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PORTLAND TRACK HITS SNAG Unable to Secure Suitable Dates Because of Conflict With Dog Earing. SAN BRUNO, Calif.. April 3. The Portland Downs track, which was to have been opened the latter part of May, will be completed, but racing this spring season may be held across the Columbia River at Vancouver, Wash. According to reports from Oregon, a peculiar condition anent racing exists In the state. There is a racing commission but no race track in the state, and the one being built Portland Downs cannot seem to get suitable dates from the commission. The main rub in the Oregon racing situation seems to be that the management of the Portland Downs track wishes to avoid a conflict with the greyhounds, which race sixty days a year. The greyhound racing season opens about June 1, and the Portland Downs management wishes to run at the same time to avoid conflicting with Seattle which opens July 3. DOGS HAVE PREFERENCE. The Portland Downs management Is reported to be willing to shorten the race meeting if the commission, which also controls greyhound racing, would set back the greyhound opening, but in the opinion of those familiar with the situation in the Portland sector, the dogs will have preference because they have been racing for the past few seasons. If Portland Downs cannot get away from conflict with the dogs, the scene of the horse racing revival in that section will be staged at Vancouver, Wash., which is less than ten miles from downtown Portland. Bagley Park, half mile track at Vancouver, will be put into shape and the same persons interested in Portland Downs will stage the venture with I. D. Hiltenbrandt, the general manager. If racing is held at Vancouver, Sunday sport, legal in the state of Washington will be held, while Mondays and Tuesdays will be off days. The Longacres track, near Seattle, operates on the same plan.