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Late DETROIT RACE COURSE Charts HIRD RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute. Dandilly, June 17, 1 950—1 :09H— 5— 1 15. Purse ,100. " 1 £ A K 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners twice since April 10. 3-year-olds, 112 lbs.; I O ** D older, 122 lbs. Non-winners since May 10 allowed 3 lbs.; since April 1, 6 lbs. Claim-une 10-55 — Det ing price, ,500. !et value to winner ,365; second, 20; third, 10; fourth, 05. Mutuel Pool, 0,854. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt Va V2 StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 12073 GWEN FACSIMILEwb5111 4 6 31 2«i 22 Ino j SellersS 3500 Mr and Mrs J Bartlett 3.40 12951 MIGHTY ROAN wb5117 3 8 81 61 3h 2"k J TraceyS 3500 C and P Farm a-3.10 I2052 JUST BARBARA wb4114 2 4 Hi HI 12 3U R L Baird 3500 T A Grissom 2.20 3911 TAROM wb 5 122 5 9 9 82 52 42J D Holborn 3500 R C Groff 9.30 1205 SU-JAY wb 4 109 8 1 41 43 41 51J R J Brights 3500 C and P Farm a-3.10 241 HIGH LIVING w5111 1 7 74 9 73 681 S Armstrg 3500 J R Morgan 15.30 37954 VANDANELLi w7114 6 3 2h 3h 61 71 J M Pena 3500 P Mclntyre 9.80 B09 FLYING GYPSY w 4 107 9 5 62 71 83 82J R MiguezS 3500 Grace Kosiba 21.60 5158 MARSHAWEISTA w 4 107 7 2 52 51 9 9 J R GregyS 3500 S Stenger 13.80 a-Coupled, Mighty Roan and Su-Jay. Time, :23%, :48, 1:14i/5. Track slow. * Mutuels Paid Odds to Official Program Numbers/ t — — , , » j . in* 4-GWEN FACSIMILE 8.80 4.40 3.00 3.40 1.20 .50 MutUel PriCeS? 1-MIGHTY ROAN a-Entry 3.60 2.60 .80 .30 I 3-JUST BARBARA. 2.60 .30 Winner— Ch. g, by Beautiful II.— Fossie, by Gallant Gay, trained by J. Bartlett; bred by A. E. Ormes. IN GATE-4:41. OFF AT 4:41 EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. GWEN FACSIMILE, well placed from the start, raced etween horses during the final furlong and, after disposing of JUST BARBARA, lasted to hold MIGHTY ROAN afe. The latter, away sluggishly and losing ground from the outset, finished willingly on his own courage but ould not overtake the winner, although probably best. JUST BARBARA took an early lead, made the pace until earing the finish, then faltered when challenged by GWEN FACSIMILE TAROM began sluggishly but closed trongly in a sharp effort. SU-JAY began fast, then dropped back and raced evenly. HIGH LIVING lacked early 00L VANDANELL tired after showing early speed. FLYING GYPSY could not keep up. MARSHAWEISTA as through early. * Overweight— Flying Gypsy, 1 pound; Marshaweista, 1. Corrected weight— Flying Gypsy, 106. Tarom claimed by Helen Racovitis. FOURTH RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute. Dandilly, June 17, 1950-1 :09%— 5— 1 15. Purse ,300. " 1 C A £ 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 112 lbs.; older, 122 lbs. Non-winners I O 4 D since May 18 allowed 3 lbs.; since April 1, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. fune 10-55 — Det Net value to winner /95; second, 60; third, 30; fourth, 15. -„ Mutuel Pool, 4,020. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* V2 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 00851 SOLICIT wb 5 122 7 2 31 21 1h 1 L C Cook 5000 M H VanBerg 2.60 04613 BIG HEART wb4112 14 1i£ H 23 2P R L Baird 5000 T A Grissom 5.70 09091 SEE MY WAY w 5 122 5 1 221 34 33 3"k E Roy 5000 R A Parachek 3.00 7847 RED ACE wb4116 2 5 43 41 42 42J J Breckons 5000 A P Richards 3.30 06094 SLAMMINHARP wb 3 105 6 3 51 63 51 5h R Dever5 5000 P Mclntyre 25.40 09114 ELAINE RUTH wb 6 109 36 65516365 J Sellers5 5C00 C and P Farm 7.70 0910 HOLLY BOUGH wb 4 112 4 7 7 7 7 7 W Zakoor 5000 Mrs W Zakoor 10.60 Time, :23%, :47, 1:12%. Track slow. ~ Official Program Numbers if , — Mutuels Paid — * , Odds to . n . t 1A-S0LICIT .7.20 3.60 2.80 160 .80 .40 M_ Utuel Prices? 2-big heart 5.00 3.20 1.50 .60 I 6-SEE MY WAY 3.40 .70 Winner— Ch. g, by Requested— Aristic Rose, by Challenger II., trained by M. H. VanBerg; bred by I. Drymon. IN GATE— 5:07. OFF AT 5:07 EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Start good. Won driving; second and third the same. SOLICIT, never far back, went to the front after ntering the stretch, then continued determinedly to hold BIG HEART. The latter took an early lead, drifted iut entering the stretch and was unable to withstand the top one, alhough much the best of the others. SEE MY VAY began fast, but failed to keep up after showing early speed. RED ACE, racing in the deepest going next o the inner rail to the stretch, failed to respond when set down in the drive. SLAMMINHARP was never angerous. ELAINE RUTH showed little. HOLLY BOUGH raced far back the entire trip. Scratched-387952 The Gink, 116. Overweight— Big Heart, 1 pound; Slamminharp, 1; Holly Bough, 1. Red Ace claimed by M. H. VanBerg. ■IFTH RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute. Dandilly, June 17, 1950— 1:09%— 5— 115. Soo Purse. " urse ,500. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of four racesother than maiden 1 C A 7 I O 4 / or claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of a sweepstakes allowed 3 lbs.; two races Fune 10-55 — Det in 1955, 6 lbs.; one race since May 1, 9 lbs.; since October 10, 12 lbs. claiming and maiden races not considered. let value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 9,027. , Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* V2 StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 7850 TRIM DESTINY w 122 1 5 53 52 12 16 s Armstrg G R White a-.80 88433 JEFFREY J. S. wb 119 2 6 6 6 5* 2| L Hansman J H Homan 8.30 6697 DEEDEE 0. w 107 5 2 1h 11 21 3"k J TraceyS C and P Farm 18.40 0797 GAY WARBLER wb106 6 1 31 41*41 4* J SellersS M Zipkin 5.60 9445 OUR HINES w119 4 3 4* 31 31 514 L C Cook Mrs N J Hernandez Z50 9445 BLACK GALLANT wb 113 3 4 2212ft 6 6 T Barrowt G R White a-.80 a-Coupled, Trim Destiny and Black Gallant. IFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23, :46#, 1:12. Track slow. Mutuels Paid— Odds to Official Program Numbered , — , x 3.60 2.60 2.20 .80 .30 - .10 ki in* 1-TRIM DESTINY a-Entry Mutuel Prices! 2-jeffrey j. s. 4.60 3.40 1.30 .70 l 4-DEEDEE 0 4.40 1.20 Winner— Ch. c, by Destine— Trimlike, by Trim Comic, trained by C. Locklear; bred by G. R. While. IN GATE— 5:32. OFF AT 5:321 EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Start good. Won ridden out; second and third driving. TRIM DESTINY, racing in the deepest going next 0 the inner rail to the upper turn, was taken to the outside at the three-eighths mile pole to secure racing oom and, after taking command from DEEDEE 0. in the stretch, drew clear when ridden out. JEFFREY J. S., way sluggishly and outrun to the stretch, closed determinedly but could not threaten the winnen DEEDEE 0. ook an early lead, made the pace to the stretch, then faltered when challenged by the winner. GAY WARBLER ired during the drive. OUR HINES made a good bid approaching the stretch but failed to stay when set down 1 the drive. BLACK GALLANT raced with DEEDEE 0. to the stretch, then gave way. SIXTH RACE 6 FURLONGS out of chute. Dandilly, June 17, 1950-1:09%— 5— 115. Plymouth - 1 / j 5 High 12 Purse. Purse ,100. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Non-winners in I O, 4 O 1955 other than claiming, optional or starter. 3-year-olds, 114 lbs.; older, 124 lbs. Non-rune 10-55 — Det winners of ,500 in 1954 allowed 3 lbs.; three races since September 15, 6 lbs.; two races since September 15 or one race since November 10, 9 lbs.; one race since iugust 15, 12 lbs. claiming races not considered. let value to winner ,015; second, 20; third, 10; fourth, 55. Mutuel Pool, 0,679. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* Vz StrFin Jockeys Owners Odds to 0796 ENDON wb 4 124 8 2 23 24 24 121 R L Baird M H VanBerg b-2.20 07963 SET SHOT wb3112 7 1 12 12 11 25 L C Cook M H VanBerg b-Z20 0795 BEA MARONY w 6 113 3 5 4h 31 34 311 M N Galez W W Waters 4.80 02622 WORLD SERIES wb4112 4 7 711 71 41 45J M Diaz Kencal Stud Farm 21.00 99524 LITTLE COLONEL w 4 107 1 8 8 8 61 51 J R GregyS E J Grosfield a-3.00 0796 REB-MISHA wb4112 6 3 62 64 51 6* M Basile Tamarack Stable 4.90 10253 ROLL BAMA w5112 2 6 51 51 7 7 J King P L Hallum 4.00 07964 NOCALLU LA w 6 107 5 4 3$ 4h Bled R RobbinsS Mrs G C White a-3.00 b-CoupIed, Endon and Set Shot; a-Little Colonel and Nocallula. Time, :23, :46%, 1:11%. Track good. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to s I, i x. In* 2B-ENDON b-Enlry 6.40 5.20 3.80 2.20 1.60 .90 MUTUel P riCeS 2-SET SHOT b-Entry 6.40 5.20 3.80 2.20 1.60 .90 I 4-BEA MARONY 4.20 1.10 Winner— B. g, by Challedon— Hi Chris, by High Strung, trained by M. H. VanBerg; bred by A. F. Wall. IN GATE— 5:58. OFF AT 5:581 EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Start good. Won easily; second and third driving. ENDON, a sharp factor from the start, raced by his nlry mate, SET SHOT, after entering the stretch and drew clear, winning with speed in reserve. SET SHOT legan fast, made the pace to the final furlong, but -was unable to stay with ENDON, although much the best if the others. BEA MARONY gave a good effort and had no mishap. WORLD SERIES lacked early speed and was never dangerous. LITTLE COLONEL began sluggishly. REB-MISHA was outrun -and had no excuse. ROLL BAMA, racing in the deepest going throughout, could not reach serious contention. NOCALLULA had early speed, but bled profusely dunng the running and was eased. Scratched— 50463 Vantage, 119; 51025 Equimore, 113. Overweight— Bea Marony, 3 pounds; Nocallula, 2. SEVENTH RACE 1 MILE Son Charlie, June 30, 1950—1:37—5—116. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. 5 1 £ A Q Claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners twice since May 1 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, I O 4 y 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,250; if for ,000, allowed 3 lbs. June 10-55 — Det Net value to winner ,300; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 3,555. , Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* VSz % StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 512091 JULIA LYNN w112 2 2 21 21 34 11 141 S Armstrg 2250 B H Wise 2.20 507943 MRS. A. B. w112 1 1 11114 21 34 2"* G Hufnagel 2250 E J Boysen 17.70 50907 AMULET wb114 4 3 5* 41 1* 2h 321 W Zakoor 2250 Norma L Weldon 4.30 506911 AMERICAL wb 114 5 7 7 7 61 53 4"* R L Baird 20GO T A Grissom 2.90 51209 TUFFY DOE wb112 7 4 31 51 41 41 55 R Miguez5 2250 N Graffagnini 4.90 49714 RICHARD wb 109 6 5 62 61 7 61 62 R J Bright5 2000 E L Loux 11.90 50610 NEDS BETTY w 105 3 6 41 3* 51 7 7 J Sellers5 2250 A V Conniff 9.30 Time, :25, :50%, 1:16%, 1:43. Track good. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to . D • r 2-JULIA LYNN 6.40 3.60 3.00 2.20 .80 .50 M.,.,.1 utuel Prices? i-mrs. a. b 13.00 7.20 5.50 2.60 l 4-AMULET 4.40 1.20 Winner— Br. f, by Harvesting— Alice Mosby, by John S. Mosby, trained by B. H. Wise; bred by W. H. Briscoe. IN GATE-6:24. OFF AT 6:24 EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Start good. Won easily;, second and third driving. JULIA LYNN, in hand while racing within striking distance of the leader to the stretch, assumed command from AMULET when ready and drew clear, winning with speed in reserve. MRS. A. B. went to the front at once, set the pace until near the stretch, held on fairly well when set down in the drive, but was not good enough for the winner. AMULET moved up steadily during the run to the stretch, reached the lead at the final turn, then faltered. AMERICAL began sluggishly and was never dangerous. TUFFY DOE could not keep up. RICHARD had no excuse. NEDS BETTY had early speed, but failed to stay. Overweight— Mrs. A. B., 3 pounds; Richard, 3; Neds Betty, 1. Tuffy Doe claimed by Mrs. G. Nugent. EIGHTH RACE 1 MILE. Son Charlie, June 30, 1950—1:37—5—116. Beta Sigma Phi Purse. Purse 5 1 £ C ft ,600. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 3-year-olds, 108 lbs.; older, 122 lbs; Non-I O D U winners twice since April 15 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,000; June 10-55 — Det if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,000. Net value to winner ,690; second, 20j third, 60; fourth, 30. Mutuel Pool, 5,724. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt V* Vz % StrFin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 504651 BEE LEE TEE w8114 7 5 41 43 21 24 12 R J Bright5 4500 Ypsilanti Stable 4.30 507951 RICO VINO w 5 114 1 8 14 12 14 1h 221 R L Baird 50CO T A Grissom 3.70 506121 GUMPTIOUS wb 8 116 8 7 8 72 51 41 33 L C Cook 4500 M H VanBerg 5.30 50795 SMOOTH PALM wb 4 114 6 1 31 3h 31 33 43 W Zakoor 4500 C Kroneman and Son 14.10 512071 SECOND BARREL wb 4 116 2 3 2h 21 42 52 51 M N Galez 4500 Mrs W Zakoor 11.80 504652 CARTIER wb4108 5 2 62 61 71 61 64 L Hansman 4500 Mrs D Sukundo 4.80 51295 CELTIC SPIRIT wb 4 113 3 6 71 8 8 8 7J E Roy 4500 R A Parachek 30.10 50910 MAGIC CHOICE w5114 4 4 52 54 61 71 8 W Holborn 5000 Mrs J Foran 3.20 Time, :24%, :48%, 1:14, 1:40%. Track good. Official Program Numbers i/ ,— Mutuels Paid — /— — Odds to — k 1 . in* 7-BEE LEE TEE 10.60 4.60 3.60 4.30 1.30 .80 Mutuel Prices? 2-rico.vino 5.00 3.40 . 1.50 .70 I 8-GUMPTIOUS 3.80 .90 Winner— Ch. g, by Roy T.— Spooner, by Hadagal, trained by R. J. Glasson; bred by C. P. Edwards, Jr. IN GATE-6:50. OFF AT 6:50 EASTERN STANDARD TIME. Start good for all but RICO VINO. Won driving; second and third the same. BEE LEE TEE, well placed from the start, moved up determinedly approaching the stretch, responded readily when set down for the drive and, disposing of RICO VINO, won going away. The latter began poorly, was hustled to the front early and made the pace to the final furlong, held on gamely but was unable to hold the top one. GUMPTIOUS, outrun to the last three-eighths mile, closed willingly but could not threaten the leaders, pulling up quite lame. SMOOTH PALM raced well to the last eighth, then weakened. SECOND "BARREL tired after showing early speed. CARTIER was never dangerous and had no mishap. CELTIC SPIRIT showed nothing. MAGIC CHOICE " was through early. Scratched— 510282 Fleet Factor, 116; 500864 Fun for Two, 102. Attendance, 8,733; Total Mutuel Pool, 73,153.