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7 MANGAMS CHATEAU Chicagolands Largest and Smartest » l THEATRE RESTAURANT /J JL J With a Variety of Dining Rooms Where You tmwm mtmtWtSk I Can Enjoy FINE FOOD ■tl; sF@SfcSfiandandi The New Elegant "CRYSTAL ROOM." P!I2/ifw Intimate "Chat Room." Unique "Cypress Room" wandE5SmW ~*Rm**. * T - | Entertainment and Dancing, Casino Room. VVVilHB t f -.-.i PRIVATE DINING ROOMS fcTwlM JlkJK I FOR PARTIES AND WEDDING RECEPTIONS -WkJjkf * %| W% , „ » j AIR CONDITIONED — Ample Parking Space % W S »krjdr 7850 OGDEN AVENUE Tf • m 6 Blocks West of HARLEM AVE.— LYons 3-4900 ■ *■ Tlkl Yfe Lillll UI1I | RAC.NGTODAY jMS rOft Minmi atiVatAvm MAUMEE, OHIO Chicagos great spring meeting Its easy to get there- 17 Through May BUS: Sherman Hotel 11.30 to 1il5; How CLOSING DAY FEATURE ::VL -rr I r- /" /| in Rd- and Sunnyilde, 12 to 1 p.m.; Oawford I ULtUU OULU LU" ond Washington, 12 to 1 p.m.; 63rd and Cottage Grove and 63rd end Sangamon, «wic tin c ci»#c rimi nurr ONE MILE AND FIVE FURLONGS. U:30 to 1:15; 79th and Stony Island For Three-Year-Olds and Upward 11:30 to i p.m. . 9 Miles From Downtown Toledo tSASZ Zff " mT„ku,l"!n-,eav,s 0,1 Direct Bus Service Daily From Detroit ftWeTor ttVe°. ?2o7wand _ _ __ _.. , _ _ _ _ _ , . _ . ,, thence South to 35th. TIME 2:30 P. M. DAILY «*K«0« M/CB, - For Reservations Call: 00 Grand- S150 c,oh Toledo, LUcas 3-3325 ■ **■ h..m TOLEDO JOCKEY CLUB