untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-09


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WMMJ Yours for the Asking! f!5STrB?l THIS 20"PAGE BOOKLET explains the b£»U , J£ JffftL Lu . wJ-£$ meaning ol every symbol, abbreviation » f-rtKtfff and f "sure in Daily Racing Forms supe- l; Vtvi* rior past performances. The most com- X.idSJl?i;jfx-jf/fAli plete analysis ever compiled on these lt *and*tVi"K*-13?li subjects. Yours by return mail for only %J hr y-t-y *. - K-mifM five cents in stamps do not send coins | |jjP to cover mailing and handling. Only one f titPHJ ¥%$ copy to eacn Person-Fil1 in c°uP°n below: ►s*v %$;and C~~ - — - — — — ■— — — — — — — —— 1 ®? UUlilA m m m W Plymouth Ct., Chicago 5, III. nnnnAnilllTflFKI mand Send I -Please seno me your booklet "How m PrKrllKHilWI KN wm to Read Charts and Past perform- i lUIllUIlillilllUtilJ and|g for ances« 1 am enc|0Sing five cents I?®..., t Wand * If I in stampi- lfe«? Nam. %mmm Today m*™ Wandj*r*~*-" andand. f.A-,- ?, taal j City Zone No. .Statt....

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050901/drf1959050901_43_2
Local Identifier: drf1959050901_43_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800