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ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES AQUEDUCT Aqueduct, Long Island, New York WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1953, .38; current percentage, .24. Percentage of favorites in the moneny, .67. United Starting Gate. Crowley-Jones Camera Corp. Daily Double, first and second races. Entries and field horses run as one. Best Times Not Compiled on Tracks Less Than One Mile in Circumference. . A. . 5 1-2 FURLONGS. Apache, June 17, 1 9441 :04-5-1 32. Purse ,800. 2-year- Sl QU olds. Maidens. Claiming. Weight, 118 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Best time made at distance of race. iart Book Todays Chart Book Todays dexNo. Horse. -Date. Track Rec. WL Wt Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wl WL 15502 Pitlochry Jun54 Aqu 1:07 113 118 19759 Montauk 118 Colbert 118 207963 Feria Jun54 Aqu 1:08 119 115 1073 Palatine Pet 118 20668 Jerlou Jun54 Aqu 1:09 120 118 13062 Pay the Piper Jun54 Aqu 1:07 116 118 20796 Lizzatessa 115 I7664 Mount Rundle 118 206682 Tonga Prince Jun54 Aqu 1:091s 120 118 Drop Kick 118 215503 Valtist Jun54 Aqu 1:07 119 118 !9370 Wire Line 118 Wine Buyer 118 A668 Niral Jun54 Aqu 1:11 114 118 20931 Yankee Ace - 118 20931 Isayolboy Jun54 Aqu 1:08 117 118 Coupled: Pitlochry and Lizzatessa; Drop . Kick and 20668 Toll Pike 118 Isayolboy. Iflnrhri kA llO B.c.2, by Broke Even Stage Queen, by Stagehand. itlOCnry lVU I I O Breeder, P. Godfrey. 1954.. 7 0 1 0 00 rtner, Mrs. D. H. Peters. Trainer, R. W. Duncan. S7.500 iiti23-54Aqu 5Jf1:07sy 40 113 43J 55 33 21 GlassnrG? 5000 860iseauBleu119 Valtist119 SmokdHam 10 in 9-541 Bel wc5f :58 ft 66 113 8 53 106 1091 RoduezES 7000 80 Tulifiny114 GaltSpeed117 Productive 10 an 3-54Bel wc4if :52ft 24e 118 17 145314511351 FeroloA23 6500 81 MarstnMoor118 Productive118 Jerlou 25 ay19-54BeI wc4Jf :52ft 58e 114 22 238 23"22" FeruoloA2 55C076GrdFind114 FrchNtie RsWge27 ay 3-541 Bel wc41f :53 sy 2JeA116 19 17ti127J117j GreenB 5500 76 EveryHour113 Annieanlouise111 Riffle 20 pr23-543Jam 5f1:01ft 5Je 116 9? 93 7?i VI GreenB4 7500 76TwoGnGy116 FrchLegn116 HdPilt 9 pr14-54Uam 5f1:01ft 4Je 113 96310611093 8i GreenB4 6000 74BlueLyric116 HeadPilot116 Riffle 10 June 21 Bej trt 3-8 ft :37b June 17 Bel 5-8 ft 1:04hg vMay 29 Bel trt 5-8 ft-1:04h - L fiA 1 l Q B. g, 2, by The Doge Rugged Cross, by Gallant Fox. -OlDerr MJ - I I O and c Thornton and Dr. A. H. Davidson. 1954.. 0 0 0 0 vmer, Starr Ranch. Trainer, H. Tinker. ,500 . , June 26 Jam 1-2 ft :50b June 22 Jam 1-2 ft :52b June 18 Jam 1-2 ft :50hg 1 1 Br. by Olympia Recompense, by Reaping Reward. ilt-;na Pah fkA Q c, 2, alatine ret M I I Oreed B. M. Browning and Sons. 1954.. 1 0 0 0 iwner, Palatine Stable. Trainer, J. P. Smith. S7.500 . . . un19-544Aqu 5i f 1 :06Vfef t 30 117 33 48J 5 616 MornoPiz Mdn 77 RICnage117 Drogheda117 FabsVegs 12 fL0 DJnor kA I 1 O Ch. c, 2, by Bolero Piping By, by Piping Rock, ay tne riper IMJ I I O BreeoW, Mrs! M. Erlanger. 1954.. 4 0 2 1 ,870 Iwner, I. Bieber. Trainer, H. Jacobs. ,500 un21-542Aqu 5i f 1:07Vsft 6-5 A118 32 45J 241 AtksnTi 8000 83 GrndFindHS JllnBVIs112 RylGg 8 !un15-542Aqu 5if1:07ft 2i 116 11 21 2h 72"" AtksnTi 8000 86 PeteyWee116 GrandFind116 EarlyFt 8 lun 8-542Bel wc4i f :51ft 23eA118 8 85154 51 GuerihE6 7000 89 ComndMe118 Duckhunter118 Medico 12 ipr 9-541 Jam 5 f 1:02 m 2 A122 33 55 53J 31 BolandW c7500 78 QkTown113 T.GunGy113 SpVgStone 9 June 14 Jam 3-8 m :36h May 30 Jam 1-2 ft :50b May 23 Jam 3-8 ft :39b Ch. 2 by Hunters Moon IV. Pomparray, by Pompey. I utminf RunHIo kA 1 1 ft 9. VOUnt KUnaie UVIJ M O Breeder, C. T. Chenery. 1954.. 5 0 1 2 ,490 wner, M. J. Kaplan. Trainer, R. Greene. S7.500 ay19-54tBel wc41 f :52ft 21 A120 9 18J188 1681 NichIsJis c6500 78 6114 Fr"chNtie120 RsWge 27 fey 8-541 Bel wc 5 f :58sy 7-5 A115 4 31 32 24 GuerinEi 7500 84QuickTown118 EveryHr118 StephnM, 6 pr28-54iBel wc4Jf :51ft 81 118 5 82$ 43 35 HigIeyJ6 7500 87GaltSpd118 WireLine118 EarlyFoot16 ipr 9-543Jam 5f1:00gd 41 122 441 45 37 351 Nichols J 1 7500 82ExtraMan122 Emotion119 Flamncoll. 9 ipr 3-54Uam 5f1:01ft 12 118 55 881 6?i V ArcaroE4 10000 74Snoozie118 ShiningStar115 Galarch 10 June 24 Aqu 5-8 m 1:03h June 21 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:03b June 18 Aqu 3-4 ft 1:19b B. 2, by Challedon On the Double, by Sweep All. rVrtr Y.rr kA 11 ft g, urop mck, iryij i 1 5 Breeder, Ct A. Asbury and Soiu 1954.. 0 0 0 0 Owner, W. T. Markey. Trainer, L. Laurin. ,500 June 26 Aqu 1-2 ft :49h June 19 Aqu 3-8 ft :37b June 15 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:03b Wire Line M 118 iZiXtfisSF-", JaMpo- 71n n,m Owner, R. S.-Lytle. Trainer, G. H. Strate. ,500 Jun 9-54iBel wc5f :58 ft 15 114 9 941 62J 541 Ford B4 7500 84 Tulifinyl 14 GaltSpeedl 17 Productive 10 May29-54 Bel wc5f :57ft 41 111 6 43 36 36 FordB 9000 84 Hartsvillel 14 RoxysRket116 Ocpado 9 fey17-542Bel wc4if :52ft 4 117 8 82J 621 33 GuerinEi 10000 84 GoInPrince122 TheClaw122 Occupado 10 Apr28-54iBel wc41f :51ft 91 118 7 721 221 24 GuerinEi 7500 88GaltSpd118 MotRdle118 EarlyFoot16 Apr12-542Jam 5f1:00sy 2 118 551 65 6?1 7i WhseH2 10000 80 UncIeGus118 M.Chscake115 StMarks 7 Apr 3-541 Jam 5f1:01ft 21 118 21124 22 44 MorenoP5 10000 80 Snoozie118 ShiningStar115 Galarch 10 Mar 4-542S.A 3f :33ft 34f 113 12 1271104J FordRi4 Alw 90 HighVture! 15 Guerrero! 18 Duwamish 14 June 23 Bel 5-8 sy 1:01h June 22 Bel 1-2 ft :51b- June 19 Bel trt 5-8 ft 1:03h Nlml kA 1 1 O B. g, 2, by Nirgal Valdina Spirea, by Canon Law. irai lIVi; I I O Breeder, J. W. Galbreath. 1954.. 8 0 0 0 - Owner, Ada C Stable. Trainer, A. Scotti. S7.500 Jun16-54iAqu 5lf1:08ft 13 114 107 11141016 812 HetgerG2 5500 69 RoyalGang113 TongaPrince120 Balark 12 Jun 1-542 Bel WC5f :59 ft 48 111 1 64J 641 51 HetgerG2 7500 78 PapaCatl 11 GrandFind116 BlueLyric 7 May24-54iBel wc41f :51ft 9Jf 118 21 208119911413 GormanDS 7500 79Glimrgls118 PcefISltn118 TxFre22 May19-54iBel wc41f :52ft 5f 120 16 10211251189 PicouJ3 6500 78 GdFind 1J4 FrchNtie RsWge 27 May 6-541 Bel wc4H :53 ft 50 118 4 831 63 63J Gorman D? 7500 81 EarlyFoot118 MityTurf118 Caretaker 11 Apr19-543G.P 41 f :53Vft 103 118 8 111510131016 ScthrnK? Mdn 81 SnubbedM8 Unfltring113 GamePrce 12 Apr 6-543G.P 41 f :54 ft 12 113 7 121712161114 ScthnK4 10000 79 Derryi07 QueenswreHO MyrnaArlene 12 June 24 Aqu 5-8 m 1K5b June 21 Aqu 3-8 ft :38b June 15 Aqu 3-8 ft :37h IcnvnIKnv kA 1 1 ft Br- c 2 by zry Manhurst Heiio Miss, by Heliopolis. ISayOIDOy irvi; I I O Breeder, Newstead Farm. 1954.. 5 0 0 0 75 Owner, W. E. Schlusemeyer. Trainer, L Laurin. ,500 Jun18-54iAqu 5J f 1:07V5ft 3Je 117 12111216121218 McCyCio 1000070 0ccupado117 ChrisCross117 Cogitator 12 Jun14-544Aqu 51 f 1:06 ft 34 117 109J101211 181014 CoIeS7 Mdn 80 Devastation! 17 Blackway117 Dignitry 12 Apr26-543Bow 5J !.-01gd 201 111 12811110 98J 42J McKeeCi2 9000 86TeeSht119 CockFit114 GwsWwWw 12 Apr14-543Bow 4i f :54 ft 47 120 8 71 714 511 McKeeCio -7500 85 CockFit115 BettyBarr117 JnesError 12 Apr 2-543LH 41 f :55gd 22 120 12 11121014 8" McKeeC" 7500 74 GysW.Wow120 LeJour120 Fancy-Deb 12 June 26 Aqu 3-8 ft :37h June 11 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:05b June 8 Aqu 3-8 ft :36h Tll D;Ita kA 1 1 ft B. g, 2, by HierocIes-Miss Thrill, by Bull Lea. I Oil riKe V.Vi; O Breeder, Circled Farm. 1954.. 1 0 0 0 Owner, M. L. Kaufman. Trainer, E. L. Holton. S7.500 Jun16-54iAqu 5if1:08ft di 120 42 8312181116 OBrienCS 6500 65 RoyalGang113 TongaPrince120 Balark 12 June 24 Aqu 3-8 m :38hg June 15 Aqu 3-8 ft :37b June 12 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:04b MontaUk kjtvnfmilr KA 1 1 ft Ch. g, 2, by Lighthouse Flame of i India, by Flares. M I I O Breeder, Phantom Foals. 1954.. 4 0 0 0 Owner, Phantom Farm. Trainer, J. C. Lawrence. S7.500 - Jun 8-542Bel wc4i f :51ft 28 118 9 96 791 78 WallisG9 7000 84 ComndMe118 Duckhunter118 Medico 12 Jun 3-54iBel wc41f :52ft 109 118 8 62J 93J 84J WgrtW20 6500 82 MarstnMoor118 Productive118 Jerlou 25 May11-542Bel wc5f1:01gd 34 116 15 13118 1181 WallisG4 5500 61 Midafternnl 13 GrandFind 113 Jerlou 16 Apr28-54iBel wc4if :51ft 18e 118 9 4 118J1113 WeingtW3 7500 79GaltSpd118 WireLine118 MontRdle 16 June 23 Bel 3-8 sy :36h June 21 Bel 1-2 ft :54b May 22 Bel 1-2 sy :50b CA-, kA 1 1 C B. f, 2, by Mr. Busher Rosa Blanca, by Barranquero. rena mj I I J Breeder, R. R. Guest. 1954.. 9 0 0 2 75 Owner, Mrs. S. G. Steckler. Trainer, J. F. OBrien. ,500 Jun17-54iAqu 5if1:08ft 31 A119 21 331 321 3 GreenB5 6500 81 PetRewrd107 Cote dAzurllO Emotn 11 Jun 7-541 Bel wc4if :53ft 28 116 4 331 34 33J GreenBi 7000 78 DrmWrldlie SpyEncre116 PetRVd 14 May28-544Bel wc5f :59Vft 16 116 6 72 52J 42J GreenB3 6000 81 SkieRse113 PdmtBlelll Mrs.Caesr 11 May21-54iBel wc4if :52sy 35 118 22 238 226J239 CombstJ9 6500 76 Picot109 Sing andDance118 EscaLass27 May 7-541 Bel wc4if :52ft 46 116 10 82 5U 731 WdhseH? 7500 83 GirlCrzy109 Sing a.Dce116 Geomtic22 Apr29-542Bel wc41f :52ft 16 116 4 61 61J1261 BolandWi5 7500 78 Bestterml 16 Tulifiny116 RumBmble15 Apr22-544Jam 5f1:00ft 9 115 2h 31 4 51 o Gorman D4 Mdn 76 Clusium118 Devastation! 18 Anaconda 7 Feb24-546Hia 3f :33ft 17f 111 15 156H58J WallN? ScwS 85 Snooty111 RoyalPate117 MisterCarter 15 June 24 Aqu 1-2 m :50h June 16 Aqu 3-8 ft :37b June 4 Aqu 1-2 ft :50b Horses Shown Below on Also Eligible List and Not in Order of Post Positions. I Arlnu kA 1 1 ft Ch. c, 2, by Tiger Rebel Glen Kenney, by Burgoo King. jeriOU UVl O Breeder, Estate of Dr. W. Kenney. 1954.. 10 0 0 2 00 Owner, Mrs. C. Silvers. Trainer, T. W. Kelley. S7.500 Jun16-54iAqu 5lf1:08ft 3J 120 83 63J 571 551 ValenaAi2 650075 RoyalGangl 13 TongaPrince120 Balark 12 Jun 3-541 Bel wc41f :52ft 5Jf 118 7 721 31 31 McLinRi2 6500 85 MrstnMr118 Pdctive118 FusnBmb 25 May24-54iBel wc41f :51ft 14 113 9 52J107 8" StovallRi 7500 81 Glimrgls118 PcefISTtn118 TxFre22 May11-542Bel wc5f1K1gd 6ie 108 5 5i 4J 3U StovallR? 5000 69 Midaftrnn113 GrdFind 113 MtyTurf 16 May 3-541 Bel wc41f :53 sy 15e 119 6 6 74J 74 ColeS6 6000 80 EveryHour113 Annieanlouise111 Riffle 20 Apr28-54iBel wc4if :51ft 17f 118 1 31 107310" 0BrienJi6 7500 81 GaltSpd118 WireLine118 MontRdle 16 Apr19-543Jam 5f131gd 18 113 1012 9l 910 97 McLlinR4 5000 74StephnM.118 TwoGnGry112 Isotrpe 10 Apr14-54Uam 5f1:01ft 24 113 43 54J 6i 671 OBrienCio 6000 75 BlueLyric! 16 HeadPilot116 Riffle 10 June 15 Aqu 3-8 ft :37hg May 18 Aqu 3-8 ft :39b I i-rrnf occn kA 1 1 C B. f, 2, by Cosmic Bomb February, by Sir Gallahad III. LlZZareSSO vivi; I I D Breeder, H. H. Knight. 1954.. 4 0 0 0 Owner, Mrs. P. Godfrey. Trainer, N. Tallman. ,500 Jun!7-54iAqu 51 f l:08Vft 55 1051111 94 914 818 CanmieJio 5000 65 PetReward107 Cote dAzurllO Feria 11 Jun 7-541 Bel wc41f :53ft 13e 116 8 107J1314121O RenickJM 7000 71 DreamWorld!16 SpyEncorel16 Feria 14 Jun 2-54iBel wc41f :53ft 4Jf 116 17 186J148 1512 RenicW7 6500 68PollyWtts116 DrmWIdlie Mrs.Csar21 May26-54iBel wc4i f :53ft 6e 116 14 WtfViWl RenickJ5 J50073Tulifiny116 LdyBrownie111 Geomtric17 June 16 Bel 5-8 ft 1:04bg June 1 Bel trt 3-8 ft :40b May 8 Bel trt 1-2 m :53h Tonga frmce M tViSiandSfi-: 1 . Owmt, Harry L FarliTrsrtr J. Si Itt -"r. 4 J7and - , - Jimi6-54iAqu 51 f 1:08ft 9-5 120 721.411 22 221 MorenoH" 650078 RylGng113 Balark114 J44, CrossdSwrds ,JC 12 May12-543G.S 5f11gd 13 120 8 and 61 53J BoultisSl 10000 80PeteyWee112 Extract112 PowerRiderll May 3-544Bow 5f :59ft 19 115 95 8io 5" 47f ValentU3 7500 87CoolStrm112 NobleUd115 Mistemr12 tDead heat. Apr21-542Bow 41 f :53ft 36 120 8 79 611 610 Cutshw04 Mdn 87 TrueButts120 OurHro120 Capitalist 12 Apr 7-543Lrl 41 f :54y5ft 13. 120 4 9 914 88 CutshwOS Mdn 85 BillVeit120 PderFlask120 0lypiaWiz12 Mar22-543Lrl 41 f :53ft 81 118 4 77 714 714 BoultisS3 Mdn 85 GudBomb118 RadtPgy115 WrkMar 12 June 25 Bel trt 1-2 ft :43h June 22 Bel 3-4 ft 1:20b June 12 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:04b Vrtlficf YCllriSt fJuH 1 lft Ch. g, 2, by Hypnotist II. Valdina Opal, by Sortie. MJ I I O Breeaer, E. B. Wilkinson. 1954.. 3 0 0 1 50 Owner, E M. OBrien. Trainer, H. W. Williams. ,500 Jun23-54iAqu 5lf1:07sy 9ie 119 21 21 11 32 RoduezE4 6000 85 0isuBIu119 Pitlchry113 SmokdHam 10 Jun 3-541 Bel wc4if :52ft 5Jf 118 16 176 176J209 0BrienC3 6500 77 MarstnMoor118 Productive118 Jerlou 25 Apr 5-542Jam 5f :59ft 25 118 79 78J 581 514 GormanD7 Mdn78SmerTan118 Saskatchn118 DeepRun 7 June 22 Aqu 3-8 ft ?35h June 17 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:05b June 15 Aqu 3-8 ft :38b Wino Riivnr kA 11 ft Br. c, 2, by Unbreakable Key Ring, by Questionnaire, me DUyer IrVi; 1 5 Breeder, G. A. Dorland. 1954.. 0 0 0 0 Owner, R. P. Steckler. Trainer, J. Stillman. ,500 June 25 Aqu 3-4 ft 1:20b June 18 Aqu 1-2 ft :53b June 15 Aqu 1-2 ft :50h YnnlrPP JLcp hA 1 I Q Br. g. 2, by Star Pilot-Yankee Girl, by Reigh Count. lailKee ACe IIVIJ I I O Breetier, Mrs. V. S. Bragg. 1954.. 4 0 0 . 0 Owner, Vera S. Bragg- Trainer, J. W. Heary. ,500 Jun18-54iAqu 5i f 1 :07Vf t 11 117 8i 8131015 916 AtksnP 10000 72 0ccupado!17 ChrisCross117 Cogitator 12 Jun12-54iBel wc41f :51Vft 57 122 9 10?! 99 gsj ContrsJ2 12500 84 PgysBrdy122 DnHome122 Droghda 11 Jun 9-544Bel wc41 f :50ft 25 118 14 151U5141515 GlassrGH Mdn 80 Brookville118 Shimke118 FinalPo!e15 Jun 4-542 Bel WC5f :57ft 27 112 9 31 73J 78J ContrsJa 12500 83TheCIw1l1 BtviaBle1!6 GIdnPrce 9 June 26 Bel trt 1-2 ft :50h June 23 Bel trt 1-2 sy :50h June 16 Bel 1-2 ft :49h 7 FURLONGS out of chute. Northern Star, July 5, 1952-1:22-4-115. Purse wA A ,500. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 126 lbs. Non-winners of four races allowed si ZnQ QU " 3 lbs.; three races, 6 lbs.; two races, 10 lbs.; non-winners in 1954, 13 lbs. Claiming -price, ,500. Chart Book Today i Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. WL WL Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. WL Wt 21312 Rebel Coat Jun54 Bel 1:27 114 111 218484 Miss Tease Sep53 Atl 1:27 108 115 21848 Star Marque Jun54 Aqu 1:28 109 108 20102 Watch It Grow - 108 218473 Yang-Ke Jun54 Aqu 1:27 120 116 20542 Morans Bay 116 21473Sonora Bell May54 Bel 1:27sy109 113 DaUaI Prtrif - -111 Gr. g. 3, by Gino Rex Give Over, by Flight of Time. Kebel i-Oat I I I Breeder! T. E. Gilman. 1954.. 7 1 1 0 ,975 Owner, Saga Stable. Trainer, H. Williams, ,500 1953. .12 .0 0 3 ,050 Jun21-548Aqu 1l:49ft 15 112 791101610151017 WilsnRio 4000 49 SirMiron117 ExtraGirl 108 Platrpuss 11 Jun11-542Bel 11:39 ft 9f 116 104112161 2201 21 4 RichndCH 5000 65 Cochito 119 LittleLisa 114 Benzel 14 Jun 1-541 Bel 7f1:27ft 11f 114 10i 83J 33 1h RichndCi3 3500 73 BillCane114 Uncharted109 DarkPride 14 May25-54iBel 7f1:28ft 18f 112 95J 641 24 2"" BrsardR" 4000 68 MissTease113 BigClown117 Milanza14 May10-548Bel 11-81:54sy 20 117 32 132113331392 NichoIsJ3 5000 34 Coriantumr117 Cochito117 DrRichrd 14 May 1-547Bel 1 1:38ft 105 114 1471132M1161123 MannWi2 Mdn 58 Surmount114 Kirriemuir114 Finical 14 Apr23-54iJam 6 f 1:14 ft 5 119 961107311131011 WdheHio 6000 66 NVIAfre114 BnceBack116 DrkPride 13 Deu 3-534Bow 11:49 ft 14 112 34101 111 17 919 RichmdC3 Mdn 57 Cap-a-Pie120 WhTgHome117 Alazar 12 June 20 Aqu 1-2 ft :51b June 17 Aqu 3-4 ft 1:19b June 16 Aqu 1-2 ft :51b fnr MnrniiP hA 1 ftft Br- f 3 b Haltal Blue Marque, by Blue Larkspur. Mar Marque irvi; UO Breeder, Woodvale Farm. 1954.. 1 0 0 0 Owner, J. H. Clark. Trainer, J. S. Nash. ,500 1953.. 7 0 0 2 75 Jun25-542Aqu 7f1:27ft 33 109 2h 33 89 8i WdheH9- 3500 68TourIanx115 BlueEyes113 BIckerMail 12 Oct21-53Uam 6f1:15ft 61 113 42 66J11H1015 McCi 5000 55 Unknown 112 Platterpuss 113 Eocene 14 Oct 8-531 Bel wc6f1:11ft 16 113 5 41 5i 92 McCryC20 7000 73 Jiggle 109 SkySong 113 Lecount26 Oct 1-53iBel 6 f 1:14 ft 31 119 42 2b 22 441 McCryCio 6000 75 RosyField 108 SkySong 119 Hy-Sue14 Aug31-53iAqu 6f1:13ft 41 119 910101813251019 McCryC 8000 66 Melody Air 119 Waila119 Tourlanx14 Aug22-532Sar 51 f 1:08 ft 71 116 10H1121 918 89J McCryC2 Mdn 67 Beagem 116 OldGame 116 Diavolezza 13 Aug17-535Sar 5i f 1.-08 ft 31 116 53J 32 32 34J McCrW Mdn 72 Real0bjctive116 Beagm116 Diavolza 9 Aug11-535Sar 5lf17m 4 116 57 48 371 3" McCryC4 Mdn 68 CtbdSt116 DedtibleYou109 MyEst 6 June 22 Bel 5-8 ft 1:03h June 17 Bel trt 3-4 ft 1:19b June 16 Bel 3-8 ft :37b Ynnn K t 1 1 Ch. g, 3, by Basileus II. Hillblond, by Ksar. iang-re I I O Breeder, Bieber-Jacobs Stable. 1954.. 12 1 1 2 ,850 Owner, R. A. Hamilton. Trainer, J. Smallwood. ,500 Jun25-54iAqu 7f1:27ft 17 120 11111115 78 31 BauerR2 3500 71 Donfield 114 Adventuress 107 Benzel 11 Jun19-548Aqu 1 1-42:09ft 33 110 85J 741 781 713 BauerR6 40000 46 Blueldle 115 DoverDoll 114 Chum 9 Jun15-548Aqu 1-fc1:48ft 3J 120 5?i 45 58 39 ArcaroEl 3500 63 Gascony 114 JustaBreak 114 Chant 11 Jun 7-548Bel 1 1:41ft 41 116 991 68 361 27 ArcroEio 3500 59 Chry-Brch116 Gascny113 CstWde 11 May!7-548Bel 1 1:42ft 28 118 137 65 1h HI McKnaR2 , 3500 62HkyCnr114 FreeWl 114 ShwrsEnd 14 May10-548Bel 11-81:54sy 12 114 1321 8" 7" 614 0BrienCM 4500 52Coriantijmr117 Cochito117 DrRichrd 14 Apr30-547Bel 11-8 1:53Vfeft 11 114 1416121 1 815 793 WesteJ" 5500 63Sentiment118 Seventy-Fivel 16 AIW. 14 Apr20-54iJam 11:48ft 31 114 1215108 79 421 ArcaroEl 1 3500 65SunnyA1 122 Sevty-Fivel 18 SirMiron 12 June 5 Jam 5-8 ft 1:03h June 1 Jam 5-8 ft 1:04b May 28 Jam 3-8 ft :37b Cnnnrn Rail 1 1 B. f, 3, by Valdina Orphan Laris, by Pharamond II. OOnora Dell I 1 5 Breeder, Helis Stock Farm. 1954.. 9 2 1 0 ,075 Owner, Mrs. J. Kelley. Trainer, T. W. Kelley. ,500- 1953.. 22 1 2 1 ,000 Jun22-542Mth 6f1:12ft 4 112 23. 24 2h 1h SkellyJ7 4000 84 FredsGift114 PrexyMc114 LightspdIO May27-54iBel 6f1:13ft 11 116 2h 2h 461 57J WdheHio 5000 72LibbysFst112 Friprty107 SinggGirl 11 May10-54iBel 7 f1:27sy 12 109 11 131 12j ih. 0BrienC4 3500 72 DarkPride108 SirMiron113 Tornaboni 11 Apr27-54 Bel 7 f 1:27 ft 10e 112 109 32 42 57J McLinRio 4000 67 lndianSmoke117 Benzel117 FreeWill 14 Apr15-546G.P 6f1:12ft 22 114 941126111731163 SkellyJ6 5000 76 MollyHawk107 Wilchic112 MissB.V. 12 Mar30-544G.P 6f1:12ft 31 112 621 24 1h 24 ChurchK6 4000 81 SlySra107 ApcheLve105 SriseSirn 11 Mar13-54iG.P 11:46V6ft 5J 102 14 14 24 6?3 WallNio 4500 71 WithoutKinl 10 SomeGo109 OurCIdia 12 June 21 Mth 3-8 ft :36h June 16 Aqu 1-2 ft :53b June 1 Aqu 1-2 ft :51b Mice Tnc 1 I C B. f, 3, by Vejete Merry Flag, by American Flag. lYil5i lease I I Breeder, Point-A-View Stud Farm. 1954.. 5 1 0 0 ,450 Owner, J. J. Colando. Trainer, J. H. McTague. ,500 1953.. 9 1 0 1 ,250 Jun25-542Aqu 7 f 1:27m 61 115 3" 24 21 431 HetgerG? 3500 71 Tourlanx!15 BlueEyes!13 BIckerMail 12 Jun15-543Aqu .6 f 1:11 ft 31 109 21 21 53 681 HetgerG8-5000 79 SVnSpds115 EtrnIMike113 PkSds 14 Jun 3-542Bel 6f1:14ft 19 115 4 4 43 66 76 HetgerG6 500071 Gusto 107 Interval 112 Benzel 14 May25-54 7f1:28ft 51 113 11 2h 14 Ink HetgerGH 3500 68 RebelCoat 112 BigClown117 Milanza14 May22-54iBel 7 f 1:27 gd 16 110 62 31 221 551 HetgrG" 3500 69 Regal Favorl 10 LilsJoy116 Petsie14 Nov14-533G.S 6 f 1:13 ft 24 109 87 101411191015 SmithGLS 6000 68 RebaK.107 LibbysFstllO LonelyMaid 12 Nov 3-535G.S 6f1:13ft 42 105? 871 881111111" GreenR 6500 70 IsYours 112 A.Wanda 113 MayLeeH.12 June 21 Aqu 3-8 ft :37b May 19 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:03h May 15 Aqu 1-2 ft :51b Watch YYUlCll ir It GrOW varuw M 1 08 Ch- 3 Bushwaeker-Whisk Dolly, by Whiskaway. Vv; 1 UO Breeder, B. Jennings. 1954.. 5 0 0 1 50 Owner, J. Biroc. Trainer, M. A. Buxton. ,500 1953 .10 0 1 2 550 Jun11-542Bel 11:39 ft 9f 114 2h 79 14251424 R0uezE7 5000 55 Cochito 119 LittleLisa 114 Benzel 14 Jun 7-548Bel 1 1:41ft 71-113 451 58 917 719 RoduezE3 3500 47 Cherry Brnch! 16 Yang-Ke116 Gascony 11 May21-547Bel 11-81:54 sy 4Je 118 4 31 11121115 RodezE" 5000 54 Cochito118 Seventy-Fivel 18 LookAlive 14 May14-548Bel 11:47ft 71 113 121 121 21 343 RoduezE6 5000 70 lronGuy119 Tour!anx111 CherryBrnch 8 May 6-542Bel 6 f 1:13 ft 49 113 34 42 10101091 RodezEio 7500 75 Silurian109 RedRelic113 Guayana14 Nov13-536G.S 1-701:46ga 10 112. 13 12 741 891 BrecksJ" 6500 61 AlamedaKid105 Hi-Rk112 BlueScamp 11 Nov4-53iG.S 6f1:14ft 4 110 23 23 23 2" WillsWBS 4500 76 Ivachancel 11 Gylmplse106 RgItor 12 June 26 Jam 5-8 ft 1:02h June 22 Jam 1m ft 1:45b June 19 Jam 1-2 ft :50h fVloran Mornn7; S Bnv 1 1 A B- 9 3 b Jimn,y Moran Ferns Gal, by Fenelon. Day I o Breeder,. F. H. Stark. 1954.. 8 1 0 2 ,150 Owner, F. H. Stark. Trainer, E. Holton. ,500 Jun15-543Aqu 6 f 1:13 ft 2eA114 96 881 710 710 ArcaroEio 5000 77 SVnSpds115 EtrnIMike113 PkSds 14 Apr30-54iBel 6f1:13ft 2eA114 751 56 5?i 681 GormnDio 5000 75 RedRelic113 LbysFirst112 BWrstfte 14 Apr22-54Uam 6 f 1:13 ft 31 116 31 21 23 37 WdheH6 5000 75 TicdVal 13 Mr.Alse115 Imp inRprs 9 Apr14-542Jam 6 f 1:14 ft 23 113 1h 4 12 34 WdheHS 5000 75 CircsGal108 Ticondga118 BlueRiches 13 Apr 7-543Jam 6 f 1:13 ft 9-5 A113 3"" 21 331-433 OBrienCS 6000 78 GoldMoney108 Ticderoga116 Rsickle 9 Feb22-544Hia 6f1:11ft 41 115 54 3i 531 641 Nichols J7 9000 85 Turf Pic 112 Swivet116 Heorterll June 25 Aqu 3-8 ft :38b June 14 Aqu 3-8 m :37b June 9 Aqu 3-8 ft :38h ABOUT 1 1-2 MILES hurdles. Navarin, June 24, 1943-2:40 10 150. Purse 2fl Ann ,200. 4-year-olds .and upward. Claiming. Scale weights. Non-winners of ,800 u AvM twice since September 1 allowed 4 lbs.; ,800 once since September 1, 9 lbs.; ,800 in 1953-54, 13 lbs.; maidens five years old or upward, 17 lbs. Claiming price, X00: if for ,500, allowed 4 lbs. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. -Date. Track Rec WL Wt Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec Wt Wt 21307 Salemaker - 148 21551 AKwango 138 204383 Roll Call II. 148 201033 Semper Eadem " 152 035252 Marcheast 147 17497 Another Hyacinth 135 20438 Escargot 144 Coupled: Salemaker and Marcheast. CnlamnLar - 1 AO. B- 9, 8, by Old Radnor-Saucy Tess, by Monument OaiemOKer Breeder, F. A. Best Ireland. 1954.. 4 1 0 0 240 Owner, A. Stern. Trainer, J. V. H. Davis. ,500 1953.. 9 0 3 3 300 Jun21-543Aqu aU2:47hd 6 146 21 121 15 18 Eabyja 3500 CH Crag152 0rientalSuite142 BlackBid 10 Jun14-543Aqu a 11 2:44fm 63 144 521 6?3 717 716 FieldT6 3500 CH Escargot 144 Crag 144 RollCallll. 10 Jun 9-543 Bel a133:16hd 43e 139 55 44 37 413 FieldTi2 4000 CH BilgBear139 CottgeFIe139 Monterey 12 May28-543Bel a1 3-4 3:17fm 7 140 10H 817 715 712 FieldTS 4000 CH Kwango140 BiHgBear142 CotgeFIme 12 0ct10-533Lig a23:58ft e 137 33 1nk 44 353 ThmsDS HcpO CH KgCmndr149 Allfir143 Cp-De-Vite 8 Oct 7-533Lig a 2 4:08 gd e 145 68 44 321 34 SmickAP5 Alw CH CotgeFPe141 Cp-De-Vite145 SeaHro 8 Sep30-533Bel a 13 3:18ft 7-5 A150 9?3 541 33 29 JacksnES 3000 CH Marshlandll.142 BillgBear145 Fonda 9 Sep22-533Bel a13-4 3:16ft 2. 139 816 54 14 21 JackonE3 4000 CH Curly Joe 130 Blue Plate 148 Rewing 9 June 1 Bel trt 3-8 ft :38h Roll Cn II 14ft Br 9 9 b Felstead Island Voice, by Cameronian. rvuii wuii 11. 1 to Breeder, Sir Charles T. Pulley England. 1954.. 4 1 1 1 ,200 Owner, Sanford Stud Farm. Trainer, H. Hughes. ,500 1953. 4 0 3 0 540 Jun14-543Aqu a 4 2:44fm 8-5 152 34 543 591 3o EabyJ7 3500 CH Escargot 144 Crag 144 Kwango 10 May28-543Bel al 3-4 3:17fm 1 A151 531 321 431 431 EabyJ3 4000 CH Kwango140 BillgBear142 CotgeFIme 12 May18-543Bel a133:17fm 2151 121 14 4 21 EabyJ4 4000 CH SerEadm151 RedMtlet138 BilgBear 9 May 7-543Bel a133:17fm 5 137 14 1 1h 11 EabyJ5 4000 CH FidrsChce136 SemerEadem137 Coit 9 Jly24-533Mth a133:29Vgd 1 A147 321 491 522 520 EabyJ9 Alw CH KnksTwice153 Proceed156 SunShovr 9 Jun19-533Bel a133:13ft 31 142 23 12J 4 23 EabyJ7 AlwCHWrRhds142 WTmsbg142 RhmTiim 8 Jun12-533Bel a 13 3:13ft 7-5 A142 1h 4 11 223 EabyJ4 -00 CH WrRhdes141 Cp-De-Vite139 RWv 7 JuB 5-533Bel a133:16ft 83 148 Ih 221 11 2"k EabyJi 4000 CH Mrcheast145 Mltum inPrvo142 Spln If June 24 Bel trt 3-8 m :39b June 19 Bel trt 3-4 ft 1:1 8b June 11 Bel 3-4 ft 1:20b i 3 KStoE f!l?"Sft Mt S 53 31 HarrC2 AlwCHBattleWave144 OutPoint139 Flaw : J J 1 20 tomX a l ?1Sa g 2 3! 2, 14 14 ,HarrC4 3500 CH CP-de-Vite146 Wderpr2139 WrCdy 1 10 I2 S-ISAai nSfVo! SJSS Earr 4000 H Escarp 147 Proceed 147 FleurdeJofe 8 Storm a SSSSS J 11, 1i 2,1 HarrC6 4000 CH Flaw 137 WarCandy138 JoeHogan 7 isSSrt I I ?K S 1 , 1? HarrC8 4000 CH RollCal1 148 Mllm inPrvo142 Spleen 1 H b3 in? rande 139 7 5 3l f , HarrC7 6500 CH Errolfrd136 RomnWy139 KnksTwice g June June 23 23 Bel 2 trt 1-2 :54b sy June 18 Bel trt 5-8 ft 1:07b June 5 Bel Irt 5-8 ft 1:06b CSCargot - 144 Ch. g, 5, by Hierocles Mushroom, by Peace Chance. N Owner Mrs. C. E. Adams. Trainer, hJLVe$. sandOO g ll ! J 0 iUn5JquU.a1i2:44fm 7 144 lh 1h 1fl13 AdVnsFwSoCH Crag 144 RoHCallll 152 Kwangolo a ? K"tCaff1:15 fm 5i 141 21 31 2ti 22i SchulferF2 Alw Nairn 137 BeauBrokelll VairtViSn 7 7 3 SgomLH1 S J:!Ph 1? ISSS1?!??!!1 St0Va"R9 Mdn62Chateau117 SSffll? -HtahSS 13 1 Oct30-533Lrl 6 f 1:14 gd 12 122 55j 7" 714 7" LaneWi 8500 64 GldnPear109 L ftvrirVpiia T.rruR 2 Seffi1-SS!m 5f1:08ft 17 113 ?4 8ii 9io 99i RotzJLto 5500 71 cXdron114 Igffll? llde n 0 0ct17-538Pim 1 1-2 2:35ft 35 113 3n 3" 54 520 PreWJ" 3000 49 nSteht 2 q 9 Z June 24 Bel 3-8 sy :36h June 22 Bel 3-8 ft :37b June 21 Bel 1-2 ft :51b 1 Kwanqo 138 5- SbyOkapl-MissBess, by Coventry JO rt , T . . Breeder. Old Glory Farms. 1954 4 1 n 0 240 w Owner, K. Jensen. Trainer, K. Jensen. Hil m, n n n n?-g32AqU 1 V8 1:53y 53 114 Refused- NicholsJ? 3500 NovIRqstl 1 AionLdylM BtleMT"9 I ifcTalVJItTS!: ?! !S ??4:fCrFc2 CHEscargoVli Crag 144 RolSl l2 n 2 May18-54Be Sf lST 5s JS iandiJSiS , 2i, 2 4000 CH Bill9Bear142 CgeFIme140 RollCIII.12 5 5 In 55 JSlii1? 2 N.cholsJ 2 3500 74 Wardonna108 SirSidney118 SadZac13 I n0ct 7-533Be 11 a I Ocl N tor L 1 1 IIJL?? lo I32! 2 7 HobalesJ? 3500 W FdlrsChe139 Mshldll.143 SrEdm 9 9 J Se22Be MdnCH Out Point 151 Coveted 151 St. Quill I - June 22 Bel trt 3-8 ft :36h June 13 Bel trt 3-8 ft :37h June 4 Bel 3-4 ft 1:175b t Semper Eadem 1 S- by Annapolis-Lady Noel, by Gainsborough. C Owner . Bieber. Trainer, H. Jacobs. M sIT Jg" 4? 8 I SHs? 0 3 jSTiSH aJ?Shd8;ri S 2i35 McDdRS23wCSFIgComet137fVisUl37B 5 5C fiasSS f15m S ,1 J 131 McDdRi 45000 CSNightPatrol 140 Moot148 IndiahFire 10 ? 5 KISS6 a 3 i: !?Hm 3 143 22 2i 45 515 McDdRS5 AlwCH Neji142 Fulton 148 Sea Term 9 Kn S aV??andmC o2ki 22i 3li 2i 11 McDdRS2 4000CH RollCallll.151 RedMtlet138 BilgBear 9 KISrI a,2,4;l ?,sf 3;? 135 24 11 1nk McDdRS 3500 CSCherwell 149 Reduce140 Rallywood 8 SISrI 3 llMm 3 32i 2 33 31 McDdRS 4000CH RolICallll.137 FiddlersChoice136 Coit 9 5?"tor1 a1Ao1?of,!l04iJf 51h 464,t McDdRS8 3800HAIIflor148 FiddlersChoice145 - Crag 8 Oct 7-533Bel a12:48 gd 8-5 M51 42$ 44 43J 3 McDdRS3 3500 H FdlrsChe139 Mshldll.143 BnAdbi 9 1 June 9 Jam 5-8 ft 1:04b May 31 Jam 1-2 ft :51b Another Hyacinth M J IVi by Hyacinthus-Aughafarnan, by Wavetop. I Breeder, J. J. Mansfield Ireland. 1954. 3 n, d a t Tambur- -r 0 0 0 nrkr; Trainer, P. A. Tamburo. 00l S VlSrfiS J8 1S?1S?Si,n?13 SPWSCH Neji137 Rythminhim150 Corinthien13 i aSn l-sSII 3R 1 ? lvlf 1?1 143 12 32 7,6 735 ClingnDto Alw H OutPoint 147 SeaTerm131 Oneida 10 Jaiil4?io2 134 10102i116aii76. cigmanDS Alw tH Extra Pointsl 44 Hvvania131 IndSe ? June a Bel 3-4 sy 1.15h June 15 Bel 1-2 ft :50b June 12 Bel 1 1-8 ft 2:01h ... 6 FUW-ONGS. Doubfrab, June 27, 1942 1:10 4 125. Purse ,800. 4-year-olds Afh Anil a, uPward- Claiming. Non-winners of twtf races since May 15. Weight, 124 lbs Tin j-uju Non-winners of two races since April 24 allowed 4 lbs.; since March 31, 8 lbs.: non- winners since March 31, 12 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todayt S2A.a nSfh o1!3 , WL Wt ,nlexNo Horse- Date Track Rec. WL WL SS J ?-Fteh.. Apr53 Jam 1:12 118-112 214184 Family Man Jun53Aqu1:12 113 112 ; 2 J1?11 May53 GS1:10 112 116 20798 Dash for Cash Feb54 Hia 1:11 110 116 VoVZ yyC"l.ln Jun54Aqu1:12 108 107 214224Deep River Feb54SA1:10 116 111 X S"nwP0lu SepK Bel 1:11 121 112 Coupled: My Cut In and Family Man. 20802 Its No Use Dec53 TrP 1:12 112 112 Ala-Flash X 112 5- h,5 by Alquest-Lady Flash, by Poly or Ping Coates. Owner, Fleetway Stable. Trainer, P. J. Devhief S7 500 ill 14 1 1 5 jr?4"w?U JJUfSS 3 III III9? 23 WidmanA47l5O0 75 DmdHd11 N.TTllaS it !!2 7J! S?1 36 GormanD3 7000 82AchiHes113 Vertrees117 DiamondHead 7 hSottoSSi Vll 2? VW.l 1"k WidmanA2 5500 81 Mir?beau117 AxelMunthe 120 Siege 12 ?3"8Rp J 1 IfaJJ 1 22 I 2 5 I f,k 5,J GuerinEi 3500 62Girder117 Deux-Moulins110 FstWing 7 S gtor! IJcfJ22 11? ill V7 tl6 6uerinE7 5000 64 Blacktype116 Cellini 116 AlwysHome 8 12:3ryG1 33! 527 3,2 1113 GuerinE2 0350066 RrslWgllB Vertrees116 Deux-Mlins 6 Apr28-534Jam 11-81:54 ft 3 112 6t6i3 3ii3i3 LesterWi 7500 74 Cellini 120 Hiya-Sailor115 Isograde 6 June 26 Aqu 3-8 ft :37b June 24 Aqu 5-8 m 1:03hg June 21 Aqu 3-8 ft :38b All is Well 11 Dk- b- h 6 fay Heliopolis-Jamae, by Balladier. n ... Breeder. E. Lasker 1954 .4120 990 Owner, A. Lemnson. Trainer, E. Holton. 7 500 1953 9 3 2 2 sin Inn tn17"S.U SJHgSli: 54 24 2i ArcaroE3 785 lamarelicllBUvyEdnaWlSrs Zandwm II : 3;? 1 ?2 5 J 44 20 cn9mieJI 7500 82 Dash forCash 113 EliasG. 119 Ignition 7 c51:lS 5 5 773 713 713 WhseHi 12500 82 MasterAce116 Expletive114 EliasG. 9 S?TO?n, :3SS i11 11 WWseHS 7500 85LightStep112 EliasG.114 OberonH J? J"3tm Rf : S 41 21 7k Ju4 llk 773 BrienC8 7500 81 Heiress105 CedarJungIe112 GunPoint 8 Jv2?"S If i ?S l,h, 2 GormnD6 10000 84Chello119 Requisition114 MightyQuest 7 J btoS H S ?1! B 2l?i l,i3i 1J GormnD2 10000 84 Vigrs118 DstyDrlin113 MightyQst 8 Lq5i f 7:l2fil ill26117 2h 32 1h 2,3SchabH2 10000 89 HighBrkt11B Lnglt113 Fife andandm 7 June 24 Aqu a 3-4 m 1:14h June 15 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:02h June 5 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:01h My Cllt In 1 07 B- f b Shannon II. Litas Agent, by Special Agent. J.Y Rreeer D B L Stables. 1954 . 2 0 1 0 00 Owner M ; rM,.. t n uwner, M. S. Goldnamer. Trainer. P. Bieber. ejnn 1953 1 o o o SSwifi: SIVISJS eK 3515 2nk McCryd "6000 88 LongleatllS lgnition113 FamilyMan 8 A.5?TOAaqr HM1 fl 42 68 7lAtksonT6- 7500 80lamarelic116 All isWll 117 NxtStop 9 SSIShm 15 S fo 1 83 9M 924 WidmanA Alw 61 CperKettle118 Expletive111 SthPnt 9 rS?5"S!5m S I 53J413 61 62i WWseHS Alw77 RicaRsie113 HisDchs1.13 EtnalBtsy 6 fS 1m III1 S S f Lh ?1, 55i 66i WWeH2 Alw 77 Me 108 LaPerouse113 MissNancy 7 sSlsMJewrff J ?3SSS S 2 fJWWeH3 ScwS78SwtPTtie119PWtLs119GrcWr 8 P ISf A5i.V:2n Ino?1 115 4 645 54 43iErricoC4 Alw92Hula115 EquableullO Flirtatious 11 June ic 15 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:08b June 10 Aqu 7-8 ft 1:30hg June 6 Aqu 7-8 ft 1:32h Glin Point 112 by Chal,en9e Me Requisite, by Requested BrCeder J" Owner J A Ke.ley. W. ""bOO Trainer, J. Pascuma. l9 1 7 3 3 52H85 Mant le bIViKS 5 JK irSirf" Wallil itSSseConlrtbulfcMi Swoop 108 Bang t g Ma!IL K f m S 5 5i? 1 , , Hich0l5j3 12500 82 MasterAce116 Expletive114 EliasG. 9 . ?1b!, o3! 331 12,9 PicouJ8 1250070 Kingj0lie124 V-Two117 SPyDefense12 - fcsSS If 5:132 . SfHS-w. Virtus116 AtomicFmi4 Si?klesSnd 5 Oriwwhm ijl!2iS 51 US S! 51 M 64 6 p"MA 10000 36 BearMarket114Sugarfoot113 ByPrxy 6 I OctltllsS SJ:JS? S n3: S S W 6,12 Peru9n5A2 Alw69SandtoP122 HarlemMd 115 oJhgBy 7 I SJfS si ?2 f 3A 1SJ ?J 5?, il 1 ?eln A,w80 Fr-dmPrly112 BWktlM JnKSln 8 - 7 7 3 612 67 i ii 5w2 AndYnPS C7500 82Dash forCashllO Hadssh1l4 Vigrous 8 - j June 20 ja Jam 1m ft 1:43h June 17 Jam 1-2 ft :49b June 5 Jam 1-2 ft ;5Cb ItS NO Use 112 5- by ll.-Fib, by Westy Hogan. , Owner. Hampton Stable. Trainer, R. DeStefano! Cr" C3er"a"7S5ot" lg g andB MalJBe f 2 ! JS US fl l 11 III Hue,aA,4 Alw77 Mr.Turf 116 MasterAce113 TopThat 6 S-547G S 1Ali?S S ? Is1 !S 51 S Brien-CJ 12500 76 All atOnce119 PlusFours124 KinJolie 8 Sl8-544GS 5 iSS, S11!? Alw80Setubal112 GoaBit117 TheSpaniel 6 S 7-547Bel- IAwSS lAi-iSft in a 5 5 S3 S S? tisS 9500 81 TPBrass111 Cover0ff112 Mikeaby 7 May?26Be.1it13Tn:36hl2 WSIK J,75 Catspaw114 Permian117 PaperTiger 8 F Family Man 1 1 2 Sk- b7 hj G by Beau Pe-Now What, by Chance Play Owner, E. J. Arnold. Trainer, P. Bieber. Jg 2 3 ? 0 SSISaS!! BflwS SeAl! g.fiH44-42 NicholsJf7laX86Longleat1151C1Un1ignitSn9785 SeS"TOAnn , f,Ie S I 9 7 G2 NichoIsJ7 7500 84lamarelic116 All isWI1 117 NxtStop 9 C n l!Si7AqU ell1 ?i 116 9,8 8" o 7,8 516 NicholsJ7 7000 80 Puff 108 Informer 107 Vigorous 9 J 8l75?s2? 6 :S ? ISiSliSig g.W 6500 8Hadassah110 Sl 1 115 Triplta 8 I 111 IMs:ra5s Wl5Aau1?ftWi 116 6l843 2i1iiAtksonT2 7500 77 Longleat113 Semolina106 Hadassah 7 June 15 Aqu 1-2 ft .505b June 10 7-8 ft Aqu 1:29hg June 6 Aqu 3-4 ft 1:15h A Dash for Cash X 1 1 6 Ch- 9 7 by Peace Chance Absolution, by John P. Grier. Owner, Pennsylvania Farm. , Trainer, J. A. Coburn!"" amue jqo and 2 2 4 g I V7-t4SBeT gJhII; ! ? Vajenjs7 9Nxtgf May29-542Re lAuwl A t illVZ Yf Ue,aA7 6500 82 AM is WeII12 EliasG. 119 Ignition 7 J El4-542Be Bf lSS A u ? 4 S oS? A KsonJ! 1:5000 77 amVI!c115 lreneStn107 Remincelll 13 V June 26 Jam 1-2 ft :50b June 22 Jam 5-8 ft 1:01hg June 15 Jam 1-2 gd :49h F Deep River X 1 1 1 j. g, ,5, by Devil Diver-Filon dOr, by Sir Gallahad III. Owner, Suffolk Stable. Trainer, J. Stellman 500 lg I I ? a n -22,1 A1144 LJffl ifiAVsTiS 120 31 4Li4V. ALcaroE 7500 82AllisWell114 LightStep112 EliasG. 11 J2 J June 26 Aqti 3-8 ft :37b June 20 Aqu 7-8 ft 1:33b June 15 Aqu 3-8 ft :52h 1 i 3 : J I2 1 10 8 7 H g a 7 7 13 1 2 n 0 2 q 9 w I n 5 I 9 I 9 J 0 5 ? 1 i ; . - I I - - , F C n J A I J V F a n J2 f "A. ; " tir 14-11:42 3 111. Cant Wait Purse. Purs i- i Jrfl Hfk A n 1 1- ,500.. 3-year-oids Allowances.- Weiht,126 lbs.. Non-wkiners.of one race of 0 000 6 MHU ; l"Jl!4:a,i5d 5J-; W in 1954 or two races of 0,000 each in 1953-54, 9 lbs.; ,000 in 1954 or 0,000 in 1953, 13 lbs. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Tom4 ,nfcxNo. Horse. Date. Track Rec. Wt Wt. Index No. Horse. Date Track Rec WL W ??7293 ByuJLeepers Nov53LrH:46 122 113 22020 PaperTiger m5A Bel 1V44Vand 114 114 21310 Bobby Brocato Oct53 Jam 1:46 122 108 21310 Gigantic jjl 4na!mIree Jun54 Del 1:46 111 113 Coupled: Bobby Brocato and Gigantic, 21310 Porterhouse 121 By JeeDerS 11 3 ?? 3y War Jep Belgarian, by Agrarian. Owner, A. HH Smith. Trainer, T. m! wi!r W J j frfSSty UYIV ,12 4f, 33i 33J 3i GormanDi Alw 94 Due deFer121 I Appeal 121 Royal Btle 7 andS"S!m II 3 2 fl Zf 1 GuerinEZ HcpO 84CardTrick117 QuickLch122 PeterLane 9 M"Bel : 2jf2 and ,122 2i 423AtksonT2 Alw84QukLnch120 ButtevantlU PetrLane 5 ffSSsS JIRBK If J ! 11 fi1!1!!3 rnDn HcpS 82 EKing121 FbhennanlZI QukLunch 11 AprJ"oam 5AfISft 8i 119 4"k4"k42J84 GormanDS Alw 86 Revolt119 Privacy113 ErrardKing11 SSSwPSr S fKandIS 55 S 2GnDScwS80Permian114Spring7ide114pS M0V c,r, VfSS? G I22 2 11 2i GnDi ScwS 82Helnthus114 PntgStar114 WarDogs 11l Nov11-535Jam 6f1:12ft . 23 122 2i 2h 1i 113 GmnDio ScwS 85 CrdTrick122 FIFIight116 BbyBrc i 11! June 24 Bel 1m sy 1:41hg June 21 Bel trt 1-2 ft :54b June 7 Bel trt 3-8 ft :36h I Bobby BrOCatO X 108 5k 5- h Natchez-Dorothy Brown, by Brown King. i . ... , i wg Breeder. Mrs. J. W. Brown. 1954.. 7 1 2 1 1020 Owner, J. W. Brown. Trainer, J. B. Theall. 1953 21 2 3 2 4 500 Un2i"Aqr IVl1 I?" 17 753 S3J 75 BlyPJn ScwS 86 QuickLunch111 Revoltlli 1 DucdeFer13 AUni?"Bel ,6J:H5ft 116 54 i 53 52lArcaroE9 HcpO 85 CardTrickl 17 QuickLch122 PeterLane 9 llfH1 AhVSfi? 8ie12 87i 87i73 614 ShkerW? SpwS67Fisherman120 Galdar120 MelLeavittIO Klr 1 Yl :ft 0?JH 4f J2i13 25 BMeyPJi7 AlwS81Gigantic111 RdHnign111 SbFactor 17 KiSISeS A 5"5e 119 11 11 1h 31 Ba"eyPJ7 Alw84Mitylke112 RedHngan110 Gov.Brng 10 S S : fl :,122 43f I3, McLlinR4 Alw 93 SIpyMabeHOB ThdbirdUO SwitchO? 5 iii"SG : 6 S 0 48j33i 11i McLlinR4 Alw 85 DelTexMaid 110 Larrieweil 120 Rain 8 Nov11-535Jam 6f1:12ft 26e 122 95 55J 34J 423 ScurlkOS ScwS 82 ByJeepers122 CrdTrick122 FMIFIight 11 June 19 Aqu 1-2 ft :48h June 16 Aqu 7-8 ft 1:28h June 13 Aqu 5-8 sy 1:02h Palm Tree X 11 3 h- CJ 3y Shut Oul-ihine ll., by Hyperion. - . .... Breeder, Greentree Stud. Inc. 1954.. 6 1 1 0 0 300 Owner, Greentree Stable. Trainer, J. M. Gaver. 1953 6 2 0 1 2l25 fi JUJS! S !S S!ES2!5 f J AtknT12 ScwS76 Hi9hGun126 Rshermania Limelight 13 IlSSf i ft d 1ilS108f 812 8! Gr?enB12 AlwS 81 Chevatn108 FIIFIightHI Wr ofRses 14 S"8S 5 iS l- fiMll4,1 "13 ScwS86JetAction126 Buttevant126 HighGunH T-yfAA, 11 I11:S2r 1I! 4 i1i 1J 1i AtkinsonTS Alw 92 HighGun119 PaprTigr122 RmnSprg 6 P S iJiln5; f ? 3,7,4AlkynT7 ScwS82Correlation126Fishe9rman126HighGun 8 April 24, 1954 Daily Racing -7ir126 Form Time, 1:50. Apt 8-54yIam 6f 1:12sy 9-5 A118 96J 67J 37 22J AtksonP Alw 83 Catspaw116 Brisuet122 Chrysolite 11 0ct21-53Jam 11:44ft 83 12Z li 84 6H 3 -AtkonT ScwS BOFishermnlig ffl?il22 BbSS i" June 26 Bel 1-2 ft :46h June 24 Bel 3-4 sy 1:12n June 22 Bel 7-8 ft 1:28b Porterhouse 121 Bf- c, 3, by Endeavour ll. Red Stamp, by Bimelech. , . Breeder. Mrs. M. E. Person. 1954.. 5 2 0 0 265 0w"f. LJ9oen Farm. Trainer. C. Whittingham. 1953.. 8 5 0 0 34045 SlT 7o JVJ ii4 87i 88i BoIndW2 ScwS83QuickLunch111 Revoltlli DucdeFer13 1 c9l ?J ?J 610 917 BolandW9 ScwS 67 HighGun126 Fisherman126 Limelight 13 MSsrp L,n 1 t? :5w S"f S !lf f2, 54f 6? Bo,andW4 HcPS70HighGun116 Fisherman121 DivingBTd 7 andJ!"ISS i IJ l"!!, 7-5 f4i S I3i 1h BolndW7 HcP 93 H!larious 122 Caesar Did 113 Fly-Low 9 Sit"top. :S IS 5 Bo,andW Alw99Rolyat111 Musselshell 114 Juror 8 SS ?1r1? S i :4i5 21e o c f1 ?i fl 524 Bo,ndW4 ScwS60ErrardKing122 WarDngs122 NirgILd 5 Km15 !f5 i1: SLl J i3, 31 BoIdWM ScwS92Artismo122 Best Yeare 122 Pinetum 14 .SLr6Pfl:WL 118 11 43 25 lh BolandW2 SplW90ByJeepers118 Athenian118 HastyRoad 13 June 18 Aqu 5-8 ft V.OOfsh June 10 Bel 3-4 ft 1:14h June 3 Bel 5-8 ft 1:05b Paper Tiger 11 3 Sk- i- c 3 by Stymie-Ally Bal, by Challenger II. n ,. - a . . , , ... Breeder, Bieber-Jacobs Stable. 1954 . 9 3 1 2 0400 Owner. Mrs. E. D. Jacobs. Trainer. H. Jacobs. 1953 5 n n n 0 wo 590 See chart of Saturdays fifth race.- fclS 111! f 31, 2,i 21 Ca"9ieJ5 Alw73Privacy119 Permian122 FirstWatch 7 ffi 11! S 2 j:?iSi2K 5fiCan9eJi Alw 78 DivingBoard113FullFlight119 Privacy 9 !to t"w aSS oi A !2i 5?, ii, 1,i Can9 fnieJ2 Alw86Privacy119 FullFlight116 JohnB.P. 7 E?1?p !1H3! AtksonT Alw90Catspaw114 Permian117 JohnB.P. 8 fcSf i f S 3S 3i BolandW4 Alw 82 PalmTree116 HighGun1J9 RmnSprg 6 S ltl:ft J22 67i43Hi 1 AtksonTH Alw 83 RmnSprgllS ChrtmsGt118 BIkRc 11 ffiffifi! ft :??l?y S 3 57i 22ShokerW5 Mdn 79SurmouPnt113 Renoir114 BlackBounty 8 Apr12-544Jam 6f 1:13sy 21 114 1010H 653 54 McCrtyd Mdn74 Montgnais114 Ma2inga122 Astronaut 14 June 25 Jam 3-8 ft :36h June 19 Jam 5-8 ft 1:14h June 16 Jam 5-8 ft 1:02h Gigantic 1 21 5k- b: q 3 by Challedon Dorothy B. Jr., by Brown King. Owner. J. W. Brown. Trainer. J. B. Theat IWiM 1 0 ! SfAiZ ZiJilS S SJSiajia09 McLnR4 ScwS83QuickLunch111 RevoltHI DucdeFer13 MSISE 4 Sv 2 ?f ?S IVl IVIV. McLnR? ScwS71 HatyRd126 Corlation126 Hasyampa11 m 1 SmSt 7f S 3L J2 f Ji3 Z!4 7,8 McLiR, Alw 71 Correlation HastyRd118 RingKing 8 A20"W6B1 ll gf S 5 , 5, and fy112 ScwS84QuickLunch126 Remand126 Buttevant15 . AorKstm ll S GlassrG4 Hcp0 83RoyalVaIe126 Gideon114 Hilarious 8 ffiSowG J !5v? 5? JS 24 ?i4 B.rfa,rdR4 Hcp0 75ColdComd123 Hilarios126 Armagdon 7 P 1 1 KISFf " S 2iG 22 I I1? ? 51 4! McL linR3 AlwS 59 Correlation119 Goyamo119 BigCrest 16 Mar13-547F G 7e 111 1413 64 111:psft 44 1 3 McLnRi2 AlwS 82 ByBr-cto117 RdHnign111 SbFtor 17 June 24 Aqu 3-4 m 1:22b June 19 Aqu 1-2 ft :48h June 16 Aqu 7-8 ft 1:28h vt 6th Anil -u 1 FVRLOr.NGS out f chute. Northern Star, July 5, 1952-1:22-4-115. First ru THE DISTAFF HANDICAP. 525,000 added. 3-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Chart ,Boolclt Todays Chart Book Todays 0.. u,orieJ . Date. Track Rec .Wt Wt. Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. WL WL 1 ab-s C0,ce Jun54Aqu 1:22 115 108 19875 Emardee Feb54 Hia 1-24 112 112 D;S4 Grec,a" Qufen 113 19875 Home-Made Sep53 Aqu 1:24 114 116 M CarqtheNews Jun54 Aqu 1:21 114 112 201072 Tritium Aug53 Sar 1:26 121 108 VJEl ras-c,1alor,- , Feb54 Hia 1:23 110 115 19875 Sunshine Nell Jun53 Aqu 1:23 110 126 19875- Ga.nsboro Girl Jan53SA1:27 115 112 21075 On Your Own Jun54 Aqu 1:24 114 112 2 S p"cd,entally . 108 21177 Brazen Brat Apr53 Bow 1:23 114 125 riSSn SS -- MUn5iAqu1:23 , 119 107 Coupled: Fascinator and Incidentally; Outsmart and 19091 MissWeesie w Nov53 Bow 1:24 114 112 Home-Made. 19008 Outsmart Aug53 Sar 1:26 118 112 Mabs Choice 1 08 Sh- "? 5 Royal Charger-Tidings, by Knight of the Garter, , Breeder, Oranmore and Browne Ireland. 1954.. 15 0 5 0 ,800 nw d s- c u Howard- j t - V".?; Trainer, C. Whittingham. 1953 11 n 2 4 0450 fiWR? 1x1 iSS IS ilSH 2K 22i ValenlaA4 Alw84Cry theNws114 Vladm119 LaPVse 6 1m?"S IS If Sf fJ1 53i 42i VallaA HcpS91SshineNH125 SpingTp112 LaCdra15 iKjnwS SJflSSS 5 51 5122 ValuelaA2 Alw86MsWsie112 SpngTp112 CrythNs 6 KISS i67 !:U5 of 32? ?A ll l l 56i BolandW5 Alw87SpeedyWave116 0utsmart120 Slippy 7 22"5Ki :4JJJ Ji l2,3 Bo,andW5 HcP0 84Notdchce112 GroGirl 114 SuneNell 9 iEnwK ,7 ni ff?c4L S I3 ?i MorenoH4 AIw99SmtApple120 BestMaid113 Futatic 8 P Sn RfiV1!? 112 64 1 42i 2 MorenoH4 Alw 92 Best Maid114 FrigidUO Task Fleet 8 June 20 Bel trt 1-2 f t:49h June 16 Bel trt 3-8 ft :38b June 7 Bel 5-8 ft 1:0045h Grecian Queen X 1 1 3 S10 f 4 "HHiopon$ Obanla. by Questionnaire n .. ,T ...... . - Breeder. B. F. Whitaker. 1954.. 8 0 0 1 50 Owner, Mrs. B. F Whitaker. Trainer, J. P. Conway. 1953 12 7 1 7 s??q w iSSh ft!-JSS W i 2A I2, 11V3 GreenB7 Alw79CrashDive114 SouthPoint108 Bica?b 8 ?145RP. I 1 S2i 1?e Jn8 o?i III fit o8 ? GrfenB3 Alw 81 Cinda118 BlueRhymer113 Centenaire 10 9 9M 9" KUiB efl:lLS? .8e.122 ?12 BolandW4 Alw 78 Petal 108 SpeedyWave109 Hadassah 9 Apr15-545Jam 6 f :12ft 3 119 434.3s 45J 34 WdhseH3 Alw 79 Outsmartl 17 Petal117 Missou 7 SMWHhVf l?? A SSliJ!!! AttTS HcPS35GsbroGl109LavdrHl1MEmrdee10 SSTwS 3 iSitft 8 ?4 JS1?!?! 1I16 AutkinJ,10 HcpS79Fascinator110 LaVrHNMOS Atalanta 16 SmwhS Rf b5 1 !! S ?3 otl and and !h,kN7T Alw88Emardee116 WingStride118 Atalanta 8 117 7 RrfJ?. Jf 5,8 3 8,t841 Atrkso0?T3. Alw89 Fmardee105 Blenriam113 Armageddn 10 June 90 20 Bel trt 3-8 ft :36h June 12 Bel trt 5-8 ft 1:02h June 7 Bel trt 5-8 ft 1:03h Carry the NeWS 1 1 2 I fay Mahmoud Legend Bearer, by The Porter. v r. .. , . Breeder. C. V. Whitney. 1954.. 3 1 0 0 475 9".C;V. Whitney. Trainer, S. E. Veitch. 1953 14 2 1 2 2 375 in:2f52 S ll4 24, 23 1i 12iBrousrdR2-Alw87MabsChoice115Valadm119LaPer!sT6 . , i"pq.U 4? J f 75 6 611 614 WilsonR4 Alvi 78 FirstGInce124 Br-dly114 C.O.Drstt 7 Sr6 n6n:S JI 2 f 34 32 443 WdheHi Alw 83 MsWsie112 MbsChce109 SpngTp 6 iRp 1 "i22- 2 0 14 ,21 84 8i6WseHio HcPS70LaCrredra118 Nothirdchce111 HoSlI SSSllp AAul K f t Z5i w,dheH Alw 88 FreshMeadow 115 OpenShow 118 Find 11 2 el - 8 f Jt1 c5l 1S f 83 723 67i 73i wdheH5 HcpO 84 CaesarDid 112 DoReport 116 Hyphasis 9 9 3"5KKRrV?5Ll1B 5 34 4 34 WdhseH. Alw81Me109 OutsmartHS Flirtatious 8 June 26 Bel trt 5-8. ft 1:02h June 21 Bel trt 3-8 ft :35y5h June 9 Bel 5-8 ft 1:01h Fascinator 1 1 5 B- f 3 by War Jp Miracle Sister; by Bull Dog. ... , 1 1 Breeder, Maine Chance Farm. 1954.8 2 0 1 3 450 Owner, Maine Chance Farm. Trainer, I. K. Mourar. 1953 9 4 1 i wSn S?1i6A-qU Jtl: k IS 43 41i32i32 DeSpoA2 ScwS 79 0nYr0n113 EvegOutl 13 Happy Hood 11 May15-547p,m 1A :45ft 5 121 4 2 57 512 GormnDS ScwS 69 QnHopeful 121 GwenyB. 121 WaHa 9 St e ii 1 S f M VA ArCearoE8 ScwS69Riverina121 HayMood121 Qusnrfmel? 2 1 S"wpS 15 ll 11 DeSpoA3 ScwS93QWpeH121 BlueVlinllB SmMIFVr12 i wSi? H SJS1 5! ?n k o 111 f4! HenJI ScwS87QnHpfl121 ChkeeRse110 QnCline 7 fthtfwBE V? f ? iSM?? MorenoHHcpS31GsboroGl109LaVdrHl108Emrdee10 Feb22.547H.a 7 f 1:23 f 110 12 13 V ftgf 14 MornoHS HcpS 95 LavenderHill 105 Atalanta126 EnFleur16 June 24 Bel 1m sy 1:39h June 17 Bel 1-2 ft :47h June 14 Bel 7-8 sy 1:26h GainsborO Girl 1 1 2 Ch- 4, by Bernborough Chanlress. by Hyperion. cu , , i . Breeder. Miss M. W. Woolwine. 1954.. 10 2 2 1 3 550 Owner, Shawmut Stable. Trainer, T. J. Carroll. 1953 19 In? iln9"el J? VA 42i2,l1h B33CatnoA7 HcpS 90 SshineN11125 SpingTP112 LaCdVa 15 tandltBa ilw 3 5 18 5? S S RamislaH4 Alw88RealBrother115FranJr.112J1itParadel ii 114 1h lh yir7. n 2:4J !l 3,i 23 CatnoA4 HcpO 85 Notchce112 SuneNell 126 MbsCce 9 S1l"wS 1A1;5 51 !!? 2.2, 2, CataloA4 HcpSBIParhassuslW Sonic112 Pipe ofPeace 9 H -HL.; ,5 S 7 117 631 631 52i33 RamislaH3 Alw93Shrewd119 Columcille115 NutmegLad 9 Sl wSS V? S? 2 JS ,JM! CafanoA6HcpS47LavderHM08 Emdee120 WVgSfde 10 Jan28-Hia SSSJJS ! c : 4I 21! SJI! 65, 64 CatalnoAS Alw 92 Boots 108 ByeandBye109 NextStop 11 6f1:11 ft 17 114 93187 743 65J CatanoA- AIw88 Missou111 LaPerouse107 Centenaire 0 June 23 Bel trt 5-8 sy 1:02h June 19 Bel trt 5-8 ft 1K3b June 15 Bel trt 5-8 ft 1-03H Ilncidentally WtmZand1ft Owner, Mawie Chance Farm. Trainer, I. K.-Mwirar. . 1953 . 95 1 4,490 Jun19-54Mth 6f1:10ft 11 112 3n 78 85 715 GormnDt HcpS 78 BrazenBrat124 Cmda124 WingStride 8 May12-547G.S 6f 1:12gd 31121 5iJ 7710131210 BoulsSis ScwS75 0nYour0wn114 Jenjay121 Parlo16 ?Apr 7-545Jam 6f1:12ft 3i 121 11 1h 1h 31J BoultisS4 ScwS 83Trisong121 0penSsame121 MphsDeb10 0ct17-534Jam 6M:13ft 6J 119 41 3"" 34 78J WdeHi3 ScwS 70 IndianLegdllO CseGds119 SmIFavr 14 Sep30-537Atl 6f 1:11ft 9-5eA121 23 33J 3 5 ShukNio HcpS 80 Fsdnatr115 CseGoods115 Md ofFIt 11 Aug14-53Sar 5Jf1:05ft 2 123 2J 2J 33 34 GuerinE ScwS 84 EveningOut123 Riant119 Mainsail 6 Jly 4-53Mth 51 f 1:06ft 8-5 A119 31 1h 12 1J BoultisS3 ScwS 92 Riant 112 Pegeen116 FancyDiver 9 Jun29-53Aqu 5lf1:05r5ft 1 A119 53J 6 6?i 5?i GormnD ScwS 87 CaseGds113 Whn inRme129 FyDiver 6 June 16 Bel 3-8 ft :35h June 7 Bel 3-4 ft 1:13h May 9 Bel 3-8 sy :34h Potnl X s 1 Y7 Ch. f, 4, by Spy Snare Jetta T., by High Cloud. rettJI I v Breeder. Estate of J. B. Powers. 1954.. 8 1 3 0 ,625 Owner. Bee Gee Farm. Trainer, R. G. Elsbach. 1953 23 4 3 5 5,980 Jun22-54Aqu 7f1:24ft 3 119 5?i 5? 43J 57 Nicho!sJ3 Alw 80 Cry theNws114 MbsChe115 VTdm 6 May31-54?G.S 6f1:111sft 33 114 117121 115141513 RenickJ HcpS79 Lillal 113 Emardee114 SpeedyWave15 May20-544Bel 6f1:11Vandft 21 116 68J 6 68$ 45J RenickJ3 AIw87SpeedyWave116 0utsmart120 Slippy 7 May11-545Bel 6 f 1:12 gd 2 A108 68 523 1J 11 Renickjs Alw 89SpdyWave109 Hadssah116 MissWsie 9 Apr23-54Jam 6f1:11ft 6 112 7 7-l 53J 2 RenickJ HcpO 87 SunshineNell 126 Slippy 110 Outsmart 7 Apr15-545Jam 6f1:12ft 5 117 77$ 5 5 221 RenickJ Alw81 0utsmart117 GrecianQueen119 Missou 7 Apr 6-547 Jam 6 f 1:12 ft 23 116 78 65 42 21 RenickJ8 Alw 85 Hadassah115 Outsmart116 TinyReqst 8 June 17 Aqu 3-4 ft 1:13h June 12 Aqu 3-8 ft :37b June 7 Aqu 1-2 ft :50b Mice Wapcip 110 Ch- f 4 Jeep Miss Mud, by Mud. IVII5S YVee5ie I 1Z Breeder. Mrs. E, B. Lee. 1954 . 5 2 0 0 ,075 Owner, T. F. White. Trainer, T. F. White. 1953 21 5 3 0 0,000 Jun 1-545Bel 6f1:12ftft 1 A112 21 21 H 12 GlassrGS Alw 88 MbsChce109 SpngTp112 CrythNs 6 May26-544Bel 6f1:12V5ft 5J 112 3132 22 11 GlassrG3 Alw 88 Candina120 SpngTp112 TyRqust 6 May17-545Bel 6 f 1:12 ft 11 110 64 62J 6i 51 LesterW? HcpO 84 BrnBrat SuneNl 126 WingStride 9 Hay11-545Bel 6 f 1:12 gd 14 112 3 32 53 4i GlassnrG2 Alw 87 Petal 108 SpeedyWave109 Hadassah 9 May 6-545Bel 6f1:12ft 18 112 2h 4"" 33 53J GlassrGS Alw 83 PlusFours124 GameChnce117 Bradley 10 Dec 4-53Bow 6f1:11ft 6i 113 451 43 421 4 GlassrG3 HcpO 95 BzenBrat123 Africance102 Ballerina 7 Nov20-53Bow 7 f 1:24 ft 51 114 22 2 11 2i GlassW Alw 98 Ballerina 114 Petal 111 RicaRosie 7 Nov14-535Jam 6 f 1:11 ft 30 107 53J 55 5 43J GlaserGi HcpS 89SunsheNl 126 BrVnBrt112 Candna 10 June 22 Bel trt 3-4 ft 1:15h June 20 Bel trt 3-8 ft :37b June 15 Bel trt 1-2 ft :50h Outcmnrt 1 1 O B. f, 4, by Occupy Outdone, by Pompey. UUTSmaiT ll Z Breeder. A. G. Vanderbilt 1954.. 12 1 3 1 0,425 Owner, A. G. Vanderbilt Trainer, W. C. Winfrey. 1953 15 4 4 2 9,050 May31-547G.S 6f1:11Vfeft 12 115 63 43 43 56 CulneJ" HcpS 86 Lillal 113 Emardee114 SpeedyWave15 May26-54G.S 6f 1:11ft 4-5 A115 2h 1h "2h 2nk GuerinE Alw90SteprUppr114 Mrs.G.R.108 Atalanta 7 May20-544Bel 6f1:11Mft 5 120 23 21 2h 21 GuerinE2 Alw 93 Speedy Wavel 16 Slippy107 Petal 7 May11-545Bel 6 f 1:12 gd 31 116 551 63$ 43 51 GuerinEi Alw 87 Petal 108 SpeedyWave109 Hadassah 9 Apr23-54Jam 6 f 1:1154ft 2J 117 21 2h 2h 42 GuerinE4 HcpO 85 SunshineNell 126 Petal 112 Slippy 7 Apr15-545Jam 6f1:12ft 1117 1" 11 14 12 GuerinEi Alw 84 Petal117 GrecianQueen119 Missou 7 June 24 Bel trt 5-8 m 1:02h June 19 Bel trt 1-2 ft :49h June 15 Bel trt 5-8 ft 1."03h 1 1 0 Dk. b. f. 4, by Heliopolis Miss Drummond, by Pharamond II. Cmaraee I L Breeder. Coldstream Stud: 1954.. 13 3 1 1 0,400 Owner, Mrs. W. Gilroy. Trainer, G. M. Odom. 1953 11 2 1 2 3,400 Jun 9-54Bel 1.1:43ft 21 114 321 54 98J 9 WdeHU HcpS88SshineNll125 SpingTp112 LaCdra15 May31-547GS Bf1:11ft 17f 114 32 22 32 23 BoultisS2 HcpS 89 Lillal 113 SpdyWave114 StprUpper 15 Mav17-54Bel 6 f 1:12 ft 17 111 44 4J 5 44 OBrienCS HcpO 85 BrnBratm SuneNl 126 WingStride 9 May11-545Bel 6 f 112 gd 12 116 44 42 7 78J NicholsJ7 Alw 80 Petal 108 SpeedyWave109 Hadassah 9 Apr10-547GP 7f1:23ft 14 111 1h 2 22 5l WilnHB" HcpO 90Andre115 VerySpecial 113 RedCharger 12 Mar27-547GP 6f1:10ft 9J- 114 4iJ 63J 9? 9?i ScurlkD4 HcpO 83 Pomace 118 SirMango119 StopGapIO Mar17-547GP 1,V1:43ft 61 118 11 21 34 44$ WdheH3 HcpS 88 Atalanta122 LavndrHillHO Intencion 10 Mar 1-547Hia 1 1-8 1:57hy -12 120 2h 22 24 35$ BoultisSi HcpS 42 GboroG-l 109 LadrHl 108 WngSte 10 June 22 Aqu 3-4 sy 1:15h June 21 Bel 3-8 ft :38b June 18 Bel 5-8 ft 1:02b UUmA KAnAa 1 1 A B- fA b Occupy Plucky Maid, by Ariel Mome-Maae I I O Breeder. A. G. Vanderbilt 1954.. 7 1 1 0 ,750 Owner A. G. Vanderbilt Trainer, W. C. Winfrey. 1953 12 4 3 1 2,697 Jun 9-546Bel 1-fc 1:43ft 6 118 141512H 881127 GuerinEi HcpS 87 Ssh?neNH125 SpingTp112 LaCdra 15 Jun 3-54Bel 11:38 ft 2i 117 421 31 2h 2" GuerinE3 HcpO 84 LaCorredora122 Valdium113 Hdssh 5 May26-544Bel 6 f 1:12Vandft 4 115 54 42J 43i 541 StovallRi Alw83MsWsie112 Candina120 SpinngTp 6 May6-54Bel 11:45 ft 3J 118 m 7i 7J 88 GuerinE2 HcpO 78 Notdchce112 GroGirl 114 SuneNell 9 Apr30-545Bel 1 1:37ft 8-5 A115 65 551 H 1nk GuerinE Alw 85 WingStride! 11 Valadm114 Hadassah 7 Jan23-547S.A 1Je1:47 hy 14e 117 14H116 711 81 GuerinE? HcpS 57 CeriseReine121 LtWve112 WagWays 16 Jan15-547S.A 7 f 1:25sl 10e 119 14?11711012 71 GuerinEi HcpS 69 SmtBarbra119 Auntie116 CeriseRne 15 Dec31-537S.A 6 f 1:09 ft 11 122 12H12M12151291 GuerinES Alw 90 AlibhaiLynn115 VickiBlue112 UpFull 12 June 24 Bel trt 5-8 m 1:02h June 19 Bel trt 1-2 ft :4Sh June 16 Bel trt 5-8 ft 1:04b r Tritium f -Mi0 m Owner, Bntkmiit StaMe. Trainer, ft: HI; Bwth.- r;W2i ; , 1353wt mjM Jun11-547Bel 1 1:37ft 10 116 85 6i 47 2 ArcaroE4 Alw SI CrashDive1l9 BestAuber1f4 Icarian 11 Hay26-54G.S 6f1:11ft 21 108 6 6 61 6 HartackW5 Alw 84 StperUpperH4 Outsmrti 15 Mrs.G.R. 7 Aug29-535Sar 6f1:12ft 21 109. .9". 9" 7" 6 McCryCO Alw 76 Mr Kite110 Expletivelll Fly-Lo10 Aug12-53Sar 7f1:25ft 41 121 7i 7?1 50 3 WilnHB? ScwS 81 Candiana124 Home-Made12i Blerina 8 Jly29-537Mth 6 f 1:12 ft 12 118 94J 88 6s 3h WilnHB5 ScwS 88 MySin 115 Revolve 112 WillBeThere 12 Jly24-535Jam 6 f 1:12 ft 61 109 77J 54 65 75J AtksonT2 Alw 82 EliasG. 115 Wigwam 104 Chelloll May30-537Pitn 1:47gd 31 121 31 33 75i 75J Hanfordl5 ScwS 69 SpingTop121 Milspl 121 Wgs oMrn 10 May9-53Bel 1 1:39go 71 121 85 fr 521 34 WilnHB ScwS 73 SectMtg121 Wgs oMn12l QunsMn 12 June 25 Bel trt 5-8 ft 1:00h June 22 Bel trt 5-8 ft 1:03h June 19 Bel trt 1-2 ft :49h Sunshine junMime Nell Men X 1 z,D Oi; Ch. m, 6, by Sun Again Nellie Flag, by American Flag. Breeder. Calumet Farm. 1954 . 5 2 1 1 3185 Owner, M. J. Kaplan. Trainer, R. Green. 1953 18 5 5 3 6732 Jun 9-54Bel 1and1:43ft and 125 531 42 1" ArcroE" HcpS 94 SpingTp112 LaCWra125 MbsCce 15 May31-547G.S 6f1:115ft 31 126 14i414t3l3i2i09 WdseHS HcpS 83 Lillal 113 Emardee114 SpeedyWave15 ay17-54Bel 6 f 1:12 ft 6-5 A1 26 U 1h 11 2"" WdheHi HcpO 89 BrnBrat WingStride110 Emardee 9 May6-54Bel 11:45 ft 21 126 21 3"" 2h 31 WWeH8 HcpO 85 Notchce112 GroGirl 114 MabsChce 9 Apr23-54Jam 6f1:11ft 2 A126 31 3"" ih 11 WdheH5 HcpO 88 Petal 112 Slippy 110 Outsmart 7 Nov26-53Bow 1 1:46Vbsl 23122 411 22 11 ink WdeHio HcpS 90 UCordora123 SnnyDalel 19 Ballerina 14 Nov14-535Jam 6 f 1:11 ft 2J 126 31 32 2 1h WdseH4 HcpS 92BrazenBrt112 Canadna123 M.Weesie 10 Nov11-537G.S 1ft1:45sl 51 121 42 321 431 221 NichIsJM HcpS 80 Mi-Mrigld109 ArbActrsIM AtTnta 14 June 25 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:0334b June 21 Aqu 1m ft 1:43h June 18 Aqu -3-8 ft :37b On vii Your iwui Own vwii 1 19 . f 3 fay Bold Venture-lgual, by Equipoise. Breeder, King Ranch. 1954.. 6 3 1 0 2,900 Owner, King Ranch. Trainer, M. Hirsch. 1953.. 5 2 1 0 000 Jun19-54Aqu 1t 1:46ft 10 113 12 11 121 11 BoIdW" ScwS 81 Evening0ut113 Fascinatr121 HpyMd11 Jun14-545Aqu 7 f 1:23ft 7i 1141 11 1i 13j 21 HarrD Alw 90 Eveng0ut121 HpyMd 121 BsyNllie 10 May31-54?G.S -6f1:11ft 91 112 521 87177 and stouUi3 HcpS 86 Lillal 113 Emardee114 SpeedyWave15 May12-547G.S 6f1:12gd 12e 114 621 23 12 uj BoldWi5 ScwS 85 Jen jay 121 ParlolH Garstara16 Apr7-54Jam 6f1:12ft 1 121 21 31 421 77J BolandW3 ScwS78Trisong121 0penSsame121 Incidtally 10 Apr 1-545Jam 5lf1:05ft 51 112 221 13 14j BolandW" Alw 91 MurphsDeb111 Boldlmplll BigNight 12 Oct 3-535Bel wc61 f 1:16 ft 59 119 7 141314151417 GreenB ScwS 75 Porterhouse122 Artismo122 BstYrs14 June 26 Bel 1-2 ft :52b June 23 Bel 1-2 sy :52b June 17 Bel 3-8 ft :37b " Brazen uiuxeii uiui Braf 1 9 Ch- m 6 by sfcy Raider Geraldine, by Stimulus, LO Breeder. J. D. Ga. 1954..7 5 0 0 1,850 Owner, Mrs. S. M. Pistorio. Trainer, J. B. Bond. 1953. 27 5 6 4 2,650 Jun19-54Mth 6f1:10ft 51 124 611 3i 2 1 ShukN HcpS 93 Cinda124 WinningStride112 BlueRmr 8 May31-547G.S 6f 1:11Vbft 3le123 1291111012H13H HartkW3 HcpS 81 Lillal 113 Emardee114 SpeedyWave15 May17-54Bel 6 f 1:12 ft 41e 122 Zl 2h 21 Ink Cont HcpO 89SuseNell 126 WigStridellO Emrdee 9 May 6-547Bow 7f 1:23Msft 3-2 121 31 65 57 451 ShukN3 HcpS 95 Eatontown114 DnerWner110 BestAir 9 Apr17-54Bow 6f1:11sy 1 118 441 44J 32 1h ShukN5 HcpS 96 FrmParleylOS JustSidney112 Safety 5 Apr2-54Jam 51 f 1:05 ft 1-3 122 23 22 2h 113 ShukN2 Alw 93 TinyRequest 112 Missou . 118 RosClag 6 Mar20-54Lrl 6f 1:13Vfegd 3 115 12 in 11 1H ShukN2 HcpS 81 SvtVerthlie DinrWinr114 Eatontn 11 Dec4-53Bow 6f1:11ft 6-5e123 23 2J 1i ink ContasJ7 HcpO 96 Africance102 Ballerina117 MissWeesie 7 June 15 Del 3-4 ft 1:13h June 11 Del 3-4 ft 1:15b June 6 Del 1-2 ft :48b TiL Ann 11-8 M,LES tSunglo, Aug. 28, 1950-1:49-3-113. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and in U U upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races since March 31. Weight, 120 lbs. Non- - winners since June 12 allowed 3 lbs.; since March 31, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No. Horse. Oate. Track Rec WL Wt Index No. Horse. Date. Track Rec. WL Wt 21703 Unrest Feb54 Hia 1:51 121 117 21703 War Poppy Mar54GP1:55 113 117 21551 Peace Mission Apr53 Jam 1:54 114 114 215513 Battle Mount Jun54 Aqu 1:53 114 114 22017 Violinist Feb53 Hia 1:52 121 120 21557 Lea Rondi Dec53TrP 1:52 113 109 215512 Avon Lady Jun53 Del 1:53 107 109 llnract 1 1 7 B. h, 5, by Challenge Me Subura, by Pompey. unreb,: M Breeder. T. Young. 1954.. 19 3 1 3 ,405 Owner, S. Messana. Trainer, F. Martin. S3.500 1953 28 0 3 5 ,285 Jun24-548Aqu 7 f 1:26 ft 51 124 1181121412171213 RoduezE 400067 BigMister118 FanlisAIy120 Equbleu13 Jun16-548Aqu 11:47 22 115 44 521 99 10i WilsonR2 5000 65 Polo115 BoneChina111 PrincessRose.12 Jun12-548Bel 1 1-8 1:51 ft 41 116 311 62 61 6" WdhseH 500070 Dionysia113 Mr.Jmiesn111 TurksCap 7 Jun 2-548Bel 1and1:47ft 6 116 3" 11 431 5J WdhseH2 5000 65Harpes116 Letdown113 BoneChinalO May24-548Bel 1 1:39ft 51 114 11 1iJ 121 1J WdhseHS 5000 76 Polo 114 June Time 104 HarpeslO Apr27-548Bel 1 1-8 1:52ft 31 119 32 32 54 851 WdhseH7 5000 70Thoris 110 Nobility 119 LoneEaglelO Apr24-548Jam 1 1-8 1:52ft 3 113 1 1i 31 441 WdhseHi 6000 79CtyBay116 ReapgLove117 BoneCha 7 May 31 Aqu 3-8 gd :36h May 21 Aqu 3-8 sy :37b May 13 Aqu 3-8 ft :37b Peace Mission X 1 1 1 by Bayum. K!bS11g1 1?ft J ? fin 2500 62 FalseFront113 Maripam108 Ballawoodll m nai "8i 7ai 781 8io 910 oift n-iUrc?2 Zliroinm iiiJ?i,2 !H DiMroSio 3500 83 Mncn117 RceTQm115 KnsgtnTd 12 K53 S 118 2 I ! lllVAB4i ErrIcoC3 350072 FnlisAIy116 U.SXt112 0rJWm 5 0rt31-538JaS 1 il l 22 S 32 NlcJM,sJI 3500 50Violinist115 Vocabulary 113 CrosslocklJ 0ct28 S28.Slim 532Jarn Rfi.fS?1 111 and 01 812 813 Rod ezE6 3500 61 Dfonysia 101 SonFen114 MirabeaulO 45f 106? 9-3 07 71 . 663 BorstJi 3500 72 Hypalong 113 Carbeau112 Precession 14 , oune 13 flqu i-i ft 1.14b June 16 Aqu 3-8 ft :39b June 10 Aqu 7-8 ft 1:33hg - Violinist X 1 20 Br h G by Firsl Fidd.e Dinner Date, by Stimulus, a Owner I Bieber Train w H iarnt,c Breeder, W. P. Chrysler, Jr. 1954 .11 2 1 4 ,325 1 : ffiJSSS1 "tIiSU? SIlLSiS1?! l"rcaroE3 3500 79 Blueldle112 SonFenlll FightingWise 11 Mav28 548Rp ii qH25 2? 1 1i 34 CangieJio 3500 69September111 Sanctuary116 BootletU 7nJLf 3 S 81 117 3500 54 Adrastus1" BsesLed119Coriantmr 8 I "SS-MBBe S ?i !lo f I, 3500 76SheerWorth116 Brookshire116 Maijo 7 11 2i 119 csi 653 55 mm r aEotmai HrJSI1 58i AtksonT? 3500 69 DoverDoll 103 SonFen116 Option 8 , S1ffiam 1 $ Am 54 41 78 717 AtksonT? 3500 60 Nobility 115 Keno114 Churn 9 J WO-SWam 11;8 1:52m 2i 109S 33J 451 41 t m BlumW 5000 76 RoyalCastlel 19 Thor?s110 FlyingJet 7 J June 25 Jam 1-2 ft :50b June 12 Jam 1-2 ft :50b June 9 Jam 1-2 ft :49b i Avon Lady X 1 09 Eh- 6 by Market Wise-Jamesville, by Pompey Owner , A. G. Nelson. Trainer, F. J. MormHe. C 500 ? I 4 US ? SI-BeT 111 JITS IS iSSSiSag WHiS.77NVIR-,W1?Mil4V. l-548Be 1iai.wJf rS 3 3 7 E Combos 3500 67 Faces Eastl 09 Merman114 BattleMnt14 S26-548Be 18 1T1f mf !S ? S3 11 ombstJ6 3500 65 lmlnTrouble114 Raffy114 Merman 14 S 1-54iBe 11S 2 IIS. ? CombstJ4 3500 58SirAnhut114 Im InTrtlelM Brkshire13 AprU-sSjam RfVnvS m JSriU J1? ?.t0S,,R8- 3500 58Adrastus113 Br-kshire116 Ish-Kabble14 SS l-K3Bw -1 l B llLSfi? ,??theeRI 4000 68LawrinJM21 LaFor-na111 OurJnWm. 10 ftlWh 10812 1 1V J Ford,RE2 4000 76 Violinist 112 Suffazon 115 Patois 12 J" June 20 Z0 Bel Bel 7 7-8 8 ft 1.31b June 16 Bel trt 3-4 ft 1:18h j June 14 Bel trt 3-8 ft :38h . War Poppy 11 7 B. h, 7, by Roman Yellow Poppy, by Man o War. ! !AQuartfcr S. C Rowan. BrCedCr- H?Bb IS"1? I 0 0 I JSbISaS n,2 IS SPiW,3 BauerR653,3569BigMister118 FanlisAIy120 Equbtis Rfi 2 Sel Rf i f52 S I SM ?-287 BaUerR1 5000 78Longleat113 DeePRiver117 ldleMeory13 lW?i I f fJ 24 J S 77 7, g9,11l0BauerR9 5000 79 Thymus 116 Deep River 116 Iamare!ic13 X :1L 1 Ml VMX2B9 BauerRH 6000 74lfl114 Star of Persia 116 Seer 12 i7n a sSJpp 1?f S II III S f 5iBaerR2 Alw80Gumptious116 BeeArr112 Blacktype 9 SSwwrS ii S J? HI lit I3, 12i BauerR5 5000 91 Nepal 116 Sharbot113 StarShow12 JiUu31 119 5 J 5 1 8,1 710 AdamsJ7 5000 73ThePr116 RoyalGhost114 HugoYouGo 8 June 8 Jam i 3-4 ft 1:18bg June 3 Jam 3-4 ft 1:16h May 29 Jam 1-2 ft :49h Battle Mount 1 1 A B and 5 to Amphitheatre Teeter, by Equipoise. Owner N.Vartanian. Trainer. H. Goldberg BrCeder- """fefeo 3 10 0 I 0 75 jSmbSJS: llllf ? IKS 43 1J 3rR0duezE. 76NVIrVqst111Av S Ill ift 3 ? iS ? 25 IS 3500 65 Violinist 116 Blueldle 112 SonFenll 7f io?4tSf I 1 I 12L5f! oof GuerinE1 3500 68FacesEast109 Merman114 Raffy14 b MavlT S J f J?.81?! 11 Arcaro 3500 62 Idontknowl 16 KnitsHill 116 HamHksll 54 Be 7 Ma! 7fS2 S US i S? Suer n 3500 75eighsDouble119 Maijo104 SirAnhut14 4-54 Be S24 S lam I t IS ! 5 Jrl 115?, pnE14 350078TpComd118 Khumbba118 KnfghtsHl 14 P 114 V ?n.K4 111 .6. 12 99i Wid anA1 3500 68 FanelisAIylU SisrLouise109 SadZac 14 JUnP June ?l 21 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:03b May 30 Aqu 5-8 sy 1:02h May 26 Aqu 1-2 ft :52b Lea Rondi 1 09 Dk- b- c 4 by H9h Lea Vrondi, by Mahmoud. Owner, J. P. Acerno. R Ts IS 8 Trainer, J. P. Acerno 500 3 2 1 J l ! " 5 5 f?? ? 26 CangieJ5 3500 55FIgJet120 RobtDear114 MightySn 9 Jul lIK ?J 10 ? I4 43 43 73 914 GalssrGi 3500 63 Im inTr-ble117 ldontkw117 SirAnht 9 l51S?o 1 Ik J213 8101115 GlassnW 3500 55 lmInTroubIe114 Raffy114 Merman 14 ESilSK 7I :oLft, S ! 2i 32J45 55i CangieJi 5000 73 Blktype117 HMcynBd114 Mr.Jamsn 8 K1S 7i ? 1 It JtPltPV ;BrfenC- 5000 69LibertyLuck111 Prism113 PrincFpi" 13 fijamVs fWh 114 8 l1.i 6 iiJ P4,- CangWS 5000 71 Thoris111. HighSilver111 Bewitching .13 June ZZ Jam 3-8 ft :38b June 16 Jam 1-2 ft :50b June 8 Jam 3-8 ft :38b 8th AQU 1 1-8 J"- Sunglpw,. Aug. 28, 1950-1:49-3-113. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners of two races since March 31 Weight, 120 lbs Non-winners since June 12 allowed 3 lbs.; since March 31, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Chart Book todays Chart Book TodaVs od Horse- Date. Track Rec. WL WL Index No. Horse. Date. "e.raKec. Track Rec WL wt. WL wt 21551 Novel Request Jun54 Aqu 1:53 111 115 19177 Texola 21077 SirAnhut Mar53GP1:51 118 117 198774 Uncle Don ADr53GP1-53 121 117 , 21557 Robert Dear Feb53 Hia 1:53 116 114 204594Square Dancer " Aug53 AugsjAtii.M Atl 153 115 115 107 107 , 21696 Elmos Choice May54 Bel 1:53 103 112 NoYel ReaueSt X 1 1 " h- m G fay Requested Novette, by Noah. ! , B.IJ Breeder. J. L Cleveland. 1954 . 1 1 0 0 ,275 Owner, Mrs. P. Bieber. Trainer, - P. Bieber. 3 500 1953 24 2 1 o Km I Jun23-542Aqu .1 1-8 1:53sy 4 111 33J 2i 2J in. AtksonT 3500 77 AvonLdy109 B?tleMnt1 14 NewLibrtv 9 -0ct24-538Jam 11-81:53ft 12e 111 6i10i10i811i8 SchidlAH 3500 62 SteviesPl 118 KsSglM ?reVs"S 11 SSSJJIISS 2 J3J 5:2 9,6 9,5 SchmidlA2 3500 63MrraSaul i Oct 4-538Jam 11-8 1:54Vsft 20 110 68 6M 712 7" WdhseHi 3500 64 GeorgesGirl106 LabrooklH Mirabeau 7 Sep1 -538AqU 11:47 ft 31 116 6i j gts 7U Nichotsjs 3500 65 BundSTlS 1 -Clou m andS3hSlO Sep 1-538Aqu 11:48 ft 12 114 6H 918 gts 812 NichoIsJ4 3500 62 ElmosChce! 12 Semolina115 QuTcTalk 9 Aug27-538Sar 11:41 ft 8i 119 68J 7 G 5 NicholsJ7 3500 60 Pr-csRse114 KgsDsS , Aug18-538Sar 11:41ft 7i 119 2 KingsBaily Cl?udy Smak 44J 44J 42 AtksonT7 3500 67 113 11 7 June 19 Aqu 1m ft 1:44h June 15 Aqu 7-8 ft 1:30h June 13 Aqu 3-8 sy :37b SirAnhut 1 1 7 9j J b Grand SlamSupreme Way, by Supremus. ! .. Breeder, J. R. Williams. 1954.. 9 1 2 1 S42DO I Owner, Rita L Costello. Trainer, H .Jacobson. 3T 500 1953 22 2 2 2 mtk Jun19-548Aqu 1 1-4 2:09ft 22 112 73J 3i 6 63 ColeSB 04000 46 Blueldle 115 DoverDoll 114 Chum 9 fcKSsRf 1i1fg2- 57 5 ? It 5i25V ColeS4 3500 52DovrDl112 WskySour109 FstWing 8 May26-548Bel 11-81:54 ft 7 114 45 1h 13 17 Co eS 3500 69 Im inTble114 Brkshire114 AvonLadv Kay1l5j ie ,7 :L?d ? 1 4 87i 871 66 451ColeSi3 3500 70ReighsDble119 BattleMnt116 Maijo 4 May 5-541 Bel. 7f1:26ft 5 112 104J 62J 44 2J ColeS 350077 Pecon id 12 LawrinJr.120 LaFoSa14 Robert Dear 1 14 h--9?..4 and Basileus ll.-Miss B. Grable, by Action. , n. . T . .... Breeder. Bieber-Jacobs Stables. 1954.. 9 0 0 2 00 Owner, I. Bieber. Trainer, H. Jacobs. S3 500 1953 12 2 1 1 sinn i A JuSAqU 1 111 5f 58 8M72 BoIandW2 ,3500 63TopBet115 AlfesMomelM Merman 9 "2iSqiU l27!1 S i4 413 415 312 ArcaroE2 3500 49 FlygJet120 LeaRondi115 MightySn 9 K e 11-8 :54 ft 29 109 8i 83 7" 8 Canglejs 3500 50SirAnhut114 Im inTrb!e114 Brkshire13 K p6 1 J11 9W10171014 CangieJi 3500 67 ElmosChce111 LaFrtna 10 Wml 1 i "r61 61e 3,13,,14o1811 161021 AtksonT9 3500 60Adrastus113 Brkshire116 Ish-Sle 14 Apr2l"am JJiMS 1 ,5 ,113 42i 23 33 33JAtksonT3 3500 64UncleDon113 SantaDo108 toffy 7 Apr19-548Jam 11-81:54ft 14 113 3i 6i 65J 65J ShakerWS 3500 69 Payucano116 SonFenlll Nobuity7 , June 21 Jam 5-8 ft 1:03h June 14 Jam 1m m 1:48b June 11 Jam 3-4 ft 1:17b Elmos Choice 1 1 2 o,lc- 6;.by St Elmo ".-Chozn, by Mad Hatter. 1 14 Breeder, Mrs. D. V. Kellogg. 1954 11 1 n 1 M w J Owner, R. C. Hulit. Trainer, H. Dufford. S3 500 1953 15 2 1 2 Jun24-54iAqu 7 f 1:26 gd 11 115 121131713I2119 WirtkaSo 71 SirSidney12D Bewitchingl 4 SelecUvelS Mn"3J? 1 l1 15 I09 88i 83J 4i 41 WirchkiJS 3500 58 DovrDl 112 YWm PSll l M"f1e 11-81:54 ft 4 111 65J73 55 51 WirskiJ7 3500 63 Adrastus111 BsesLded119 Cwiantmr 8 S"S?e iJlfJS S liL85,i3i 13iWir-skU8 3500 81 LaFortunaYlO Merman116 SantaDo 11 Xay 51f0ie 1",8J:Sft 13 68 6?3 53 42 StovIIRio 3500 70Chum111 BlueRepeater113 BelldiverlO Kayllljie tf9d 1? Ill 33i54J 67 6io WirchkiJ2 3500 65 BayHash117 DovrDl 1115 FlyingMne 8 i May4-548Bel 11:45sy 91 113 5 55J 43J 4 WirchkiJS 4000 78 BayHash115 DoverDoll 115 Septembers June 22 Bel 1-2 ft :50b June 16 Bel 1-2 ft :50b June 12 Bel trt 1-2 ft :50h TeXOla 11 4 ir- 9J 4 by J?""- Tex Martin-Lady Olambala, by Olambala. 1 f 4 . . Breeder, L. Hadcock. 1954.. 5 0 0 0 n e -r - Owner, Sunny Acres. Trainer, I. A. Burgess. S3 500 1953 10 1 0 o av Jun 2-542Bel 7f1:27y5ft 48 116 1H1 7J. 6b 57 0BrienC3 3500 64September111 Sanctuarv116 Violinist 11 I2ay205421 7,fl:25f 38 11111211.71114 VincentF2 3500 67 ElmoS WrHel 1lt1:46 ft 38 108 74 1011 911 515 CngmieJ6 3500 66Adrastus113 Brkshire116 1 Ish-Kabble 14 APr21-543Jam 6f1:13ft 49 109 74J1012 8" 8io StovallRi 350070 QualyPlusI 09 ReS Apr13-543Jam 6f1:13Vtft 65 11310H01810181017 HarrlerD 3500 64 FIy.Tuck116 Mrie-Gilbt113 Bimfort 10 odfifiSS: 1!"il:47 8 l074?i71t79 72D Oct16-53Jain 1A1:47ft 37 107J 781 73 DeStnoR3 541 4000 69 Ravioli 120 Brunswick 120 Zop12 June 22 Jam 3-8 ft :38b June 19 Jam 1m ft 1:46b June 15 Jam 3-4 gd 1:17b Uncle Don 11 7 P,k- b: 9 7 by Heliopolis-Newbittle, by Chateau Bouscaut n . . . .... Breeder. Mrs. John Hertz. 1934.. 9 1 1 0 500 l Owner, Starr Ranch. Trainer, H. Tinker. S3 500 1953 2 0 0 0 i i I mSmSSm i!1!i2S S 111 13H31 5c4J 43 BauerR2 69IInTrtlelT7 ldSuWl7AJirT9 0 May28-548Bel 11-81:54. ft 12 113 541 67 65J RichardJi 3500 61 Adrastuslll BsesLded119 Coriantmr 8 A r,ay1e lll2 3i 113 410 57 49 4iOMcLlinR6 35O0 54Holande 119 Thum114 6 A AMrd 861 1 :5cUl c21 119 512 59 48 47McLlinR5 350071 FgMane114 Dsh-O-L 119 SreyG 6 A Apr21-548Jam 1 1 -8 1:55ft 6-5 M13 67 45J 21 12 McLhW 3500 68 SantaDo108 RobertDeartlS I Raffv 7 M SMJam , IVW1 51 113 21 2ti 33i 2i RhardJ2 3500 74 FirstWing ,108 Thorisl Ra j 7 A ? Mar4-549G P 1 1-4 2:04ft 73 114 81UH3101710.9 RichardJ4 AIw58 FirstHeir120 BfMLasslOS CapnGabe 11 June 26 Jam 5-8 ft 1:04b . . June 22 Jam 3-4 ft 1:17b June 16 Jam 1-2 ft :51b U Square Dancer X 1 07 mi 5 g ,"9 Rock-Dairy Lady, by Milkman. u , . . - Breeder. Rolling Plains Stable. 1954. .10 2 0 1 130 Owner, Harry L Farm. Trainer, J. S. Nash. S3 5 00 1953 14 n ulfn Jun14-548Det 1-701:43 ft 48 112 8io 841 771 45J PurserJi 2750 85 In A Spin122 Mr G119 WithSwords 8 0 Jun 1-547Det 11:52 51 112 B 7" 5H 513 PurserR7 2CX39ColetWd105 May29-549Det 1 A 1:47ft 22 115 10.109 771 5H PurserJ7 2500 69 LmarkGal 115 almBay 114 StbtBil 13 1 May21-549Det 11:47ft 22 110 61 34 33 1" PurserJ9 2000 77 DaSel 17 May 8-544Pim 1 1-8 1:55ft 71 113 10" 9i4 8is 917 ShukN8 3000 60 Hocotia113 BlueHIHsIM Nora!sWat?h 2 M Apr 8-547Lrl 1A1:47ft 73 119 1013 751 5? 43 BoultisS 3500 75 Ed-EIIsGal 111 Patois114 Zevette12M June 25 Bel trt 1-2 ft :52ysb June 13 Det 3-8 m :37b May 14 Lrl 5-8 ft 1:03 Di