Official Racing Charts: Pimlico Race Course, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-09

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j Official Racing Charts — . Pimlico Race Course §§|] Copyright. 1959. bv Triangle Publications. Inc. BALTIMORE, MD., FRIDAY, MAY 1958-PIMLICO RACE COURSE 1 MILE. Fifth day of twelve-day meeting May 4 to May 1S. Maryland Jockey Club. American Totalisator. United Starting Gate. Film Patrol. Teletimer. Trackman, E. P. Heagerty. Weather clear. Steward representing Maryland Racing. Commission, J. F. Flanagan. Stewards, J. F. Colwill and W. C. Brinton. Placing Judges, E. T. McLean, Henry Erickson and 0. E. Pons. Patrol Judges, J. P. Brocator, George Cook, C. Minner and L. Abundi. Paddock Judge, E. J. Brennan. Jr. Clerk of Scales. Merrall MacNeille. Starter, Edward Blind. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, Charles J. McLennan. Assistant Racing Secretary and Handicapper, J. Melvin Mackin. . Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1958, .33; current meeting, .33. Percentage of favorites in the money, .64. Daily Double, first and second races. No entries or field horses allowed in Daily Double races. Mutuel take, 12 per cent State 5, plus daily license fee, track 7. Superior figure following jockeys name indicates apprentice allowance claimed. 3 Three lbs. claimed. 5 Five lbs., etc. In claiming races price appears after name of iockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Confirmation Photos, Inc. Length of stretch from last turn to finish, 1,170 feet. = FIE ST RACE 6 FURLONGS. I Salute, Nov. 10. 1954, 1:10. 4. 106. PJm 993T Purse S2,500. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners twice since April 15 I III - Z.Z.J/ allowed 3 lbs.; one race, G lbs. Claiming price, S2.500. Mav 8. 1959 Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. - Mutuel Pool, 5,764. . Inoev. Horses Eg t A vVt PP 5t V* to Str Fin jocKeys "* Clg Pr. Owners Odds to SI 2099LH3— Missy-Snippy 112 6 3 41 4h 2| 1"° H Block 2500 D Shea L50 2129LH — Cagi 119 5 2 V 12 14 22 LAdams 2500 Mrs H Obre 350 2210Pimi— Dagworthy b 119 10 1 5h 62 4| 3"°RSisto 2500 J Serio Jr~ 4.90 2081 Lrl —Toms Pal b 116 1 5 3 2b 32 44 T Lee 25C0 W T Clark 10 20 2099LH —South Wisner 111 3 9 62 51 53 52J E Monacelli 2500 S Sagner 7.60 2021 GP —Blue Sky Boy b 116 2 6 73 73 62 62J N Shuk 2500 W L Huntley 11.00 2001 Jam —Big Line 116 7 7 8h 83 84 73 J J Johnson 2500 Byrnalan Stable 90.20 2205Lrl —Little Buckle b 111 8 10 10* 9 9J 8nl A Chambers 25C0 J B Weaner 188.20 21 29Lrl —Kentucky Queen 112 9 8 12 11 103 9J CShaw 2500 Mrs L R Troiano 98.30 2056Lrl —Lily Mowlee 111 4 4 21 3i 7h 104 B Green 2500 A T Clarke 62.C0 69923 —Lite Rhythm b 113 11 12 11h 12 12 111 F Kratz 2500 Mrs C P Chenoweth 88.80 69508 — Skatten b 116 12 11 9h 1Qi 14 12*- F Vincent 2500 J J Schwebel -107.10 Time, :24%, :48%, 1:14%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers ii , — Mutuels Paid — . , Odds to . ii. in- 6-MISSY-SNIPPY 5.00 2.80 2.40 1.50 .40 .20 Mutue! Prices* 5-cagi 4.20 320 1.10 .60 1 10-DAGWORTHY 2.80 .40 Winner— Ch. f, by River War— High Hatter, by Opera Hat, trained by D. Shea, Jr.; bred by Manunda Farms. IN GATE-2:C0. OFF AT 2:00J EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. MISSY-SNIPPY, unhurried while holding a favorable position, lugged in slightly under pressure in the early stretch and rallied to wear down CAGI. The latter just failed to last after having been responsible for the pace. DAGWORTHY lacked the needed response after having been well placed. TOMS PAL lacked a rally after having been slightly crowded soon after entering the stretch. LILY MOWLEE gave way badly after a half. Scratched— 2211 Pimi Fast Draw, 22100P3 Diadema, 2210Pim4 Ma Ginny, 2210Pim Paralysis, 2210Pim2 Sir Rem, 2211 Pim3 Club Night. Overweight— Missy-Snippy, 1 pound; Kentucky Queen, 1; Lite Rhythm, 2. SECOND RACE 6 FURLONGS. I Salute. Nov. 10. 1954/1:10. 4. 106. DJm 99*8 Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Maryland, the produce of mares rilTI - iiJO served in Maryland. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners since April 15 allowed May 8. 1959 3 lbs.; since March 10, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner .625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 8,117. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va to Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 2210LH1— Smiler b4122 9 7 6* 42 11 12J E Plesa 2500 E W Reiber 4lo 2092Lr|3-Pepper C. b 4 119 1 3 2 54 5h 2h K Korte 2500 E M Hydeman 1.90 2202LH1— Babe Page. 4117 10 1 52 3h 2h 3"k E Monacelli 25C0 Mrs E P Lee 5 60 1929LH —Dorothys Best b4 111 6 2 14 11 33 41 A Cham brs 2500 W Elliott " 13.10 2202Lrl —Forays Boy 5116 11 9 94 71 72 5h D Nobrega 2500 R M Bosley 23 90 1947LH —Friendly Ellen 4106 34 4J 62 61 62 E SeamanS 2500 J Nechamkin 7.80 2201 Lrl —Many Chances b 4 111 4 5 31 2h 41 71 J Holland 2500 Sunamit Stable 5180 2127Lrl —Bengal Dancer b5 116 8 11 11 10 9 82 H Block 2500 W W Waters 18.50 2127Lrl— Cold Shoulder b 5 111 5 6 73 8 82 92 E Mclvor 2500 E A Dierickx 41.30 56037 — Josteeva b6 115 2 10 10J 11 11 10h A Russo 2500 H Miller 6 40 2202LH —Buster Style 4116 7 8 84 93 103 11 J Johnson 2500 J F Lied 88.20 Time, :24%, :48%, 1:13%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — S? Mutuels Paid — . /— : — Odds to SI n • 9-SMILER . 11.20 4 60 3.00 4.60 1.30 .50 Ml utuel rrices? i-pepper c 3.40 2.60 .70 .30 10-BABE PAGE ... 3.00 .50 Winner— B. c. by Colonel Mike— Bad Light, by Okapi, trained by C F. Wagner; bred by R. EL Vogelman. IN GATE— 2:26. OFF AT 2:27 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won ridden out. SMILER rallied from the outside to attain command and increase his advantage under mild urging. PEPPER C, after having displayed speed, dropped back gradually along the inside, then closed with good energy from the outside. BABE PAGE weakened durinq the drive. DOROTHYS BEST was in front to the stretch and faltered. FRIENDLY ELLEN was through early, as was MANY CHANCES. Overweight— Josteeva, 4 pounds. Smiler claimed by R. E. Vogelman, Jr., trainer same. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 0.80— Double Pool, 0,261. THIRD RACE 5 FURLONGS. Westward Ho. May 19. 1954. :59lf„ 2. 120. P;_, OOQ - Purse ,500. 2-year-clds. Maidens. Claiming. Weight. 120 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. im - Z.£.Sy Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mav 8.1959 Mutuel. Pool, 3,611. Index Horses Eqt A W PP S % Str Fin Jockevs CI g Pr Owners . Odds to 2101LH — Errardona 117 5 6 4h 2| *1h v b Green 7500 M Polinger 5.80 —Right Design 117 1 7 3J 6 3* 24 F Kratz 7500 H Sneiderman 23.60 221 1 Lrl — Galahit b 120 6 1 1h 12 2h 31 T Lee 7500 Mrs D M Fontana 1300 221 1LrH— Royal Symbol 120 12 10 62 51 53 4"k M Danisi 7500 Brandywine Stable 2.90 2101LrH— Moon Power 120 4 2 2 3* 4h 54 N Shuk 7500 J F Abell 19.20 —Little Tcmke 117 8 5 7h 72 7J 6J E Mandnacelli 7500 G C Smith 9.70 2047LH —King Jacob* 120 7 11 9h 83 81 7* D Nobrega 7500 Mrs R M Clagett 17.30 221 1 Lrl — Un Ami b 115 11 12 12 9h 93 84 J Blocks 7500 E G Howes Jr 17.70 2203LH —Easy Token 120 9 9 5| 4h 6h 91 L Reynolds 7500 H W Wageley 40.80 — Cophetua N 120 3 4 10* 10* 105 103 L Adams 7500 Mrs C Leone 27.30 — Hautbois 120 2 8 111 112 114 116 a Chambrs 7500 Mrs M Erlanger 4.80 1921 Lrl -=Foxy Pat 117 10 3 82 12 12 12 W Lester 7500 Hidden Valley Farm 5.90 Time, :23%, :«%, 1:01%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers "v . — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to . ... 1 r» • I 5-ERRARD0NA 13.60 7.40 6.00 5.80 2.70 2.00 Mutuel Prices? i-right design is.8o 12.60 8.90 5.30 « 6-GALAHIT 8.40 3.20 Winner— B f. by Errard— Whirlaron, by Whirlaway, trained bv B. P. Hacker; bred by J. W. Galbreath. IN GATE— 2:51. OFF AT 2:54 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. ERRARDONA displayed speed from the outside and increased her advantage in the last sixteenth. RIGHT DESIGN moved outside when GALAHIT dropped in front of her in the early stretch and held on gamely. GALAHIT bore in while in front entering the stretch, later drifted out and brushed RIGHT DESIGN, then weakened. Lees claim of foul against RIGHT DESIGN for alleged interference through the stretch was disallowed. ROYAL SYMBOL was forced to race wide. MOON POWER could not keep pace. HAUTBOIS was green and showed nothing. FOXY PAT was outrun. Scratched— 2211 LrI3 Trobar, Country Romance, Broken Step, 2130Lrl3 Sea Tread, 2057Lr|3 Ruse de Guerre, 1774Bow Sew Wash Wear. FOURTH RACE 6 FURLONGS. I Salute, Nov. 10. 1954. 1:10. 4. 106. PJm" 994.0 Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Foaled in Maryland, the produce of mares l 1 1 II - iitU served in Maryland. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners since April 15 allowed May 8. 1959 3 lbs.; since March 10, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, S250; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 8,747. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va. to Str Fin JocKeys Clg P.-.. Owners Odds to 51 1947LH — Infonlea b4H6 6 1 14 4 1h 4 R Mikkonen 2500 M J Cremen 35.40 2201 Lrl — Fenmar 5111 8 6 62 44 3J 22 R L Gilbts 2500 D G Neuman 8.40 21 03Lrl —Lea Stream 6112 2 3 2 21 23 32 N Shuk 2500 W J Appel 3.90 .. 2127LH3— Rustic Billy b 8 111 7 5 31 32 43 44 J Block5 25CO Mrs J V Stewart 2.90 2062LH -Dix 7114 5 7 71 5$ 53 54 D Nobrega 2500 A T Allen 11.70 2117Lrl —Blossom Maid 4113 4 2 4" 72 61 6"" LAdams 2500 F W Zacharias 10.00 1946LH -Morgan Boy 4116 9 8 8£ 85 7h 74RSisto 2500 J J Wolf 4.70 2126LH3— Melodv Jane b 4 106 3 4 5* 6* 88 8™ E SeamanS 2500 Flamingo Farm 3.90 2202Lrl -Candys Dandy b 5 106 1 9 9999 C Bakers 2503 C DiMaio 144.60 Time, :241/5, :48%, 1:14. Track fast. Official Program Numbers*/ ,—« Mutuels Paid— . r—idsla-—, . , . 6-INF0NLEA 72.80 25.40 11.60 35.40 11.70 4.80 Mutuel Prices? • n-« s-fenmar 9.60 5.40 3.80 1.70 2-LEA STREAM 4.00 1.00 Winner— B g by Bull Lead— Foneda, by Infinite, trained by M. J. Cremen; bred by M. J. Cremen. IN GATE-3:18. OFF AT 3:18 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. . Start good. Won driving. INFONLEA set the pace, turned back the challenge of LEA STREAM PTnrill and lasted over FENMAR. The latter improved his position from the outside but was not good enough. LEA STREAM engaged the leader from the inside near the furlong pole and weakened. RUSTIC BILLY lacked a response after having been well placed. MORGAN BOY showed nothing. MELODY JANE was outrun. Scratched— 221 OLrl Pinch of Heaven, 2205Pim Sallys Buddy. Overweight— Lea Stream, 1 pound; Dix, 3; Blossom Maid, 2. .. * t - « FIFTH RACE 6 FURLONGS. I Salute. Nov. 10. 1954. 1:10. 4. 106. Pirn 99A1 Purse 52,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners twice r nil - X.Z.M-1 s;nce April 1 allowed 3 lbs.; one race. 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,100. May 8. 1959 Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 7,034. Inoex Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va to Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 2212LH1— Bold Hunter b 6 122 7 5 73 44 33 1h K Korte 4100 Lornapat Farm 6.50 2205Pim2— Finn McCool b 4 116 5 1 13 13 14 22 L Adamst 4100 Mrs J B Bradley 8.30 2215Pimi— Tingaling Jim 6119 6 3 62 73 52 34 J Fitzgald 4100 Mrs E A Kimble 2.30 2216Pim —Too Hasty b 5 106 4 7 2h 2 2h 42 R L Gilbts 4100 F E Westenberger a-4.20 2105LH —Royal Holiday b 6 116 3 4 4 64 6h 5"" B Green 4100 C DeWald 6.60 2207LH —Sweet Stroller b 5 116 2 8 3* 33 4h 6"* N Shuk 4100 R L Pearson 10.70 2003GP2— Star 0 Lee b4106 1 2 52 5h 74 74 J Blocks 4100 M Shagrin 4.10 2204LH2— Armevor 411186 8888C Gonzalez 4100 F E Westenberger a-4.20 a-Coupled, Too Hasty and Armevor. tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23%, :47%, 1:13%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — S2 Mutuels Paid — . , Odds to , I D • 7-BOLD HUNTER 15.00 7.40 3.80 6.50 2.70 .90 MS. utuel rricesi s-finn mccool 8.20 5.00 3.10 1.50 «- 6-TINGALING JIM 3.40 .70 Winner— B. g, by Hunters Moon IV.— Great Hurry, by Hard Tack, trained by F. Shenski; bred by Mrs. W. P. Buel. IN GATE— 3:40. OFF AT 3:40J EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. BOLD HUNTER, sluggish early, rallied from the outside and wore down FINN McCOOL. The latter enjoyed a commanding lead until the late stretch and Just failed to last. TINGALING JIM was slow to respond. TOO HASTY lacked a late response. ROYAL HOLIDAY could not keep pace and returned lame. SWEET STROLLER was through early. STAR 0 LEE displayed speed and weakened. - SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Noble Impulse. May 9, 1949. 1:42. 3. 119. Djm 9949 Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Foaed in Maryland, the produce of mares run - Z.Z.+Z. served in Maryland. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners since April 15 allowed May 8. 1959 3 lbs.; since March 10. 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, S79,119. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va to Va Str Fin Jockeys CI g Pr Owners Odds to SI 21 25LH1— Fellow b5 117 5 3 6« 65 11 14 12J r l Gilbts 3500 A K Price 2.20 2209LrM— Anns Love b 9 122 3 7 7 7 7 24 28 LAdams 3500 Double A Stable 1.40 1994LD2— Chuck Webb b4103 7 1 11 4 21 34 31 J Blocks 35r0 F E Percope 1360 2014LrH— Mr. Fleet 4111 4 6 5| 5i 5J 4h 44 L Reynolds 3500 F B Clark 6.70 2206Lr|2— Flying Flynn b4115 1 5 33 33 3i 52 5+v W Lester 3500 Mrs J M Cudone 600 2092Lrl —Shuffle Off b4 116 6 2 24 23 4h 7 6J T Lee 3500 R Gottsman 25 30 2117LH — Head Dancer 14114 2 4 44 4h 61 6| 7 C BakerS 3500 H R Gray 23.10 Time, :24i/5, :49,-1:15%, 1:41%, 1:47%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — . , Odds to » in • 5-FELL0W . , 6.40 3.40 2.60 2.20 .70 .30 M. utuel rricesj 3-anns love 3.20 2.40 .60 21 l 7-CHUCK WEBB 3.60 .80 Winner— Ch. g, by The Rhymer— She Dares, by Challenger II , trained by A. K. Price: bred by Mrs. W. B. Dietrich. IN GATE— 4:05. OFF AT 4:05J EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. FELLOW moved boldly from the outside to attain command on the final turn and was kept to pressure to hold ANNS LOVE safe. The latter was a distant trailer early, closed ground steadily but failed to seriously menace the winner. CHUCK WEBB weakened after having set the pace. MR. FLEET lacked a rally. FLYING FLYNN was steadied briefly along the inside while in the midst of a rally nearing the stretch, then flattened out. SHUFFLE OFF gave way badly. Overweight— Chuck Webb, 2 pounds; Flying Flynn, 4. SEVENTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Noble Impulse. Mav 9. 1949. 1:42. 3. 119. Pirn 99A Purse S3.000. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners twice since April 1 run - Z.Z/+. allowed 3 lbs.; one race. 6 lbs. Claiming price. ,500. May 8. 1959 Net value to winner ,950; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 0,476. Inoex horses • Eqt A W- PP St /■ Vi % Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds tc SI 1923LrH_Be Moderate b 116 4 5 34 4 13 14 13 LAdams 7500 Double A Stable 6.10 1926Lrl4— Bull Hero b 113 5 2 52 51 44 34 2h E Mclvor 7500 M P Blackburn 410 2214LH2— Tiffin Time b 113 6 4 2 32 22 21 32 J Johnson 7500 Mrs F Moon 1.0 1971 Lrl —Fire Call b 116 1 7 7 7 5* 65 42 E Monacelli 7500 Mrs F Arndt 9.10 21 15Lrl —Space Travel b 116 7 6 44 44 3| 42 5J L Reynolds 7500 R P Trice 6 40 2216Lrlc— RustonTs Year b 115 2 3 64 61 7 5h 68 W Lester 75C0 L E Ferguson 8.40 2113LrH— Frozen Fire b 116 3 1 11 2| 6h 7 7 K Korte 7500 W D Andrews 7.70 Time, :24%, :48%, 1:14%, 1:11%, 1:48%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers Jj , — S? Mutuels Paid — , Odds to . D-r~«,.f 4"BE MODERATE . 14.20 4.80 2.40 6.10 1.40 .20 M..|...l utuel r rices J s-bull hero 5.00 3x0 1.50 .50 I 6-TIFFIN TIME 2.40 .20 Winner— Dk. b. c, by Agitator II.— Drakensburg, by Admiral Drake, trained by W. A. Ganley; bred by Bieber-Jacobs Stables. IN GATE— 4:30. OFF AT 4:30| EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won easily. BE MODERATE assumed command from the inside along the backstretch, established a comfortable lead and won easily. BULL HERO rallied to wear down TIFFIN TIME. The latter was with the pace for five furlongs and weakened. FIRE CALL wore down tired horses. SPACE TRAVEL lacked a rally RUSTOMS YEAR showed nothing. FROZEN. FIRE was under restraint while in front early and lacked a response when roused. Overweight— Rustoms Year, 2 pounds. Space Travel claimed, by Liz-Tree Stable, trainer F. E. Cgden. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Noble Impulse. Mav 9. 1949. 1:42. 3. 119. Pim 9944 Pimlico Merchants Association Purse. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non- i i ii i - i*-1" winners of three races other than maiden or claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of May 8. 1959 0,000 allowed 3 lbs.; two races in 1959, 6 lbs.; one race since Jan. 16, 9 lbs.; snee Nov. 26, 12 lbs.; ,600 at any time, 15 lbs. claiming and maiden races not considered Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 2,182. Inoex Horse* Eg t A Wt PP 5 v* to 34 Str Fin Jockevs Owners Pods to "JT 2207Pim2— Weather Prophet 107 5 1 2h 3J 32 24 4 A Chambrs Willowbrook Stable ifC0 221 5CD —Sundown II. 116 4 4 12 1Z 12 11 2J LAdams R S Lytle 1010 2216LH2— Riversun b 116 3 3 3£ 2h 2h 34 3? M Danisi Powhatan Farm 12. JO 2043LrH-Pen Bolero b 119 6 6 6* 44 42 44 44 K Korte Mrs" B Cohen 60 2217LH3— Poppy Jay b 119 2 2 5h 6 54 5 5 N Shuk Maryknoll Farm 12 70 1924CD — Mosby 119 1 5 4h 5h 6 Outdistd.R L Stevon Llangollen Farm 5.30 Time, :24%, :48%, 1:13%, 1:40, 1:46%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers ,— S2 Mutuels Paid — , Odds to . D.;/.«oPWEATHERPR0PHET - - - 14M 8M 11°0 6.00 3.40 4.50 M.,*,.aI utuel rricesi 4-sundown u 7.00 10.00 250 4co V 3-RIVERSUN 12.20 510 Winner— B. c, by Woodchuck— Patent, by~dohnstown, trained by T. A. Kelly: bred by H/V L Jones Jr IN GATE-4:55. OFF AT 4:55 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. WEATHER PROPHET followed the pace closely and responded well during the drive to-wear down SUNDOWN II. The latter set the pace under good rating and held on gamely. RIVERSUN was_always within striking distance but lacked sufficient response along the inside. PEN BOLERO gave way badly from midway of the final turn. POPPY JAY was outrun. MOSBY stopped to a walk and was outdistanced through the stretch. NINTH R4CE 1 1-16 MILES. Noble Impulse. Mav 9. 1949. 1:42. 3. 119. Pim - 994*5 Purse S2 500- 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Non-winners twice since April 15. • mi z.x.-r Weight. 120 lbs. Non-winners since April 15 allowed 3 lbs.; since March 30, 6 lbs May 8. 1959 Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner .625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 4,829. Inoex Horses „ Eg t A Wt PP St Va to V* Str Fin jockevs CI o Pr. Owners Odds to S1 2209LH3— Jubilee Day 6117 5 1 4 11 1»* 4 4 CShaw 30CO Mrs B Sharp : 900 221 2Lrl —Desert Sand b6 114 2 4 63 4h 23 25 23 N Shuk 30:o Bertrando Stable 5 EO 2209Pim3-Galway Bay b4114 4 8 9J 7h 5 3h 3« F Kratz 30CO D Imerito 2sO 2206LrH-Colony Menu b5109 9 9 8J 82 7J 65 41 E Monacelli 1020 ES Hineman 8 80 2209.LrH-Exton b4114 3 3 3£ 2 32 5| 54 K Stuart 3C01 J D Curran 2210 2078Lrl — Heltop b8 115 12 12 12 113 91 4h 62 W Lester 30CO A A W A Stable 6 30 2201 Lrl —Northern Code b4 114 11 11 11412 11h 7475 L Reynolds 3000 J F Lipira 3120 2091LH3— Irish Beth b4 105 7 5 22 3h 94 95 8h C Baker 3O0O W L Grier Jr 1840 2202LrH— Tintern 6 114 10 6 51 61 8h 8h 9-ik k Korte 3000 L E Torreyson 21 00 22C9LH2— Maragto b 6 114 1 10 105 10h 10h 118 104 D Nobrega 3000 R E Vogelman Jr 12 80 2210Lrl3— War Sally b7113 6 2 4h 53 4h 10 117 LAdams 3CO0 R W Fitzgerald 6 20 221 9Pim —High Affair b4114 8 7 72 9LJ2 12 12 G Hufnagel 3000 R Zimmerman 53.40 Time, :24%, :49, 1:14%, 1:40%, 1:47%. Track fast. . Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — , , Odds to~ s ID • 5-JUBILEE DAY .... 20.00 9.20 4.40 9.00 3.60 1.20 Mm. utuel rrices 2-desert sand 7.00 4.00 2.50 1.00 l 4-GALWAY BAY v 3.60 .80 Winner— Ch. g, by Sun Again— Buckie, by Zacaweista, trained by C. Peoples; bred by C. E. Buckley. IN GATE— 5:21. OFF AT 5:21 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. JUBILEE DAY was well rated while setting the pace and withstood the extended challenge of DESERT SAND. The latter was formidable from the start but was not gooft enough. GALWAY BAY rallied insufficiently. COLONY MENU lacked the needed response. EXTON gave way badly. HELTOP passed tired horses. IRISH BETH gave way badly. WAR SALLY was through early. Scratched— 2201 Lrl Arcularius, 2108Lrl Parti Quiz. Overweight— Heltop, 1 pound; Irish Beth, 1; War Sally, 4. Attendance, 8,001; Total Mutuel Pool, 60,140.

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