United Press News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1957-05-13


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! ■ ■ ■ - . • l I | j , ; ! | [ , j I [ ; i • | . ! j ! ] 1 l 1 ! • . j t I J r t I £ j T t i c 1 j a I • x UNITED PRESS 1 NEWS BRIEFS NATIONAL: See Big League Club in Frisco in 58 SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., May 11. — Mayor George Christopher returned today from New York where he sought to obtain Major League baseball for San Francisco and indicated the shift may take place next year. "We anticipate no opposition," Chris-| topher added. "It is conceded in most major quarters that a move to the West Coast is inevitable. And under proper aus-I pices, this would be as good a time as ever. " Monty Guest of Ike at Gettysburg GETTYSBURG, Pa., May 11.— President Eisenhower and his week end guest, British Field Marshal Viscount Montgomery, flew here today for two days of old soldier bull sessions" and a lesson in applied history of the Battle of Gettysburg. Eisenhower and Montgomery arrived from Washington in the presidents twin-engined Aero Commander. Urge Limited Arms Aid to Latin America WASHINGTON, D. C, May 11. — Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey D-Minn. warned today that the United States must be care-iful that military aid to Latin America "does not promote an arms race." Hum- phrey also warned that this country must be equally careful that military aid does not detract from much-needed programs of economic and technical aid. Predict Record Employment in Summer WASHINGTON, D. C, May 11.— Labor .Secretary James P. Mitchell predicted today that employment will approach or exceed" 68,000,000 persons at its peak this summer. This would be about 1,000,000 .more persons than the record 66,800,000 persons employed in August. 1956, and sev-; feral million more than the 64.300,000 persons employed last month. Billy Graham to Crusade in New York NEW YORK, N. Y., May 11.— Evangelist Billy Graham arrived in New York today for the start of his crusade ayainst crime and sin. "I would say there is less religion per capita in New York than in the average American city," Graham told reporters at Pennsylvania Station. But then he qualified the remark. New York isnt one of the "worst" cities as regards sin, he said. FOREIGN: Colombias Rojas Exiled to Bermuda BOGOTA, Colombia, May 11.— Ousted ex-President Gustavo Rojas Pinilla left by air last night for the British colony of Bermuda to begin life as a refugee, it was reported today. The liberal newspaper Intermedia El Tiempo said the army detailed a heavy guard to escort Rojas to the airport. He was accompanied by his wife, two sons and a daughter with their husbands and two granddaughters. Red China Charges U. S. Aggression LONDON, England, May n._The Chinese Communist government accused the United States today of "aggression" in stationing American guided missiles on Formosa. A government statement broadcast by Peiping Radio said Red Chinas determination to "liberate" the Nationalist island stronghold is "unshakeable" despite the American action. It was the first formal Chinese Communist protest against the announcement earlier this week that advance elements of U. S. missile units had arrived on Formosa. Ask Big Three to Postpone Nuclear Tests BONN, Germany, May 11. — The West German Parliament last night ordered Chancellor Konrad Adenauer to call on the United States, Britain and the Soviet Union to halt nuclear test explosions "for a limited period." The Bundestag dower house delivered the order in a compromise resolution backed by Adenauers own coalition parties at the end of a bitter 12-hour atomic arms debate. Report Queen to Accept U. S. Invitation LONDON, England, May n._ The Daily Express said today the British government has advised Queen Elizabeth to accept an invitation to visit the United States this fall. "Notification that an invitation from President Eisenhower would be accepted will reach Washington within the next three weeks," Rene MacColl said in a dispatch from Washington. "Then the invitation will be officially issued and promptly accepted." Soud in Iraq for Peace Parley BAGHDAD, Iraq, May 11.— King Saud of Saudi Arabia flew here today for a formal state visit that ended an old Arab blood feud and opened the door to a new pro-western alliance in the Middle East. Saud, 56, was met at the airport by 22-year-old King Feisal and Crown Prince Abdul Hah of Iraq. The Saudi Arabian monarch was robed in formal Arab garments. Feisal and Hah wore Held marshals uniforms.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1957051301/drf1957051301_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1957051301_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800