United Press International News Briefs, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-09


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UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL 1 NEWS I *— andRIEFS NATIONAL: Warn Reds on High-Handed Action WASHINGTON, May 8.— High American sources said today that any high-handed action by the Soviets against Berlin would break up the impending foreign- ministers meeting and end chances of a summit conference. The warning came as Secretary of State Christian A. Herter prepared to depart for the Geneva meeting, ready to negotiate with the Russians in a spirit of conciliation but firmly against bargaining away basic western principles. Officials said if the Soviets are not already aware of the danger of carrying out their ultimatum on Berlin, it will be made clear to them -at the Geneva meeting starting Monday. * Secretary Donald -A. Quarles Succumbs WASHINGTON, May 8.— Deputy Defense Secretary Donald A. Quarles, who was in line as President Eisenhowers next Secretary of Defense, was found dead at his home here today. Quarles, 64, apparently died in his sleep. 1958 Cotton Crop Up; Value Up 17% WASHINGTON, May 8.— The Agriculture Department today fixed the size of the 1958 cotton crop at 11,512,000 bales. The value of the crop, based on the season average price to May 1 of 33.1 cents a pound, is about ,907,000,000. This is 17 per cent larger than the value of the 1957 crop. The 1957 average price was 29.65 cents a pound. Seeks Joint Exploration of Outer Space PHILADELPHIA, May 8. — T. Keith Glennan, chief of the National Aeronautics and Space Agency, yesterday called on all countries including Russia to join with the United States in a team for exploration of outer space. Glennans address to a meeting of the world affairs council was a challenge to his opposite number, Lt. Gen. Anatoli A. Blagonravov, Soviet rocket expert, who previously urged a similar program warning that otherwise Russia would go it alone. Archbishop Vagnozzi Arrives in New York NEW YORK, May 8.— Archbishop Egidio Vaganozzi, who has been Papal Delegate to the Philippines for the last nine and one-half years, arrived from Rome today to become Pope John XXHTs representative to the United States. He was greeted aboard the liner Julio Cesare by Francis Cardinal Spellman, other Roman Catholic officials, and relatives from Trenton, N. J. FOREIGN : Immense Orleans Crowd Cheers de Gaulle ORLEANS, Prance, May 8. — Gen. Charles de Gaulle was cheered by immense crowds today when he came here to help celebrate the victory of Joan of Arc 530 years ago and VE Day in 1945. De Gaulle was on the second day of his third "meet the people" tour, a series he has undertaken to rally support for his policies of government austerity and efforts to bring the French nation back to the forefront among world powers. Mikoyan Meets With Visiting Americans MOSCOW, May 8.— Soviet First Deputy Premier Anastas I. Mikoyan met today with officials of the Ford Foundation and a group of visiting American educators, the Tass News Agency reported. Mikoyan, who visited the United States last year, talked with Henry T. Heald, president of the foundation, and other officials. He also met with Dr. Harlan Hatcher, president of the University of Michigan, and other educators, Tass said. Western Diplomats Welcome Herters Talk LONDON, May 8. — Western Europe diplomats today endorsed Secretary of State Christain A. Herters call for firm but fair negotiations with the Soviet Union at Geneva. Diplomlats in London, Bonn and Paris welcomed Herters address to the American people last night and said it mirrored broadly Allied strategy approved by the western foreign ministers in Paris last week. There was no immediate official comment available but the text of the speech was being studied carefully in European chancelleries. Crush Anti-Government Plot in Spain LISBON, May 8.— Diario Da Manha, official newspaper of* Premier Antonio de Oliveira Salazars National Union Party, said today that last months anti-government plot was hatched by Communists all-or-nothing bid for power. The plot was an official secret until yesterday, when Interior Minister Arnoldo Schultz announced in a newspaper interview that it was crushed by- the arrest of 12 key conspirators. Schultz said only that the government acted early in March. Informed sources said the plot was crushed March 12.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050901/drf1959050901_2_2
Local Identifier: drf1959050901_2_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800