Missouri Handicap Tops Fine Program at Cahokia: Provoc Expected to Get Call Over Six Sprint Foes Tonight, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-09


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Missouri Handicap Tops Fine Program at Cahokia Proyoc Expected to Get Call Over Six Sprint Foes Tonight By J. J. HAHN Staff Correspondent CAHOKIA DOWNS, East St. Louis, 111., May 8. — The Missouri Handicap at 6M furlongs is the main event here Saturday night and while only seven are entered it probably is the strongest and best matched field of the current meeting. Heading the field is Provoc, winner of the Inaugural Handicap and who races in the silks of Jim Norwine. The four-year-old daughter of Provocative, claimed as a two-year-old by his present owner, is the actual top-weight because of her sex even though she and Carroll P. Polands highly regarded Demetrios V. are in at 116 pounds. Also named to go postward in the Missouri are Frank and Walden Haynes Wille-pass, 115; Dishong and Nardinis Baker Street, 114; Norman Abdouchs Midnight O., 112; Mattingley and Hardicks Eureka Belle, 108, and Dr. C. N. Salernos Sal Request, 106. Provoc, winner of four races last year and who hung on with determination in the Inaugural to ease out the fast closing Hy-Bill B., probably will go postward favorite despite her giving away weight to her older opposition. She has been an outstanding performer since making her appearance over this track as a two-year-old and regardless of the company she faces is usually well supported. Demetrios V., at consistent speedster two years ago when racing in the silks of Mrs. Pete Maxwell and winner of five races last year, has failed to perform up to expectations since the beginning of this meeting. Willepass comes highly recommended as attested .by his 1958 record. He raced well this past winter in Arizona and gave a good account of himself at the Oaklawn Park meeting. The Hayne representative is an invader from Sportsmans Park and raced in high claiming company at that course. Baker Street made his debut here last Wednesday night in the Springfield Purse and gave- a good account of himself, chasing home Hy-Bill B., then hanging after reaching that one at the head of the stretch. He is expected to show some improvement over that performance. Midnight O., a former track-record holder here of several years back, may need a race but this seven-year-old son of Royal Red may prove one of the leading handicap performers here when distance features are contested a little later in the season. Eureka Belle has raced twice here and was beaten off each time. She flashed high speed in the Inaugural but showed nothing • here last Wednesday night. Sals Request appears to be in too high and would have to show improved form to take the measure of the field she goes against Saturday night. The supporting number is a 5 furlongs dash for three-year-olds and upward, in which eight are entered. It embraces such speedy ones as Bamaway, owned by Mrs. Sam Orr and winner of 10 races last year. Other local favorites in the race are Cobra Hella and Princess Ellen. The latter established a track record here last year for the mile and 70 yards distance. Nine races are to be staged and post for the opening number is 8:30.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050901/drf1959050901_3_6
Local Identifier: drf1959050901_3_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800