untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-09


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flMS Yours for the Asking! lrWfnJTFW% THIS 2°-pAGE BOOKLET explains the *Wtt juffiLLll llpl meaning of every symbol, abbreviation hfrT-TZM and figure in Daily Racing Forms supe- hJ //h"i sl. nor Past performances. The most com- iandsliiZ ?£ *■ "£]P0MandM "piete analysis ever compiled on these feC; subjects. Yours by return mail for only _%lb1kf five cents in stamps Xdo-not send coins h £. * Pii| to cover mailing and handling. Only on« andU ttWhitsJ 1 copy to each person. Pill in coupon below: tt flHBTV j/DlOTiii foAILY RACING FORM. 1 ||| UliUlll Ui liMl ||j I 731 Plymouth CL. Chicago 5. 111. iP» itrnrAniiiimrfl mM Send I Pleasesena me your booklet "How Ps PkRFHR Hi Ni]Ri m T « Read charts and past perfw«- iDarUnifl/lilVBV m pg /or ances." i am enclosing fivt cents ■*and! - v%£ m. 1 in stamp*. JuXifiVimi Today 00°y i ..... "4mm Mi I Address Mmm City „ Zor* No.. Stat.....

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050901/drf1959050901_15_2
Local Identifier: drf1959050901_15_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800