Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1953-08-29

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Alphabetical Index to Entries A Dont Ask 5th Sax Jump Tune 1st Was A Reward 9th Ran Dry Vermouth 5th Atl Just A Foot 1st HP Abbe Sting 7th Was Duke Aumar 4th Atl K Abolish 6th Was Duskys First 3d Ran Kabyle 4th Sar Aileens Pride 4th Nar E Khumbaba 2d Sar Air Broom 2d Was East Hill 2d HP KinaHorra 1st Ran Alakatch 5th Atl Easy Paddy 8th Nar Kings.Tip 9th Ran Alamanda 8th Atl Easy Tom 4th Nar Kinsman 8th Ran Aldenson 4th HP Effortless 7th Ran Kitty Van 5th Was All For One 2d Ran Eight Bells 8th Nar Kopes Baby 6th Sar All Thumbs 2d Atl Eighty Nine 2d Was L Allflor 3d Sar Elevenpoint 3d Was xa cour 2d Atl Altruistic 9th Was Elfdee 9th Nar . Lady Carolina4th Atl Amafox 3d Was Emergency Hour 4th Ran Late Breeze 1st HP Amati 5th Was Escargot 3d Sar Laughing Boy 1st Atl Amphispirit 7th Atl Eternal Shock 6th HP Laurel Springs 6th HP Anovas 3d HP Ethereal 1st Nar Le Faune 8th Atl Apache Lady 4th Ran Euclid 8th Ran Le Mans 2d Was Ariel Sweep 5th Nar Euthused 9th Nar I Sabre 2d Was Arrogant 9th Nar Evas Toy 5th HP Lease Hound 2d HP Arthur S. 7th Nar Experimental 9th Was Left Winger 1st Nar- Artismo 6th Sar Expletive 5th Sar Legate 6th Nar Ascent 7th Ran Extortionist 5th Nar Legatee 1st Was Assiduous 7th Sar p Liberty Luck 4th Atl Athenian 6th Was Fair Bit 2d Atl Lightning Bug 5th HP Avacadc8th Ran Little Colonel-6th HP Fair Brother 7th Sar Avion 6th Atl Fair Edna 9th Nar Little Creek 1st Ran B Famous Corner 9th Was Little Flirt n. 7th Atl Babs Whey 3d Sar Fauchelevent 6th HP Little Whim 6th Nar Ball the Jack 4th Ran Ferol S. 3d HP Locarno 9th Nar Ballyneety 2d Atl Fiddler Joe 1st Ran Lolly Su 5th Atl Bangaway 1st Sar Fighting Home 2d Nar Lone Shadow 3d Was Banovina 3d Nar Fighting Ike 6th HP Lord Ivor 8th Sar Barley C 1st Atl Fighting Mood 5th HP Lord Louis 3d Nar Bassington 1st Nar Fighting Thru 4th Nar Lori-Jane 6th HP Bated Breath 7th HP Fine Alibi 5th Sar Lumena 4th Ran Battle Wave 3d Sar Fine Art 5th Nar Luxury Tax 8th Atl Bay Bloom 7th HP pine Flavor 1st Ran Lychnus 4th Sar Beach Admiral 6th Ran First Endeavor 7th Ran M Believeiwill 6th Was First Star 1st Atl Mad Gander 4th Sar Belle Phar 2d Atl Fixed Star 4th Was Mad Hare 7th HP Beloved Miss 4th Ran Flaming Tera 3d HP Make A Note 6th HP Bertrandville 2d Sar Flaw 3d Sar Man Bar 5th Nar Best Degree 2d Nar Flight Patrol 4th Was Mara Moo 1st Sar Big Flower 1st Atl Floral Trail 1st HP Marcato 5th Sar Big Upset 6th Was Florida Flash 1st Atl Marcheast 3d Sar Bill Burke 8th Was Flushing Dusk 5th Nar Marshland n. 3d Sar Bill Pac 2d Was Fly Lelia 8th HP Marso 4th Sar Bill Ross 2d Ran Flying Mane 8th Sar Master Brian 9th Nar Bit o Prose 3d Ran Fly-Lo 5th Sar Matagorda 7th Sar Black Bantam 7th HP Fourdees 7th Atl Maximal 3d Ran Black Racer 8th HP Foxpoise 9th Was Meg March 3d HP Blenriam 5th Was Full Circle 7th Ran Melancholia 1st Ran Blue Mirage 9th HP - Memaw 2d HP Blue Runner 4th Nar Ment Pot-4th Was Blue Wayne-2d Was SjSft?? Mercedes-4th Ran Blueonia 5th Ran GaMo-4thSar Mesmer 5th Nar BnaiBrith-2d Atl EftS iSKSJtth fc Bobby Brocato-6th Sar SSSfSSSTS, Metropolis-6th Nar Bobbys Dream-2d Atl ?SS!5Sm? Mi Amante-4th HP higgle -4 th Atl Bobs Pal-2d Nar Michikee 4th Sar Oirder 8tli Nar Bobsled 6th Was Mighty Mo 3d Sar Boiling SPring-5th Ran ggSTI Mhyh HP BoldSnlthRan ?SEmma-lst Sar Mj-Marigold-7th Atl iod llv 1?h Na? Golden City-3d Ran Miss iST Andrews-3d AU Was oSaST Sir Bo Golden Mean-lst Nar Miss Baron-lst Sar BMtiKds Golden Pelt-9th HP 9?h Miss Brook 6th Was Golden Trend-7th Was Bo H Nar cSfK? Good Sweep-lst HP JJ.155 P? Brto .tsner cerna 2d Atl Atl Miss Joanne 7th Atl GoodT Pn.jTin,., imes-SthHP pfV rrn Bright Pass-8th Atl Miss Nimble-6th Atl British Isles-4th Goofu s-2d Was Was Migs Nosoca6th Atl Broken Arches 3d Ran Grand Fo -2d Atl Miss place5th Hp Brose-lstRan GrSS Miss Revoked-3d Was Greates t-8 th w Was Brush Burn-7th Was Shadow7th Atl Brushless 5th Sar GreciaXtti Ran Missab 5th HP Busy Signal-5th Nar SSSTtS I? Modest John-3d Atl ButWhy-7thHP SSff awT to Mondaval-8th Ran Guy 7th Was By Jeepers 7th Nar Monmouth-8th Atl C H Monte Cassino 1st Sar Cahoots 8th Sar Hadnt Orter 6th Nar Moro 6th Ran Canaan Pass 4th HP Hail Fellow 4th Sar Moseid 5th Nar Canadiana 7th Atl Hangover 6th HP Mr. Chancelor 4th Ran Carmargo Bill 4th Was Happy Queen 8th HP Mr. Dink 9th HP Carolling 7th Nar Harlem King 8th Nar Mr. Doit 1st Atl Cedar Lane 5th Atl Harpes 2d Sar Mr. Kite 5th Sar Celandine 6th Nar Hasseyampa 2d Was Mr. T. A. 6th Ran Challaguerre 2d Ran Hasty Sun 5th HP Musical Lady 2d Nar Char Boots 9th HP Hat Box 7th Nar My Dream Marie 2d Nar Charles 8th Atl Heart Flash 3d Ran My Nell 7th HP Cheryl Ann 4th Nar Heorter 5th Atl My Retort 1st Atl Chic Wave 7th HP Hera Lot-4th HP N Christmas Morn 3d Ran Heutel 8th Ran jjj jr Nar Claridge 3d Ran Heyboss 2d Ran Neros Mermaid 1st Was Classy Chance 8th Nar Hi Billee 6th Atl New stream 8th Was Click-Click 8th Ran High Bracket 2d Sar Nimble Myth 8th Atl Coal Heat 3d Was High Mio 4th Was Niringo 5th Atl Cole Slaw 4th Han High Petal 8th Atl Nobility 3d HP College 3d Ran Honey Please 8th Was Noble Idea 1st HP Color Guard 8th Ran Hoo Is It 2d Nar Nonpareil 9th Nar Concentrate 1st Nar Hoop Wise 5th Atl . Noon Time 1st HP Concert Hall 4th Nar Hoosier Havoc 2d Was q Crack the Whip 9th Nar Hunters Khal 2d Was Off Line9th Nar Hunting Call-lst HP oSmpic Crackice-3d Nar View-8th Ran Cracklette-4th HP Hurry-Skurry-7th HP SpauT-lst Nar Cykie 8th Sar 1 Oratory 4th HP D Ignition 4th Atl Ordained 6th Sar Daiquari 9th HP Im Sandy 6th Nar Ornum 5th Atl Dairchee- 4th Sar Imalright 6th Atl Out Point 3d Sar Daisy Rain 5th Atl In Clover 9th Was Outbird 8th Sar Dance Nsing 7th Was In the Market 8th Atl Outland 2d Nar Dandy Wag 4th Nar Inchin 5th Atl Over Again 3d Ran Darby Creek 4th HP Interfere 5th HP P Darby dAmour 3d Ran Intermittent 3d Nar Palm Basket 5th Ran Dark Patrol 5th Atl Intheswim 2d Atl Pantata 5th Ran Darkie 8th HP Irish Prince 3d Nar Papa Bear 2d HP Dawty 1st Sar Ism 4th Ran Park Pigeon 2d Ran Dazzling Miss 2d Atl J Particolor 2d Was Dead Duck 9th Was Jack Jr. 8th Ran Pashpie 7th Ran Deal Me In 2d HP James B. 1st Nar Passing Jack 4th HP Dear Moose 4th Ran Jampol 7th Was Peanuts Man 1st Atl Debdeb 3d Ran Jandy 4th Atl Pegasus n. 9th Nar Deluge 2d Sar Jazerant 6th Atl Peleliu 1st Atl Delux John 6th Ran Jimmy the One 2d Was Peraldahyde 9th Ran Democles 8th Sar Jimmys Doll 1st Was Permian6th Sar Descentive 1st Nar Jimmys First 4th Nar Petes Vigil 4th Was Diamond Moran 9th Ran Jitters 8th Atl Petey Cotter 1st Nar Diamond Ned 1st Ran John Willie 7th Nar Phaelater 5th HP Dis-Rocketa 1st Ran Judge Browdee 6th Was Phantom Heels 1st HP Dollys Rocket 9th HP Judge J. B. 5th Was Pharos Dream 1st HP Dominave 6th Nar Judge Lane 8th HP Phil Harris 2d Nar Donna jack 6th Sar Judy Dunstan 7th Atl Picador 7th Was Dont Argue 5th Sar Judys Runner 3d Nar Pilawa-8th Nar Pine Tar 2d Was Scotch Wine 3d HP The Veep 8th Ran Pine Ville 9th Was Scotia 1st Was Thendara 2d Nar Pinelet 5th Ran Sea Admiral 6th Nar Third Carbon 2d Atl " Piragua 2d HP SeaLsland 2d Atl Three Sisters 1st HP Platoon 8th Atl Sea Ripple 1st Was Throne 4th Ran Play Toy 4th Atl Seaflash 6th Nar Tiercel 3d Atl " Playman 1st Was Senga 7th Atl Tomebamba 9th Nar Please Pat 4th Nar Set the Table 5th Ran Tommys Memory 5th Nar Plunger 4th Was Seven Pillars 2d Nar Top Attraction 2d Ran Pointing Star 6th Was Shamrock 7th Sar Tosca 7th Atl Pomander 1st Nar Shirleys Pride 2d Nar Travertine 4th Sar Pomola 9th Ran Side Saddle 8th Atl Trip Lightly 6th HP Poo Bah 8th Was Signargirl 4th Nar Triple F. 3d Nar Portray 6th Was Silver K. 3d Was Tritium 5th Sar Posture 1st Atl Sinn Fein 6th Nar Trojan Spirit 4th Sar Prairie State 6th Was Sir Boss 6th Sar Tuonine 5th Was Priams Owl 4th Sar Sir Chris 2d Was Turn-To 6th Sar Princess Ann 1st Was Sir Hoop 7th Ran y Prize Rookie-2d Was Sir Rarco-4th Atl v Asked Forit3d Nar Proctor-3d Atl Sir Sidney-6th Atl Unbending-7th Atl Six-Three-Four-9th Was Pursuance-6thWas xJncle Bernie 6th HP Pussy Cat 8th Was Skiputation 1st Ran Unrest 8th Sar Q Smackover-5thWas uPstroke-7th Sar Quarter-Master 9th HP moke Sr l wo, Uptrend 2d Was Quick Deal-2d Nar Tti V Quick Lunch-6th Sar g SSSto Nar Pam-6th Nar R Spring Frolic-2d Atl TTantafe71?1fW Verna Lee 1st Atl Radical 7th HP Stag 1st HP Rampageous 2d Nar Stan 7th Was Vigorous 2d Sar Rare Knave 8th Ran Standee 1st Sar Vocabulary 1st Sar Rataplan 1st HP Starecase 6th Atl Vocation 4th Sar Receipt 4th Nar Stargard 1st Atl w Red Ace 6th Was Stark Twins 2d Nar Wabash Moon 8th Was Red Design 1st Nar State Coach 1st HP Wana-Star 1st Ran Red Ran 4th Sar Steel Strike 1st Nar War Colleen 6th Ran Regal Glad 2d Ran steel Town 1st Ran War Doings 6th Sar Reighsign 2d Nar Stepper Upper 7th Atl War Piper 6th Sar Repelled 7th Nar Sterling Son 5th Atl War Toro 1st Nar Revolve 7th Atl SteviesPal 8th Sar War-Aster 1st Sar Rickshaw 1st HP Strand 4th Sar Weal or Woe 3d Atl Ridge Rsward 5th Atl Sub Factor 6th HP Well Met 9th HP Road-Star 6th Was Sunglow 7th Was Whiffenpoof 7th HP Roman Jean 5th Was Sweet Sixteen 1st HP Whisk-Off 8th Sar Roman Spring 4th Sar Switch On 7th Nar Wicks First 1st Atl Rosa G. 5th Atl Swift Sword 6th Sar Wide-Eyed 2d Atl Royal Bones 3d HP j Windy 9th Ran Royal Brigade-3d Atl Tanbark-6th Was Sise.?0I6thAaf, Royal-Grandeur 5th Sar Tarfside 4th Sar Woodlands 3d Atl UfT;7th WULx. Task Fleet-8th HP Wrld Series-3d Atl Ruth 6th Wylam 1st Atl Hanson Nar - Tax Four 4th Nar Ruthred 6th Atl Tel-Aviv 9th Nar Y S Tenure 4th Atl YeaBama 8th Was Safe At Home 9th Nar Terry S 7th Nar Yellow Dot 1st Atl Saved Again 2d HP The Eagle 7th Was Youll Learn 1st Nar Scent 7th Sar The Flier 4th Was Z Scotch Bim 9th HP The Gink 8th Ran Zaggity 5th Atl

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Local Identifier: drf1953082901_53_1
Library of Congress Record: