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Royal Royal Bay Bay Gem Gem Registers Registers in in Jersey; Jersey; Bashford Bashford Manor Manor to to Mr. Mr. Prosecutor Prosecutor Favored Everett Jr. Trails Leach Colt Adams Has Mount Clear of Topweighted Choice, While 28,000 View Churchill Card By DON FAIR Staff Correspondent CHURCHILL DOWNS. Louisville, Ky., May 9. — Mr. Prosecutor, a bay son of Occupation and Unmask, carried Mark Leachs Green Acres Stock Farm colors to a convincing victory here today in the fifty-third running of the Bashford Manor Stakes before a crowd of over 28,000, which shattered all existing Downs attendance records with the exception of Derby days. Cleverly ridden by squat little Johnny Adams, Mr. Prosecutor stepped to the end of the five furlongs with slightly more than a length to spare over fiyerett Lowrance favored and high-weighted Everett Jr. Walter U. Ridenours Portray ran third, another length away, while Three W Stables Larrieweil saved fourth money. Shouldering 122 pounds under the allowance conditions of the stake, Mr. Prosecutor completed his task on the firm track in :50%. The Bashford Manor marked the Occupation -sired colts third success in but five starts and he picked up 3,150 as the winners end of the 6,800 gross purseT Not too well-regarded by the big gathering* . on hand this sunny afternoon, Mr. Prosecutor paid 3.20. Street Scene Withdrawn The start was delayed 10 minutes when Roy Gaines Street Scene unseated jockey Willie Lee Johnson and ran off. The stewards ordered Street Scene withdrawn • but no wagers were refunded due to the fact ■ that the unruly youngster was coupled in ; the betting with E. H. Lanes Top-Lation. In a brief ceremony after the Bashford Manor running, Dennis Long, grandson of the late George Long, who founded the famed thoroughbred nursery for which the stake is named, presented owner Mary Leach with a handsome silver trophy, symbolic of Mr. Prosecutors well-deserved triumph. President Bill Corum, of Churchill Downs, Jockey Adams, and trainer Henry Forrest also were in the winners circle for the presentation. When starter Reuben White caught the •« 10 youngsters for a line break, Top-Lation dashed to the front and set the pace to the stretch with Mr. Prosecutor in closest attendance. Everett Jr. occupied third position during the earlier stages while Portray also was a forward factor within striking distance of the leaders. Turning for home Top-Lation faded back while Everett Jr. Forged into command and Mr. Prosecutor began what was to be a Continued on Page Forty-Six Mr. Prosecutor Ends Everett Jr/s Streak Takes Measure of Favorite in Bashford Manor at Churchill Continued from Page One winnning bid. Larrieweil also made a bold ; move in the early stretch and it was apparent that both he and Portray still were much in the race. Everett Jr. held on gamely enough under Al Poparas vigorous handling but the New Orleans-owned choice simply didnt have the stamina to pack 127 pounds and still withstand Mr. Prosecutors final challenge. Smackover, a handsome three -year -old Eight Thirty-sired colt, carried Mrs. Herbert Herffs colors to a mildly-surprising, but well-deserved triumph in the Shelby-ville Purse. Closing courageously under Kenny Church, the Memphis, Tennessee-owned victor streaked to the end of the six furlongs secondary attraction with a length to spare over Dixianas favored Spy Defense. Hasty House Farms Torch of War, pacemaker for the greater part of the sprint distance, lasted for third another length away, while Mrs. Harold G. Bock-mans Prince Marque salvaged fourth money. Torch of War went to the front before moving into the upper turn, repulsing Chicagos early bid. The Hasty House Farm colt settled for the drive with a short advantage and held on gamely until challenged by Smackover. The latter then went on to win under urging, while Spy Defense was along in the last 70 yards to nip the faltering Torch of War for the place. Prince Marque came from well back to get the small share of the ,500 purse. Smackover, making his first appearance under silks since running fourth in the Kentucky Jockey Club Stakes last autumn, sped the three-quarters mile of the Shelby-ville in 1:116 under 110 pounds, one pound of which was overweight. An outsider in the speculation, the Herff colt returned 9.00 straight. R. A. Paracheks Sunnybrook Sue, handled by apprentice Forrest Kaelin, was set back to second on a disqualification after she reached the wire first in the one mile and one -sixteenth second race. The Para-chek filly bore out during the final furlong, forcing Harry Allsmans Fairiam wide, hitting the wire but a head in advance of the latter colt. Otto Grohs, who rode Fairiam, and young Kaelin added a bit of spice to the matinee by engaging in a whipping and bumping contest through the last sixteenth, reminiscent of the Don Meade-Herb Risher riding duel in the 1933 Kentucky Derby. Third honors in the second event fell to Meyers and Lewis Jack Jay with George A. Cavanaughs Cranbrook along for fourth money in the field of a half dozen three-year-olds. Running time over the fast footing was 1:46% and Fairiam was held at 27 to 10 in the straight tote pool.