untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1953-05-09


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Your best het tonight is r. Jfflf POST TIME 3:30 P.M. Wa* ffl : , Jy. IS|pil»;: - • Nine races nightly except Sunday! • Heated club- HOW TO GET THERE: North Ave. Trolley bUS; wes.chesfer "r; Biue I . , , , Bird Bus. Northwests™ R.?.; Chicago, Aurora and Elgin R.R. house and grandstand mezzanine! • New Daily Double - . , . tr . , „„ . _ . „ m Schedule of Special Maywood Park Bases "Tote" Machines! * Luxurious clubhouse restaurant! * II I EfafcJBfl l00P i». »««i »«i«i *:M m 7 a fJi. I5M| i U Crawford* *K*mgto*. ..:3e to 7:45 fj» Plenty of parking space! m MJ nHVMi wfST SlOEi»ci"wi*»adiswi i.stfJMtM. "»|T[ 3rS"|Lk lv. Austin * Modison 7:00 to 8 00 P M SL -7Jr av. lUword Avt. 1" 7MTM. MAYWOOO PARK WSffi "4s=8a ■ ■■■ra ■ WWkWaW£mW rffl|%|% fn..TH r.npUv. 63rd tCottoae Grove ...4 30 to 7:15 PJI *l«»»*»l- M5,.7:«fi.. - - - _am*imi NORTH AVENUE AND RIVER ROAD • 1600 NORTH • 8600 WEST pJS5m3S3% HUmTiandTandwiF**

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1953050901/drf1953050901_15_4
Local Identifier: drf1953050901_15_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800