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COAL CONFERENCE DEADLOCKED NEW YORK, N. Y., May 4.— Break up of the long-drawn-out discussions without negotiation of an agreement to supplant the labor contract that expired last March 31 was announced by W. L. Robison, chairman of the Joint Wage Conference yesterday. Robison issued the following statement: "The sub-committee comprised of eight members — four representing the operators and four the miners — failed to gree on any of the matters referred to it by the joint conference and now has adjourned and will promptly call a meeting of the Appalachian conference, comprised of about 200 delegates from each group for two oclock Friday when the disagreement will be roported." Robison declined amplifications, waving questions aside with a laconic "thats all." Turning to mine union leader John L. Lewis, Robison said. "Have you anything to say?" "Nothing," snapped Lewis. Dr. John R. Steelman, federal department of labor mediator, who sat at the final session, also declined comment. "I may have sometking to say tomorrow/ _w£s his sole remark.