG A Warner 250-100 72762 ALMAHA wb 7 110 7 5 62 4 4 44 42 LeishmanW E G Haskell 1090-100 72763 ROYAL REIGH wb 5 112 4 7 2 7 5J 7 5 FerminA M Sweetman 580-100 69367TOMLIN wb6 108 1 2 33 3 3 5J 6h ReynoldsB J Kennedy 1840-100 72531 MELODY BOOTS wb 5 111 6 4 4h 5J 6 6 7 NevesR C S Howard 790-100 Time, :24, :47, 1:12, 1:39, 1:46. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODD8 RECOATNA $ 8.40 $ 4.00 $ 2.80 320100 100100 40100 DANKE SCHON 4.00 3.00 100100 50100 BREEZING ALONG 2.80 40100 Winner Cli. m, by Reigh Count Athora Naylor, by Luke McLuke trained by W. See; bred by Mr. R. Carruthers. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST 5:16. AT POST minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. RECOATNA overtook DANKE SCHON an eighth out and held him safe in the drive. DANKE SCHON took the lead at once and, finishing gamely, was beaten but narrowly. BREEZING ALONG moved up gamely in the stretch when too late. ALMAHA lost ground all the way. ROYAL REIGH showed dull form. MELODY BOOTS tired. Overweight Danke Schon, 1 pound; Royal Reigh, 2. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Indian Broom, April 11, 1936 1 :47 3 94. Purse 00. -nnon 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners of a ltfdO race at one and one-eighth miles or over since March 17 allowed .3 lbs:; April-2039-Tan one race at any distance since then or two races in 1939, 5 lbs.; one race In 1939, 7 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 72872SCHOOLMOM w 5 105 7 5 4h 41 4 lh In SmithRW L Floros 280-100 728043BRILLIANT LIGHTwb6118 3 1 3 3h 3h 24 24 NevesR Mrs E J Comiskey 360-100 72804 JARGO wb 5 115 1 4 54 5h 6 3 3 DriverE N Evans 6TX 72765 MARY ALLEN w 4 110 4 7 6 68 5h 44 48 CorbettC I Romm 72699RACEME wb 4 103 2 2 lh lh 4 68 5h RobertsonJ Why Worry Farm 2060-100 724593WYOMING DAISY w 7 105 5 3 2 23 2h 5h 68 ScheihingF Mrs C B Irwin 800-100 72683MACONUT wb 4 106 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 MillmanF S D Parker 1460-100 Time, :24, :48, 1:13, 1:39, 1:52. Track fast. MUTUELS PAID , , OFFICIAL BOOKING ODDS . SCH00LM0M $ 7.60 $ 4.40 $ 3.20 280-100 120-? 6- BRILLIANT LIGHT 4.00 3.40 100-100 70-100 JARGO 4.20 110-100 Winner Ch. m, by Jean Valjean Bright Red, by Bright Knight trained by J. Taylor; bred by Mr. R. Carruthers. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:42. AT POST 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. SCHOOLMOM moved up steadily on the outside on the stretch turn and outgamed BRILLIANT LIGHT in a sustained drive. The latter raced on even terms with SCHOOLMOM, but tired right at the finish. JARGO finished fairly well. MARY ALLEN tired in the stretch after challenging on the far turn. WYOMING DAISY and RACEME tired badly after racing head and head in front for three-quarters. JACONUT was outrun. Scratched 72804 Enimrac, 113. NINTH RACE 3-4 MILE Out of Chute. Indian Broom, Dec. 4, 1937 1:10 4 115. r79QQCl Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 116 lbs. Winners 4iStfuU2 since March 17, 3 lbs. extra. Non-winners since December 30 allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. DECLARED OFF.

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Local Identifier: drf1939042201_27_1
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