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tandWm "nn n winifvi rsS riri nri nriMnnrw ]: lM HARNESS RACING NIGHTLY f l/fVA-ZTS" TlZrViJ ?!w V/KUZnJw BflMlflRP Harness racing every weekday night no racing Sundays through 1 v/lF~ iWWlk !t7U~ V f ■BPQQSPi May 30th Par-Mutue,s/ Da,y Double, Stake Races. Finest horses ij/ /iyriMT S%IH * ISbiSpIA competing on the Midwests fastest track. Post time, 8:40 p. m. H§/-:and7jwl¥AI * PK3SbB Admssion .50 Grandstand, .00 Clubhouse, fax inc/udec/. Easy to |L |.*4S? eP WGlJ HpnlA-c wMnflBM reach by car " us 0r mousme- */," Daily fSJI#|w %fe« ■ajjjit NORTH AVENUE 1600 North and RIVER ROAD 8600 West. *M%**M9 WYM * PLENTY PARKING JRACKSIDE. DAILY DOUBLE CLOSES 8:30 P. M. •Sf.«. PA#/-Ml/7V£l$ F0R RESERVATIONS CALL MAnsfield 6-4816 Faster Track + Finest Horses + Feature Race Nightly