untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1957-05-13


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I AN ADVENTURE IN FINE EATING Try Our Seafood Platter . . . Chuck Cavallini 3845 WEST 147th STREET, MIDLOTHIAN, ILLINOIS Specializing in Sizzling Steaks - Prime Ribs of Beef Live Lobster - Chicken - Italian Specialties DANCING and ENTERTAINMENT EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT ORGAN MUSIC DURING DINNER HOUR • AIR CONDITIONED FOR RESERVATIONS CALL - FUlton 8-1690 . 1 I i Fort Miami TOLEDO, OHIO Racing Daily thru May 22 POST TIME: 3:00 P.M. DAILY I SATURDAYS FIRST RACE TO ; BEGIN AT 2.00 P.M. | *- -*| ■ ■ -- — NIELSENS RESTAURANT Home 0/ Good Food 7830-40 S. Western Ave. CHICAGO Phone: PRospect 6-6388 i I ; | "PLAY ROTOLA" Hours of Entertaining and Educating for home and travel, "ROTOLA HORSE RACE GAME" 2-"WHATS IN A NAME GAME" 3-"BIRTHDATE GAME" 4-"WORD-O-GRAM GAME" 5-" ALPHABET GAME" 6-"COLOR GAME" 7-"ROTOLA BANK GAME" . .". All in one with four cartridges of tokens and score sheet, Rotola toy case made of plastic. Press lever, colors and numbers change, and rear side has letters that change, carry in your pocket. If not satisfied in ten days, return game for refund . . . Send check or Money Order, .95. Please print your name and address. No C. O. D.s. ABERDEEN NOVELTY CO. A. P. O. BOX 73 CHICAGO 17, ILLINOIS

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1957051301/drf1957051301_20_3
Local Identifier: drf1957051301_20_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800