Official Racing Charts: Jamaica, Daily Racing Form, 1949-05-05

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Official Racing Charts 1 JAMAICA Copyright. 1949, by Triangle Publications. Inc. ■ JAMAICA. L. I., N. Y.. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1949— JAMAICA 1 MILE. Twenty-ninth day of thirty-day meeting April 1 to May 5. Metropolitan Jockey Club. Automatic starting gate. Photochart Camera. Weather clear. Steward representing New York State Racing Commission, F. P. Dunne; The Jockey Club, Marshall Cassidy; Metropolitan Jockey Club H. 0. Vosburgh. Visiting Member of The Jockey Club, J. C. Brady. Placing Judges, F. H. Parks. J. E. Kyle and Nelson Strang. Patrol Judges. M. D. Davis, Calvin Rainey, W. J. Mara and W. Hyland. Assistant Clerk of Scales, W. A. Murphy. Jr. Starter, G. B. Cassidy. Timer, Austin McLaughlin. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, J. B. Campbell. Assistant Racing Secretary, J. G. Reeder. Assistant Handi-capper, F. E. Kilroe. Racing starts at 1:15 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1948, .35; current meeting, .35. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one. Mutuel take, 15 per cent. State 6, track 4, city or county 5. § Three lbs. apprentice allowance claimed. * Five lbs. claimed. I Seven lbs. claimed. «** Ten lbs. claimed. W Whip. S Spurs. B Blinkers. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Photochart Camera FIRST RACE 3-4 MILE. Recce, Oct. 18, 1945— 1:10/s— 3— 108. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and 7* K /L I upward. Claiming. Non-winnes since November 30. Weight, 6 lbs. below scale. 5 J O I Claiming price, ,000; if for less. 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,000. May 4-49 — Jam Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 40,454. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va V2 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 732042 CH ESI Y wb712114 6 4 24 2«1 11 E Guerin 3500 J R Hastie 1.25 731404 COMBINE w 4 111 7 1 5 J 44 fti 2% M Danisi* 3200 Greenever Farm 2.30 71089 COMIC ANN w 6 106 3 7 6J 63 3| 3 J Delasaye* 3000 Mrs E Hopkins 64.80 37737 AZURE wb 4 114 11 4 V 1J 44 4"k c Picou 3500 J A Crawford 38.30 73021 ELASTIC w 4 112 4 9 9 94 6* 5 C Erickson 3300 H E Simpson 6.65 73139 SIR GALLASCENEw5 113 8 10 8 102 8 6J R Rozelle* 3200 J F OBrien f-49.90 73204 GRANDMA G. w 4 109 2 3 2* 5* 7 1 H Woodhse 3000 I Bieber 46.35 73410 CROUPIER w 7 116 13 5 3h 3h 5 82 G L Smith 3000 A Robertson 32.35 724433 RAPAHANNOCK wb5 116 10 8 74 74 9" 9 D Dodson 3000 C T Chenery 16.10 723554 HACHETTE wb4 111 1 2 11 113 1Q1 101 C Rogerst 3000 Mrs C E Coates 10.30 62316 BOLD MATE w8116 9 12 «•» 123 11 11] C Errico 3000 Virginia R Malen 54.45 73410 DUKE B. wb4114 5 11 10 8h 123 12§] F Douherty 3000 S W Becker 33.00 69271 HI NEIGHBOR wb 8 119 12 14 14 134 13101320 J Rhodes? 4000 P A Markey f-49.90 66335 MISS MIRTH wb4109 6 13 134 14 14 14 R Bernhrdt 3000 I Posner f-49.90 f-Mutuel field. tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23%, *!%, 1:13%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — . , Odds to ■ 14 in- fCHESTY 4.50 2.70 2.40 1.25 .35 .20 t Mutuel Prices! combine 3-1° 2* " .45 ICOMICANN 11.30 4.65 Winner— B. g. by Bull Lea— Little Risk, by Stimulus, trained by J. R. Hastie; bred by Calumet Farm. WENT TO POST— 1:141. OFF AT 1:16 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. CHESTY, always within striking distance of the leaders, raced on the outside throughout and. unoer increased pressure through the stretch, wore down COMBINE inside the last eighth. The latter was never far back, raced on the outside most of the way and, after assuming command near the last eighth, could not withstand the late challenge of the winner. COMIC ANN, steadied along while saving ground for the first half mile, found racing room on the rail when roused for the drive and made a belated challenge. AZURE was under energetic handling early to attain the lead, but gave way readily when challenged in the early stretch. ELASTIC broke slowly and when set down for the drive finished full of run. GRANDMA G. was through early. HACHETTE was never a contender. Scratched— 55676 Skylarker, 112; 73204 Shockoe, 116: 72800 Montage, 119; 73204 Sir Gorhill, 119; 73139 Forest Knight, 114; 73281 Larry D., 119. Overweight— Hachette. 2 pounds. SECOND RACE 5-8 MILE. Red Sonnet, April 24, 1942— :58— 2— 106. Purse ,500. 2-year-olds. 1 C £. * Claiming. Weight, 116 lbs. Winners of two races, 6 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. 7 J J O Z, Claiming price, ,000. May 4-49 — Jam Net value to Winner ,275; second. 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 58,160. Index Horse* "* 3 ■ Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 72354 LIBKkd who a o U l« i i« t Guerin 6000 Mrs T Christopher L20 72299 BUCKIEGIRL wb111 7 3 23 22 22 2 1 O Scurlock 6000 Mrs C M Feltner 5.45 730772 PODIUM wb 101 8 4 3 33 31 3* E FlutieJ 6000 G D Widener 2.65 LAWBOOK w112 4 6 5 54 4 42 C Rogers 6000 A H Smith 7.35 EUT0W w113 1 2 44 42 53 51 D Gorman 6000 H Lewis III 16.40 73022 BILL KEEFE wb 111 2 1 64 64 64 63 C Picou 6000 L DeLatour 29.10 CANTRUN w111 6 9 82 88 7 74 W Mehrtens 6000 J J Amiel 16.70 NATIVE ROSE w 101 5 7 72 7 B" *»S s Perez* 6000 Mrs L Mormile 44.70 SIR D0MENICK w 111 3 8 9 9 9 9 G L Smith 6000 G Pascale 65.45 Time, :23, :48, 1:0-5. Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid- , Odds to , it in* LIBRAB 4.40 3.00 2.20 1.20 .50 .10 Mutuel rrices? buckiegirl 4.40 2.70 1.20 .35 v PODIUM 2.40 .20 Winner— Gr. c, by Doublrab— Lady Liberty, by Liberty Limited, trained by H. Brown; bred by Mrs. T. Christopher. WENT TO POST-1:46. OFF AT 1:46 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start poor from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. LIBRAB outsprinted his opposition from the start, came to the inside while drawing clear rounding the turn and held his advantage safe while under a brisk hand ride. BUCKIEGIRL forced the pace in hand, saved some ground and, while closing on the top one through the stretch drive, was not good enough. PODIUM raced wide in an even effort. LAW BOOK made up some ground in the late stages. EUTOW raced evenly. CANTRUN, NATIVE ROSE and SIR DOMENICK were practically left at the start. Scratched— 73412 Trombejim, 111; 72263 Helpit, 113. Overweight— Buckiegirl. 3 pounds; Law Book, 1; Eutow. 2. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 1.50— Double Pool, 12,734. THIRD RACE 3-4 MILE. Recce, Oct. 18. 1 945 — 1 : 1 01/s — 3 — 1 08. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and 7 0 C £ "J upward. Claiming. Weight, 6 lbs. below scale. Non-winners of two races since J J O J March 31 allowed 5 lbs.; one race. 10 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. May 4-49 — Jam Net value to winner ,275; second. 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 38,392. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va jjj Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 73078 SIR FLINT wb4119 12 6 51 22 13 1 4 C Rogers 5000 J Freedman 6.10 732113 TOMSIVE w4114 13 12 61 3 2 21 H Woodhet 5000 J R Hastie 2.40 731402 NAVY AWARD wb5116 2 1 72 7 5 3 W Rustia* 5000 E Jacobs 14.40 73078 NO BULL wb4119 3 2 4J * 41 4 F Douherty 5000 H Carr 11.45 73078 ETERNALLEA w 5 111 11 5 31 52 3 51 R Bernhdtt 5000 A B Christopher 7.95 73078 LITTLE RIP wb4114 9 8 8 *| 7* 6 0 Scurlock 5000 M Salvia f-16.70 73281 CHALK wb4114 1 13 121 123 82 71 D Dodson 5000 S D Sidell f-16.70 73211 PUT AND CALL w 4 109 7 3 IP 91 91 81 M Danisi* 5000 D Michalove 27.30 72681 BILL HOWK wb4117 6 4 2 61 62 9 e FlutieJ 5000 D Shaer 4.55 73021 DREAMER wb4114 8 10 132 131 10 10 L Harris* 5000 J S Kroese 13.80 59626 WILMAR w 5 116 10 9- 9h 10J 112 113 A Schmidl 5000 P A Markey 82.15 70919 ISLAND HOP wb6111 4 14 14 14 14 1231 R Rozelle* 5000 H P Marcus f-16.70 55503 FLYING TARTARwb 10111 5 11 113 nh 131 134 J Delsaye*t 5000 J W Bowley 7.45 72965 FLEET LADY w 5 111 14 7 14 11 122 14 C Picou 5000 Heetway Stable 46.35 f-Mutuel field. tTwo pounds apprentice allowance waived. tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23%, :47%, 1:13%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — s , Odds to ■ ij . in . SIR FLINT 14.20 6.1" aand 6.10 7" 1 n Mutuel Prices? tomsive 3.90 3.20 .95 ra - NAVY AWARD 6.UU 2.„d Winner— B. c. by Flint Shot— Borgia II., by Bosworth. trained by L. V. Bellew, Jr.; bred by M. B. Goff. WENT TO POST-2:18. OFF AT 2:181 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. SIR FLINT improved his position from the outside rounding the turn, wore down FLEET LADY when ready on the stretch turn, to quickly draw into a long lead and, under continued pressure, held his advantage. TOMSIVE broke sluggishly, rallied from between horses on the turn and made a belated bid. NAVY AWARD shuffled back on the inside soon after the break, saved ground thereafter, but failed to menace the top pair. NO BULL had no mishap in an even effort. ETERNALLEA had some early speed and tired. LITTLE RIP raced a trifle wide. BILL HOWK was through early. FLEET LADY had speed to the stretch turn and quit to a walk in the drive. Scratched— 73281 3 Waymark, 111; 732814 Count Did. 121: 72239 Sis Brier, 111. FOURTH RACE 5-8 MILE. Red Sonnet, April 24. 1942— :58— 2— 106. Purse ,500. 2 year-olds. 0 C £. A Claiming. Weight, 116 lbs. Winners of two races, 6 lbs. extra. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. 7 J D O 4 Claiming price, ,000. May 4-49 — Jam Net value to winner ,275: second. 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 32,011. Index Horse* f0- ft wt pp c* A % c?r r-n Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 723544 ARMtLLu w 113 8 7 4 V i» H Woodhse 6000 Mrs E D Jacobs-" J90 COUNTY JUDGE w 111 3 3 1 11 12 21 W Mehrtens 6000 J J Amiel 11.85 BENNINGTON w 111 2 2 73 6«1 4 331 C Rogers 6000 E P Taylor 16.20 72261 TURRET w 111 4 6 3* 41 3 42 J Adams 6000 Mill River Stable 46.60 72969 WOODSIDE w 111 6 9 88 85 7 51 A Schmidl 6000 M C Erlanger 3.60 72635 ROYAL SON wb111 7 5 22 21 52 62 C Picou 6000 G Rosenberg 17.75 73022 NEHALEM w115 5 4 61 51 63 71 E Guerin 6000 C T Chenery 6.15 73141 BOOT BOY wb112 1 1 5"k 72 80 820 D Dodson 6000 V Emanuel 39.50 72635 SILVOLO w 113 9 8 9999SN Clark 6000 H Lewis III 15.00 Time, :24, :48*5, 1:01%- Track fast. r— Mutuels Paid— , Odds to , 3.80 3.10 2.60 .90 .55 .30 ii • fARMELLE , , D Mutuel Prices] county judge 8-10 60° 305 200 *-BENNINGTON 5.90 1.95 Winner— B. f, by Rhodes Scholar— Tripod, by Sickle, trained by H. Jacobs; bred by Isidore Bieber. WENT TO POST— 2:48. OFF AT 2:48 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. ARMELLE broke sluggishly, was rushed up on the outside rounding the turn, was in slightly close quarters a quarter out, but responded readily to pressure when clear and wore down COUNTY JUDGE in the closing strides. The latter had good speed from the start, saved ground throughout and Just failed to last. BENNINGTON, shuffled back in the early running, found racing room between horses rounding the turn and made a bold bid through the stretch drive. TURRET was well placed while saving ground throughout, but lacked a closing rally. WOODSIDE, off slowly, raced wide * and failed to threaten. ROYAL SON forced the pace in hand from the outside for the first half, where the rider dropped his whip and lost all chance. NEHALEM was never a factor. Scratched— 731413 Abbe Boy, 111; 72736 Besita, 113. Overweight— Nehalem, 2 pounds; Boot Boy, 1; Silvolo, 2. Tomsive claimed by Mrs. E. Coates. FIFTH RACE 3-4 MILE. Recce, Oct. 18, 1945— 1:10VS— 3— 108. Garnet Purse. Purse ,000. 0 r /L r 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. Non-winners of two races other than claiming. 7 J D O D Weight, 118 lbs. Non-winners of one race other than claiming since March 31 allowed . May 4-49 — Jam 3 lbs.; any race in 1949. 6 lbs. = Net value to winner ,600; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00 Mutuel Pool, 83,162. L Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* jj Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to yg 659393 BLUE ROW wb 107 2 1 14 14 13 12 M Danisi* Lester Manor Stable 18.20 732072 VALSE BLEUE wb 118 3 4 41 34 33 2J 0 Scurlock R A Firestone 2.50 Q 729712 LORAIN E wb113 7 3 53 6* 51 3"k D Gorman B Long 1.70 72971 HALCYARA w 110 6 7 63 51 41 431 I Harris* S S Schupper 13.30 and 72637 BOSMOND w115 4 5 2h 41 64 5nk C Rogers J A Williams 8.15 732074 WIDD I MERE w118 5 2 34 21 2* 62 A Greco Mrs A J Mc Master 8.15 3 72971 RED CAMELIA wb 107 1 6 7 7 7 7 J Delahse* J W Brown 4.35 50 Time, :23%, :47, 1:13. Track fast. ,— Mutuels Paid— , Odds to » » k i . | n . /BLUE ROW 38.40 12.10 4.60 18.20 5.05 1.30 _j Mutuel Prices! valse bleue 4.00 2.70 1.00 .355 CLORAINE 2.50 .25 c Winner— B. f, by Roman— Bonnie Blue II., by Baytown, trained by G. H. Strate; bred by C. D. Morris. 70 WENT TO POST— 3:19. OFF AT 3:19 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. £ Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. BLUE ROW had speed, saved ground, drew into a long lead on the turn while under mild urging and held her advantage under increased pressure. VALSE BLEUE was never far back, also saved ground, but failed to menace the top one. LORAINE, slow to .T* settle into her best stride, raced wide on the turn and made up ground fast when set down for the drive. . HALCYARA, badly outrun for a quarter, came to the outside when roused for the drive and finished full of run. £- BOSMOND was through early. WIDDIMERE gave way suddenly in the stretch drive. RED CAMELIA stumbled at the break. ~ Overweight— Loraine, 1 pound. 01 SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Sting, May 9, 1925— 1:42%— 4— 106. Broad Channel Purse. Purse — # / ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Non-winners of two races of ,500 each jjj 73 J D O O jn 1948-49. Weight, 4 lbs. below scale. Non-winners of four races since November 15 0 May 4-49 — Jam or ,500 in 1948-49 allowed 3 lbs.; three races since November 15 or ,500 at any time, 8 lbs.; two races since January 16, 11 lbs. Claiming races not considered. Net value to winner ,250; second, ,000; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 66,116. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % It ¥4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 73287 FLYING MISSEL wb 4 113 2 3 5 5 2* 1" 1 2J D Gorman King Ranch 1.00 732874 WORD OF HONOR w 4 113 3 1 3Mh 3*1 2 221 S Clark Phantom Farm 19.10 73145 ISIGNY w4113 1 2 4J 4* 1 4 * 3"k H Woodhse J J Amiel 3.75 72872 FINAL TOUCH wb4115 4 5 2h 31 44 3J 4 5 E Guerin A G Vanderbilt 3.85 731443 ALAIRNE w4113 5 4 14 Z 5 5 5 D Dodson G M Jacobson 3.55 Time, :26, :51, 1:15, 1:39%, 1:46%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — * , Odds to . n . FLYING MISSEL 4.00 2.90 2.30 1.00 .45 .15 Ml UtUd rriCeS? WORD OF HONOR 8.10 3.20 3.05 .60 ClSIGNY 3.20 .60 Winner— Ch. c, by Equestrian— Momentum, by Boojum, trained by M. Hirsch; bred by King Ranch. WENT TO POST— 3:49. OFF AT 3:49 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. FLYING MISSEL, hard held for the first half mile, moved up between horses to take command inside the last quarter and held his advantage with ease. WORD OF HONOR wrested command from the outside in the run down the backstretch, was between horses while losing additional ground on the stretch turn and. under punishment through the stretch, held on fairly well. ISIGNY, in close quarters while saving ground for half a mile, found racing room on the second turn to take command near the last quarter, but had nothing left for the drive. FINAL TOUCH moved up boldly on the outside approaching the final quarter, but flattened out under a sustained drive. ALAIRNE made a slow early pace and tired. Scratched— 729702 Safe Arrival, 113. Overweight — Final Touch, 2 pounds. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Mad Play, Oct. 4, 1924-1 49%— 3— 115. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds C /» *y and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since November 30. Weight, 6 lbs. below scaie. 7 j O J D / Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. May 4-49 — Jam Net value to winner ,275; second. 00: third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 24,742. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va V2 ¥4 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr Owners Odds to 73204 EXCITEMENT w 6111 2 3 33 32 1h 14 11 W Rustia* 3000 E M OBrien 1.85 73139 PENTIN wb7 116 1 5 55 43 4« 21 251 D Gorman 3000 R P Steckler 3.55 72966 MR. CHAP w6116 6 1 24 2« 3 3* 321 L M Jones 3000 H Cantor 2.55 73021 HONEYTOWN wb6116 5 2 V 4 21 45 431 J Adams 3000 L J Sidell 6.05 73204 HOLIDAY GIRL ws 6 104 3 4 41 55 55 55 55 E Flutiel 3000 Dunbar Stable 20.60 72741 ROSE CANYON w8 109 466 6 6 6 6 W WeingU 3000 E S Haviland 5.90 Time, :24%, :49%, 1:14%, 1:40%, 1:54%. Track fast. i— Mutuels Paid— , Odds to » n . /"EXCITEMENT 5.70 3.40 2.30 1.85 .70 .15 M. utuel Prices pentin 4.50 2.70 1.25 .35 t-MR. CHAP 2.40 .20 Winner— Blk h by Kai-Feng— Gersel, by St. Germans, trained by H. W. Williams; bred by D. K. Summers. WENT TO POST-4:18i. OFF AT 4:19 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won ridden out; second and third driving. EXCITEMENT improved his position steadily while saving ground in the run down the backstretch, assumed command from the inside when ready on the stretch turn and, after drawing clear under mild pressure, held his advantage while under a brisk hand ride. PENTIN, hard held for the first three-quarters, rallied from the outside on the second turn, was brought very wide into the stretch, but was not good enough. MR. CHAP gave way steadily after racing prominently to the last quarter. HONEYTOWN tired from his early efforts. HOLIDAY GIRL and ROS ECANYON were outrun. Scratched— 6318C3 Brunon, 111; 72966 Sonoma Belle, 105. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-8 MILES. Mad Play, Oct. 4, 1924—1 :4935 — 3 — 1 1 5. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds -t -» r /• Q and upward. Claiming. Non-winners since November 30. Weight. 6 lbs. below scale. / 5 J O O Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 50 to ,000. May 4-49 — Jam Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 53,586. Index Horse! Eqt A Wt PP St V* Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 732044 ROSALU w 5 106 5 3 32 21 20 14 11 J Delahse* 3000 G Gay 3.80 73021 CONNIE SAM wb4 110 4 2 14 11 1h 23 21 M Danisi* 3000 Mrs T Christopher 4.35 72966 COUNT JL wb5116 2 7 44 42 31 3 3nk W Mehrtens 3000 M Rauzin 6.45 68844 ALEX BARTH wb5122 6 6 51 510 57 44 44 E Guerin 3500 J R Hastie 1.00 72741 FLIGHT NURSE wb7111 15 7 7 6* 51 55 F Dough rty 3000 H Carr 43.05 73142 FRIAR TEDDY wb7111 3 4 2i 34 41 620 620 R Rozelle* 3000 Phantom Farm 8.40 60175 JIMJOE w9116 7 1 6« 64 7 7 7 W Rustia 3000 W S Jacobs 45.95 Time, :24%, :49%, 1:15%, 1:41%, 1:55%. Track fast. Mutuels Paid Odds r— — , , to , ... In . /-ROSALU 960 3.90 2.90 3.80 .95 .45 Mutuel Pricesi connie sam 4.80 3.90 1.40 .95 t-COUNT JL 3.90 .95 Winner— B m by Roman— Santa Luna, by St. Jarnes, trained by W. B. Mitchell; bred by A. L. Ferguson Est. WENT TO POST— 4:49. OFF AT 4:49 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. ROSALU followed in close attendance to the early pacemaker, began to advance on the outside leaving the backstretch, disposed of CONNIE SAM in the early stretch and held her advantage safe under a strong ride. The latter had speed, saved ground and gave way readily when challenged. COUNT JL, tken under restraint for three-quarters, came to the outside when set down for the drive and closed with a rush, but was not good enough. ALEX BARTH was never a serious threat and raced very wide in the last quarter. JIMJOE raced lame and came back very sore. Attendance 24,551; Total Mutuel Pool, ,909,357.

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