Track Records and Comparative Times, Daily Racing Form, 1953-08-29

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TRACK RECORDS AND COMPARATIVE TIMES Herewith are the comparative track records for the distances more frequently raced at the major tracks. The value of such information is apparent at a glance when considered in connection with best time of each horse appearing in the entries. , , 1-2 5-8 51-2 3-4 7-8 1 1 Mile 11-16 11-8 11-4 Track. Ulk. Mile. Furlongs. Mile. Mile. Mile. 70 Yards. Miles. Miles. Miles. Aqueduct 59 1:0456 1:10 1:22 1:4256 1:49 2:01 Arlington Park 8 1:03 1:0856 1:22 1:34 1:42 1:45 1:48 2:01 Atlantic City 59 1.-0356 1:09 1:42 1:4856 2:0154 Bay Meadows .-46 5856 1:05 1:09 1:35 1:41 1:41 1:49 2:01 Belmont Parle 58 1:04 1:09 1:22 1:3456 1:42 1:4756 2:00 Beulah Parle :45 59 1:04 1:10 ... 1:36 1:41 1:43 1:51 2:04 JBel Air 58 1:25 1:38 1:42 1:44 1:53 2:07 Blue Bonnets :48 59 1:05 1:11 1:24 1:36 1:51 2:04 Bowie rf6 59 1:05 1:10 1:23 1:39 1:43 1:44 1:52 2:07 Centennial Race Track .. 57 1:03 1:09 ... 1:36 ... 1:43 1:50 2:04 tCharles Town :46 1:00 .. 1:14 1:23 .. .. 1:45 1:5156 2:05 Churchill Downs .-46 58 1:04 1:10 1:22 1:35 1:41 1:43 1:4956 2:01 Connaught Park 1:00 1:05 i:n 1:29 1:39 1:43 1:45 1:52 2:06 Dade Park 58 1:05 1:10 1:25 1:37 1:45 1:50 2:04 Del Mar 1:00 1:03 1:09 ... 1:35 ... 1:41 1:47 2:03 Delaware Park 58 1:04 1:09 1:41 1:42 1:48 2:00 Detroit 58 1:05 1:09 ... 1:37 1:41 1:43 1:49 2:04 Fair Grounds rf6 59 1:05 1:10 1:24 1:37 1:41 1:43 1:49 2:04 Fairmount Park .47 59 1:05 1:10 ... 1:38 1:41 1:43 1:51 2:03 Fort Erie -49 59 1:05 1:10 1:25 1:37 1:41 1:43 1:50 2:025fc Garden State Park . 58 1:05 1:09 .... 1:37 1:40 1:42 1:48 2:01 Golden Gate, Fields :47 57 1:04 1:08 ..... 1:33 1:41 1:46 1:58 Gulfstream Park :46 .. 1:03 1:09 1:22 ... 1:40 1:42 1:4856 1:59 tHagerstwon . 1.-03 1:48 1:5656 Hamilton. Ont H8 59 1:05 1:10 1:24 1:39 1:41" 1:43 1:50 2:04 Havana :47 59 1:05 1:10 1:27 1:38 1:42 1:41 1:48 2:02 Hawthorne :48 59 1:05 1:09 1:25 1:37 1:41 1:42 1:49 2:01 Hazel Park ... 1:06 1:11 ..... 1:38 ... 1:44 1.52 Hialeah Park ..... 1:05 1:09 1:22 1:36 ... 1:43 1:47 2:01 Hipodromo de Tijuana formerly Auga Caliente AWs 58 1:03 1:09 1:23 1:36 1:41 1:42 1:49 2:02 Hollywood Park 57 1:04" 1:09 1:21 1:35 ... 1:41 1:48 1:59 Jamaica 58 1:03 1:09 1:38 1:40 1:42 1:49 2:01 Keeneland :45 .... 1:0556 1:10 1:22 1:42 1:49 2.-03 Lansdowne Park , :47 59 1:04 1:10 ... 1:37 1:42 1:42 1:49 2:04 Laurel Park ; ... 59 1:04 1:09 1:26 1:37 1:41 1:42 1:49 2:02 tLIncoln Downs 58 1:25 1:37 1:42 1:44 2:07 Lincoln Fields 59 1:04 1:10 1:2256 1:34 .... 1:43 1:50 2:03 Long Branch M 59 1:05 1:10 1:27 1:39 1:41 1:44 1:51 2:05 Longacres 58 1:04 1:09 1:23 1:35 1:42 1:41 1:49 2:03 tMexico City 5 57 1:03 1:10 1:24 1:36 ..... 1:43 1:49 2:05 Monmouth Park 58 1:04 1:09 ... 1:37 1:42 1:43 1:50 2:01 Narragansett Park ; H7 59 1:04 1:10 1:37 1:41 1:43 1:49 2:06 Oaklawn Park :46 1:00 1:04 1:10 1:25 1:39 1:40 1:42 1:49 2:04 Omaha :47 58 1:04 1:09 1:26 1:37 1:40 1:43 1:51 2:05 Phoenix" 57 1:03 1:10 1:38 1:41 1:44 1:51 2:03 Pimlico :47 59 1:04 1:10 1:26 1:37 1:42 1:42 1:50 2:04 Portland Meadows : :47 58 1:04 1:10 ... 1:36 ... 1:44 1:50 ... Randall Park , 58 1:04 1:10 ... 1:39 1:41 1:43 1:49 2:05 River Downs : 58 1:04 1:09 1:36 1:40 1:42 1:49 2:02 Rockingham Park :48 58 1:04 1:0956 1:26 1:36 ... 1:42 1:49 2:05 Santa Anita Park :46 58 1:04 1:09 1:21 1:35 1:41 1:48 2:00 Saratoga :47 57 13 1.09 1:23 1:35 1:43 1:45 1:50 2:01 Scarborough Downs 1:07 1:11 ... ... 1:43 1:45 1:52 2:06 tSportsmans Park Chicago 59 1:25 ... 1:46 1:46 1:53 ... tSportsmans Park Phoenix....... ... 59 1:26 1:45 1:46 1:53 Stamford Park 1:00 1-05 1:10 ..... 1:38 1:42 1:44 1:52 2:05 Suffolk Downs M7 58 1:04 1:09 .. 1:36 1:41 1:43 1:48 2:01 Sunshine Park :48 1:02 1:05 1:10 ... 1:40 1:43 1:44 1:53 2:20 Tanforan 59 1:06 1:10 ... 1:39 1:41 1:42 1:50 2:02 ThistleDown Park :49 58 1:06 1:10 ... 1:37 1:44 1:43 1:50 2:04 Thorncliffe Park :48 59 1:06 1:10 1:24 1:38 1:42 1:44 1:50 2:06 Tropical Park :46 59 1:03 1:09 1:25 1:36 1:40 1:42 1:48 Washington Park 57 1:03 1:09 1:21 1:33 1:40 1:44 1:48 2:00 Waterford Park 58 ... 1:10 1:42 1:44 1:50 2:05 tWheeling Downs 59 1:45 1:54 ... Woodbine Park :47 58 1:03 1:10 1:26 1:38 1:42 1:43 1:50 2:04 About distance, indicates less than one mile track. WIdener Course 4J furlongs. -.49; 5-8 mile, :55; 5 furlongs, 1:01; 6 furlongs, 1:08; 6 furlongs, 1:14; 7-8 mile, 1:19.

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