5th Bel, Daily Racing Form, 1955-05-09

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c 6 FURLONGS. Mighty Quest, May 18, 1951-1:09*5—4-115. Bouquet Purse. Purse « C|.L Djl ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Fillies and mares. Allowances. Non-winners of a race / Jill Del other than claiming since March 31 or two races of S2,950 ■ 1954-55 Weight. 120 lbs. / Non-winners of 950 ii 1955 allowed 3 lbs.; of such a race in 1954 or two of ,900 in 1954-55. 6 lbs of ,900 or two races other than maiden or claiming ■ 1954-55, 9 lbs. , Chart Book Todays , Chart Book Todays Index No Horse. Date. Track Rec Wt Wt. Index No. Horse. Date Track Rec WL Wt 37888 Roman Warbler May54CD111 110 114 47061 Case Goods Jty54 Jaw 1:11% 116 117 I 47324 Michikee Jan54 SA 1 10 118 114 47061 Boots Feb54 Hia 1 10% 108 117 470613 Nose Trouble Sep54 Was 110% 110 111 45919 *Lot-A-F.lly Jun54 LF 111% 112 109 473242 Sweet Nell Aug54Dmr1:10 111 120 470612 Murphy s Deb . Dec54 TrP 1 11% 115 117 I 466022*Winning Stride Feb54 Hia 1:10% 118 115 46220 Incidentally Jly54 Mth 1 10% 118 117 46964 Carry the News Nov54 Pirn 1:11% 111 117 Coupled. Roman Warbler and Nose Trouble;. 47081 Misdemeanour Apr54 BM 1 12-S 116 till 4 % - ! 11 1 12 2 8 8 8 8 7 7 9 3 9 3 7 / t I ■ fl 8 fi 6 10 n c 6 0 13 3 7 1 8 8 8 B i 7 7 fi » 8 ■ 5 0 , 1 , . 7 2 . ; . i i i . . ; • • ■ I , , ! , j I • , . I I I I * f [ | I I c « / / , Owner, Mrs. J. Gowfww. Trainer, Mack Miller. 1953 6 2 3 0 975 0ct30-546C.D 11:39 si 16 114 65| 911 9»| 8«1 ErbOl* HcpS 72 GalaFete120 ClosePlay106 VixnFixit 12 0ct20-545Kee 6Jf1:17%ft 10 111 42Hi 42J 621 BrooksS* HcpO 93 Beanir113 TripLightly111 GalaFete 8 0ct14-545Kee 6f1:10%ft 2, 117 43 44 42J 44i BrooksS2 Alv»94 TripLightly109 Beanir117 Querida 5 Aug26-54«Was 6 f 115 m 31 108 J 43 42J 33 6?| PermneR2 Alw60SuperDevil1l7 ColonelFru111 Pegeen 7 Aug14-546Was 7f123%ft 28 114" 138113 2 H1 BleyPJ" HcpS 87 BlueViolinl 16 RosemaryB.118 Jenjay 1G Aug 6-54«Was 6f1:10%ft 3 *113 751 54 33 33J BrooksS4 Arw 87 Beanir113 Page ofRoslll SI py Mabel 7 Jly29-546AP 6 f 1:13%hy 8-5e»1i1 fPJ 631 53 3i BrooksSt Alw 75 HoopMood109 Page ofRoses112 Golly 7 Jly16-546A.P 1 1:37%ft 5*e 115 63186186188 HecknJ3 Hcp0 77RosryB 114 HoopMood108 BlueViolin 11 Jly 3-547AP 1 1 :39Vsm 6e 113 53 22 2 21 BrooksSS HcpS 75 BlueViolm112 QnHopeful 122 Siskey 8 May 4 Jam 3-4 ft 1:17ftb May 1 Jam 3-4 gd 1:19%b April 27 Jam 5-8 sy 1:02h Michikee k 1 1 A Ok. br. f, 4. by War Admiral— Bepwil, by Wise Counsellor. L Breeder- Miss A" L duPo"t- 1955 3 0 0 0 I n - r « t • u «». Owner, Peter Fuller. Trainer, H. Williams. 1954 17 2 3 2 2 100 H-HK??1 7f126V5ft 5 111 2 651 7H 815 SmallS3 Alw 64 Intencion 115 SweetNell122 Garb 8 Wr£*" 6M:1?%ft 59 106 3« 32 3* 58 SmaMS HcpS 77 BrazenBratH9 RosClag110 Trisong 9 pr1?"am Gf12sy 11 110 64J 76j 94 84 AtksonTS Alw70Crisset112 SweetNell 121 MurphsDeb 9 SJ"54 Nar 6f1-10%ft 8 115 2 32 8?1 815 WilderM6 Hcp0 83LarryEllis122 HatBox113 WrmedOver 9 Oct29-545Jam 6 f 1:13 sy 4j 114 54 55 5" 43 WdheH2 Alw 69 SottoVoce 115 CaseGoods 117 Amzy 5 0ct15-547Bel 6f1:13%ft 2| 113 42 42 3» 33 AtksonT* Alw 80 StoVocel 14 DevilsDelitl 13 LyMcle 6 Oct 6-545Bel 6f1:10%ft 15 108*52141 3 23 BrssrdR4 Alw 93 LvelRipp yl 12 0ldBsket112 StoVce 7 Sep18-547Atl tc 1J.1:51%fm 7 108 32 121212221222 stoutJi HcpS64Tritium112 R.verina112 Intencion 12 Sep 4-546Aqu 7f1:23%ft 13f 104 115151413-4128 CamieJM HcpS 84 Canad.ana115 ClearDawn113 Dispute 20 May 7 Aqu 1-2 ft ;49h May 1 Aqu 3-8 gd :37%h April 28 Aqu 3-8 gd :37b Nose Trouble 111 B- f 4 b? T,**r Rebel— Grey Nose, by St. James. • 1 • Breeder. N. W. BrenL 1955 2 0 0 1 75 Owner, N. W Brent. Trainer, Mack Miller. 1954 7 1 1 1 fi 171 5 SSSSH VLVmat J2 H £ ?4M8 37, SWfi Alw83MissWSesIelfTM-h-sDeb112 Canana 7 m ?" J,an !! :!2£ II 10 PiS* 4J GlassnVG* Alw74WheAreWe112 P.nelt104 Misdmnr 7 N0V13-544CD Sf1t44Wl 43 113 621 53J 54 65 KirkldAO Alw 87 Querida109 ColsDghter106 BbyTcky 10 W» 8-545C.D 6f 1:11%ft 9-5 A115 3 33 2 22 KirklndA* Alw 89 DicksFuture112 0rchid110 ParlorPink 8 0ct23-547Kee 6f1:10%ft 5| 118 1 II 2 34 CookLC Alw 93 BritCharge115 ColsDtr113 Bullheim 9 Sep 6-545Was 6f1:10%ft 3i 110 |l| ih 14 15 CombstJ3 Alw 92 LeMans113 GldnAdml 113 Bobsled 12 Aug14-546Was 7f1:23%ft 27f 103 1" 8MGM16« CookWM4 HcpS 70 BlueViolin116 RcsemaryB118 Jenjay 16 Aug10-544Was 7 f 1 29%hy 6 109 2" 58 55 520 NelsonE3 Alw 37CotsFlt112 Lady oFe110 SwtSally 6 May 5 Jam 5-8 ft 1:04b April 27 Jam 1-2 sy :49h April 21 Jam 3-8 ft :36hg Sweet Nell X 1 9fi B- f- 4 bv Bu» L«»— Nellie L., by Blenheim II. U 1,1 .. » Breeder, Calumet Farm. 1955 5 2 2 0 ,850 a Owner, Calumet Farm. •__. Trainer, H. A. Jones. 1954 13 2 4 2 2 250 May2-557Bel 7 f 1 261 sft 21*122 3 13 U 2 BolandW8 Alw 78 lntencion115 Garb111 Grec.anQueen 8 Apr28-556Bel 11:38%gd9-5 115 1 4i 53 8« BolndW2 HcpO 67 LovyWe108 SetimeThg110 LvrHill 7 Apr]2-55«Jam 6f1:12%sy 4 121 76 54154 22 BolndWS Alw 82 Crissetl 12 MurphsDebl 12 CaseGoods 9| Jan18-557S.A 6 f 1:11%* 6| 113 75 3 2h ink NevesR* Alw86RoIGrace117 SamaWds115 RlHope 8 Jan 6-555S.A 6f 1:11/5sy 9-5 A110 65 M 2h 1 NevesR5 Alw89 Tessa113 GamestHO MaryMachree 9* Dec31-545S.A 6f1:09%ft 9 109 881 56 55 V NevesR7 Alw89 Siennall 117 RealHope107 EverBright 9 Sep 1-546Dmr 1 1:36%ft 9-5 112 64 3 23 46| NevesR2 Alw 86 Unfget*le109 FreeCtry118 SklesGm 7 Aug24-547Dmr 6 f hfflfcft 4-5 *113* 73 3 3 2"o TanighiG* Alw 95 HthrKhl 115 SklesGem112 Addition 8 April 26 Bel trt 5-8 sy 1:05b April 22 Bel trt 1-2 ft :50b April 16 Bel 3-8 gd :36%h Winnina Stride Br m- 6 bv Unbreakable— Fast tt inning jrnae 1 I 1 3 • Stride, by Display • Breeder. Mereworth Farm. 1955 6 12 0 350 Owner, W M Wickham Trainer, T. Root 1954 29 2 5 4 7 875 Apr23-555Jam 6M:12%ft 51 110* 2* 2* 11 21 MikknnRi Alw 83 GaidarlOS WarPiper117 BlackRecord 9 Apr18-556Jam 6f1:12%ft 25 110 86 56 S" 5» MikenR6 HcpS 77 Snugger106 ISalutel 14 Canadiana 10 Apr 7-556Jam 6f113%ft 6e 110* 651 53 6? 2| MikenRS Alw78 Trisong115 WhreAreWe115 StoVoce 9 Mar 3-55Hia 1181:49%ft 14 112 75| 53| 68 6 2 Adams J I HcpS77 RosemaryB.112 Crisset109 LavderHill 11 K?fS,a 7P:2JHft 5 104* 52i 33 32 1 MiknenRt Alw91 WondsHY113 BlkRecrd116 Scimitar 9 Feb14-556Hia 6f1.10%ft 16 104*57 46 5 | 55 MiknenR2 Alw 89 Hilarious116 RomanSpy109 Hypalong 7 Nov 1-547G.S 6f1:12%ft 15 111* 65 64 63 2"° BrfieldDi Alw85 FrdomPley105 Recline105 LateModel 7 0ct26-547GS 6f 1:11%ft 9e 113* 871 85 751 43j BrumfldD3 Alw 86 Scent116 BronzeWarrior120 Emardee 9 May 6 Jam 3-8 ft :36%h May 2 Jam 1-2 ft :48h April 29 Jam 3-8 sy :36%h Carrv the News 1 1 7 Ch- m 5 bv Mahmoud— Legend Bearer, by The Porter. 7 I. 1 , ll*f Breeder, C. V. Whitney. 1955 7 110 ,600 Owner, C. V Whitney Trainer, S. E. Veltch. 1954 20 1 2 1 0000 Apr28-556Bei 1 1 38%gd 7 113 2 31 7«T7« WdheH HcpO 67 Lo/yWelOB SetimeThgl 10 LvrHill 7 Apr20-557Jam Ijj, 1:46%ft 2le*111 2fi 32 21 2*J WdhseH7 Alw 79 OldBketl 1 1 Equableul 11 Rosemary B. 7 Apr12-556Jam 6f1:12%sy 23 105* 9 4 911 6 66 AllenR3 Alw 77 Crissetl 12 SweetNell 121 MurphsDeb 9 Apr 7-556Jam 6f1:13%ft 14 107* 916 912 914 97 AllenR Alw73Trisg115 WingStride110 WreAreWe 9 Mar9-555GP 1-701:41 ft 14 107 33 2* ih 11 WdhseH7 Alw 98 QueenHopeful 117 Scimitar122 Blimey 8 Feb10-557Hia tc1,s1:44%fm 51 106 43 76 9?1 77 WdhW Alw 88 MisterBlack121 Kaster121 AbbeSting 12 Jan25-556Hia 7 f 1:26 gd 51 104 2ft 9is 815 5" CatanoA Alw 69 Hangover 1 24 Artismo118 Shamrock 12 Nov20-546Pim 1 ,V 1 45 sy 91 110 6» 5» 53 43 BoultisS3 Alw72Stfrdshire110 RticBy114 CtryBkin 7 April 27 Bel trt 3-8 sy :36%h April 16 Bel 3-4 gd 1:14%h April 11 Bel 3-8 ft :36%h muuciiicu.iwui Misdemeanour 111 Cn *• 4 b Court Martial— Lady Cast, by Casterari. 1 1 1 Breedef Lord CarnarYon England;. 1955 2 0 0 1 50 Owner, L S. Kennedy Trainer, T. M. Waller. 1954 6 0 0 0 Apr29-556Bel 6f1:11%sy 19 111 54 58 725 721 AtksonT7 Alw69 MissWs.e115 Mh sDeb112 NoseTrle 7 Apr22-556Jam 6f1:12%ft 20 111 2 32 36 38 AtksonT2 Alw74WhreAreWe1l2 Pinelt104 NseTrble 7 Aug7-545Nar 6f1:11%ft 37 106 32 34 581 58 MartzAF5 Alw 84 CableJk114 LassieLea114 JohnWillie 7 Jly22-546Jam 6f1:11%ft 36 116 53 55 814 817 AtksnT* Alw73CaseGoods116 SittingDuck116 Riant 9 May29-545Bel 6 f 1:13 ft 38 113 91 9t 912 8»1 ValzaAH Alw 75 Talora 116 Silurian 110 Incognita 11 Apr2-546BM 6f1:10%ft 30 116 1b 4j 56 67 GlissonG« Alw 86 CrysIBIe112 MizCltine116 LAiglne 7 Mar26-547BM 6f1:12%sl 11 108 3 2 33 5»J GlissonG* Alw 75 LpFull 111 Hg-Me-Tiht112 Khalati 6 Jan 1-545S.A 6f1:10%ft 8i 116 84 98| 917 917 ShoemrW Alw 77 FrstyDwn116 HthrKhl 116 GayDIg 9 April 27 Bel trt 3-8 sy :37h April 20 Bel 7-8 gd 1:31h April 18 Bel 1-2 ft :491/5b Case Goods 1 1 7 Ch * 4- by Case Ace— Damaged Goods, by Jacopo. . . Breeder- Estate of *• H- Gi,Pin- 1955 3 0 0 0 2S Owner, a *. W * G Loew T Trainer, • J. D. Byers. 1954 13 3 3 1 4112 Apr-Bel 6f1:11%sy 31 111 66 47 53 5?1 WdheH5 Alw 81 MissWsiel 15 MhsDebl 12 NoseTrle 7 Apr18-556Jam 6f1:12%ft 12 112 75j 76J IfS 912 HigleyJ4 HcpS 74 Snugger106 ISalute114 Canadiana 10 Apr 12-55*Jam 6f1:12%sy 51 114 31 Ih 42 4?J HigleyJ Alw 80 Crissetl 12 SweetNell 121 MurphsDeb 9 Nov13-545Jaro 6f1:13%ft 5 112 1h Ih ih 2"" WdheHi Hcp0 79SunshineNl 125 Trisong112 MsWsie 7 Nov 9-546Jam 6 f 113 ft 7N114 Ih 1h flj 32 BolandW2 Alw 79 StoVocel 13 0utsmrt116 MissWeesie 6 0ct29-545Jam 6 f 1:13 sy 4| 117 21 21 2 23 BolandW4 Alw 79 SottoVoce115 Amzy 111 Michikee 5 0ct11-547Bel 7f1:24"bft 4J 120 45 45 67 9« NicholsJ Alw 76 StoVoce109 MbsChce120 MissWsie 9 Sep28-546Bel 6f111%ft 2J 117 5| 54 9101043 ArcaroE3 HcpS 86 Trisong106 MissWeesie110 Banta 15 Sep14-545Aqu 6f1:12%ft 1 *117 62j 42 2 12 ArcaroE* Alw 91 TinyReqstm Bootslll CountessJne 7 May 4 Bel trt 3-8 ft :36%h April 28 Bel trt 3-8 gd :38b April 26 Bel trt 3-8 sy :36h BootS 1 1 7 B- m 5 » *■ 0ur Boots— Ampersand, by Diapason. r, - . . V Bre«ler- Renappi Corporation. 1955 10 0 0 Owner, Wmfield Stable. Trainer, m P. A. Tamburo 1954 21 3 2 3 1 170 Apr29-556Bel 6f1:1Hr,sy 22 111 44 6« 621 14 RoserG4 Alw 74 MissWsiel 15 MVsDebl 12 NoseTrle 7 Nov13-545Jam 6f1:l3%ft 26 110 52 731 531 74 RoserGS HcpO 74 SunshineNell 125 CaseGds112 Trisng 7 0ct28-544Jam 6f1:12Vift 17 111 32 33 33 34 RoserGi Alw81 LevelRpey112 MissWsiel 17 Equableu 6 0ct18-547Bel 6f1.12%ft 14 112 53153133 32| RoserG2 Alw 84 Hadassah110 Banta118 SpinningTop 7 Oct 5-546Bel 6f111%ft 21 113 34 32 33 54* RoserG2 Alw85 SpeedyWave119 Subita114 Equableu11 Sep24-545Bel 6f1:11%ft 12 112 1" ih 73| 73 RoserGS Alw 87 RosClag115 TinyReq"st112 CntssJne 10 Sep14-545Aqu 6fl:12%ft 3| 111 2 2h. 3 331 RoserG3 Alw 88CaseGoods117 TinyReqstm CssJane 7 Aug31-547Aqu 6f1:11%gd 2 -114 2 1 12 15 RoserG4 8000 95 HypTng120 Dsh frCh113 AtmicFIt 5 Aug26-546Sar 6f112%ft 23 110 3 45 712 713 RoserGi HcpO 72 0utsmart112 MissWeesie112 SneNell 7 May 5 Bel 3-8 ft :35h April 28 Bel 3-8 gd :36%h April 24 Bel 3-4 ft 1:15h Lot-A-Fillv 1 OQ B f- 4 b* Sasileus ll.-Romanelli. by Roman. 7 1 V Breeder. J. R. Prox. 1955 8 0 0 0 Owner. Mrs. C. Silvers Trainer, T. W. Kelley. 1954 25 4 3 3 0450 Apr14-558Jam I ,» I:45Km 33 109*66 75| 711 718 StovallR6 10000 67 Equableul 11 lndianFile116 Writer 7 Apr 5-556Jam 6f112%ft 82 116 75 66 57 77 RouezE3 Alw 77 EverBrtni MuhsDeb115 WillBeTre 8 Feb25-557H.a 11-81:50%ft 22 107* 5" 6» 8»l gtl BrfieldD4 Alw 70 Ctre104 WhreAreWe110 RsemyB 6 Feb18-555Hia I1-H53VM 13 107 712 60 6" 6" SmallS2 Alw59 RosemaryB.114 lntncion111 Africnce 7 Jan31-557Hia 7fl:23%ft 48 105*11101016 912 6? KurtzJ4 Alw 82 Cer.seReine 122 Crisset 110 Guayana12 Jan18-557Hia 6f1:11%ft 59 109 851107 76 8"3 Smal!S4 Alw 86 Aesthete 104 Crisset 109 Tritium 12 Jan13-556TrP 6f1:12Vbft 12 107* 6 3 67 58 56 BrfldD? 012500 79 ldlePIter106 CtryClub113 FrmParly 8 Jan 7-55TrP 1/,1:44%ft 5 113 46 5» 4 78| KurtzJ4 010000 79 Btle oflnklll Abbezc119 LtleJonsy 8 Dec28-547TrP 6f111%ft 8 108* 881 87J 871 52, KurtzJ6 Alw 86 EteIFlic113 WIBeThe115 MphsDb 8 May 7 Aqu 1-2 ft :51b April 2 Aqu 1-2 ft :54b March 23 GP 3-8 ft :37%b Mumhs Deb X 117 Blk f 4 b¥ Apache— Boselda, by Bow to Me I *! "J . ?. . i Breeder. W L Jones. Jr. 1955 7 0 2 1 250 Owner. D G Arnstem Trainer, A. « G. Robertson. 1954 16 3 3 3 4 000 Apr29-556Bel 6f111%sy 41 1T2 78 78 4* 26 BaileyPJ6 Alw 84 MissWeesie115 NoseTrle11l Caniana 7 Apr18-557Jam 6fH2%ft 11 106 8»1 910 87 83 MikenRS HcpS 72 BrazenBratl19 RosClag110 Trisonq9 Apr12-556Jam 6f1:12%sy 2*112*54 4312 32J MiknenR2 Alw 81 Crisset 112 SweetNell 121 CaseGoods 9 Apr 5-556Jam 6f1:12%ft 4J 115*32 2 2h 21 MiknenR4 Alw83 EverBrightm WillBeThere120 Garb 8 Mar 3-556Hia 6f1:10%ft 21 105* 52 661 75J 77 MikenR5 Alw 85 GameChce114 RosClag109 DucdeFer 9 Jan26-556Hia 8 f 1:11 ft 12 112 841 9*1 tf 9» BoultisS3 Alw 83 WhreAreWeW LvlRipy115 Aesthte 10 Jan17-558Hia 7f1.23%ft 7 113 2 3 42 551 BoultisS7 Alw 87 Immense 107 KingJolie 112 Recline 12 Dec28-547TrP 6f111%ft8-5 111*51143 33 3"K MiknenR4 Alw 88 Eter*IFrolic113 WillBeThe115 Aestte 8 Dec13-547TrP 6f1:10%ft 2 115 62*63143 441 AtksonT2 Alw 89 LIRippey115 WdsHour112 W AreWe 9 May 7 Bel 5-8 ft 1:02%h May 4 Bel 7-8 ft 1:29%b April 27 Bel 5-8 sy 1.00h Incidentally 11 7 »° 5 4-,byrMruBV?he.rTDr2e.M • by Epinard Z i: ■ ■ Breeder. L. Combs II. and F. J. Heller 1S55 10 0 0 Owner, Maine Chance Farm. Trainer, C. W. Parish. 1954 10 1 0 1 910 fi£2"S£" 6f1:12/5rt 80 109 44 46 5"102 ValelaAJ HcpS 74 Snugger 106 ISalutelM Canadiana 10 0ct23-546Jam 6f112%ft 24 108 3 6« 11 121113 stovallR« HcpS71 Banta110 0utsmart113 Canadianall Sep22-545Bel 6f1:11%ft 7 121 32 631 68 72 GormnD6 Alw 79 Crisset121 Trisong115 SottoVoce 9 Sep 4-54«Aqu 7 f 1232/sft 29 109 Ih 101220?12019 BurrCi HcpS 74 Canadiana115 ClearDawn113 Dispute 20 Aug28-547Atl tc11.37%fm 18 117 12 ih 31 86 BurrC2 ScwS 85 AnothrWrld113 Tessa113 ClearDawn 13 Aug11-546Sar 7f125ft 11 121 1 3 15251527 GormnD6 ScwS 62 Dispute115 CaseGoods116 Talora 15 Jly2B-547Mtn 6 f 1:10 ft 8 118 2h 1 2 54 BoutisS ScwS 91 ClearDawn112 Pario12l EveningOut 10 Jly 3-545Aqu 6f1:12%fl 1*122 11 12 1 11 BurrC3 HcpO 91 Michikee113 Talora119 Blanquita 6 May 5 Bel 1-2 ft :48%b April 28 Bel 3-8 gd :35%h April 11 Bel 3-4 ft 1 14%h

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1955050901/drf1955050901_34_2
Local Identifier: drf1955050901_34_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800