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Long Branch Entries LONG BRANCH JOCKEY CLUB, LTD. TORONTO, 0NT., CANADA Saturday, August 22, 1953 WEATHER CLEAR; TRACK FAST EIGHTH DAY OF 14-DAY MEETING, AUGUST 14 TO AUGUST 29 DAILY DOUBLE FIRST AND SECOND RACES ENTRIES AND FIELD HORSES RUN AS ONE TRACKMANS SELECTIONS 1 Bull Halsey, Equalizer, Fine Buff. 2 ICing Cross, Miss Plaudie, Miss Clip- pette. 3 Tri-Sure, June Brook, Sunnycourt. 4 Bonifoyle, HRed Hope, Marse George. 5 Unification, Noboy, Den-Cal. 6 CHAIN REACTION, Kandi Kid, Win- terlady. 7 Greystone, Olio, By Degrees. 8 Singing Sir, Prince Calvert, Golden Clover. Jack Ayers. FIRST RACE T 1-16 Miles. 1:00 P. M. Purse ,700. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. PP. Horse Wt PP. Horse Wt. 1 Try Do 104 7 Temple Fire 106 2 0benbee 108 8 Good Tidings 108 3 Fine Buff 104 9Douffant 104 4 Equalizer 114 10Seaquarl 102 5 York Hunt 102 11 Imaginator 107 6 Bull Halsey 117 12 Frosty Port 111 Coupled: Try Do and Bouffant; Temple Fire and Good Tidings. SECOND RACE 6 Furlongs. 1:30 P. M. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 1 Fair Author 107 10 Miss Plaudie 112 2 King Cross 114 11 Foss Barker 117 3 Creation 111 12 Miss Clippette 107 4 Steady Beau 111 a-EI Golfo 109 5 Sues Special 106 a-B Speedy 112 6 Hi Danny 111 a-Count Thirty 111 7 Conductor 106 a-Tab Field 115 8 Lime Lake 101 a-Safford 104 9ChalIengo 111 a-Fireside Chat - - 111 THIRD RACE-5 1-2 Furlongs. 2:00 P. M. Purse ,800. 2-year-olds. Foaled in Canada. Allowances. . 1 June Brook 117 6Kh6rson 120 . 2 SovranGift 115 7 Niagara Lass 112 3 Sunnycourt 120 8 Town Mint 120 4 Oriole Lad -115 9 PursSnatcher 115 5 Tri-Sure 117 10Campster 115 Coupled: Tri-Sure and Niagara Lass. FOURTH RACE 6 Furlongs. 2:30 P. M. Purse ,800. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 1 Red Hope 114 5 Devon Belle 107 2 Marse George 119 6 Chevron Ace 111 3Boniboyle 114 7Dalpark 119 4 Give "A Tulip 112 8VereyLight 108 FIFTH RACE 6 Furlongs. 3:00 P. M. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. ""1 Den-Cal 119 6 Gay Romancer 105. .2 Mount Branca 105 7 Paddys Hat 119 ,3 Triple Switch 105 8 Noboy 114 4 Unification 110 9 Davegard 110 5 Remarque 110 10Genthorn 112 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3:30 P. M. First Running GOODWILL STAKES. ,000 added. 3-year-olds. Foaled in Canada. Special weights. 1 East Bank 118 5 Chain Reaction 122 2 Winter Lady 105 6Setator 105 3 Kandi Kid 113 7Briarcrest 110 4AvelIa 105 STabator 102 Coupled: Setator and Tabator. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. 4:00 P. M. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 1 SethBull 110 6 Be Top Man 120 2 Peter W. 117 7Calandria 107 3 Skating Gal 107 8 Kist 113 4 Last Drink. 105 9 Olio 120 5 Greystone 120 10 By Degrees 110 Coupled: Be Top Man and Olio. EIGHTH RACE-1 1-4 Miles. 4:30 P. M. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 1 Nijm 1116 Headwaiter 107 . 2 Joes Laddie 107 7 Gallant Blue 107 3 Singing Sir 115 8 Overpower 111 4 Golden Glover 115 9 Prince Calvert 112 5 Vice Admiral 107 a-Also eligible.