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CRETE TRAIN SCHEDULE Two special trains will ply daily between i Lincoln Fields and Chicago over the tracks 3 of the C. and E. I. Railroad, it was announced - today. The first of these specials 3 will leave the Dearborn Station at Polk and I Dearborn streets at 12:40 Chicago daylight t saving time, and the second will leave at b 1:10. The last one will arrive at the track L in plenty of time for the first race which is 3 scheduled for 2:15 oclock. Returning, the j first train will leave as soon as it is filled I and the second shortly afterwards. For the accommodation of track employes 3 and others, the C. and E. I. train which i leaves here for Evansville, Ind., at 9 a. m., , Chicago daylight saving time, will s,top at L Lincoln Fields for the discharge of passengers. -