Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-11

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1 Alphabetical Index to Entries A A Dragon Hank— 2d CD Acquaint Me— 2d Spt Adair Kid— 5th Suf Addie Belle— 5th CD Admiral Charlie— 1st Spt Admiral Hogan— 5th G.S Admiral Lunsford— 5th Bel Adoll— 3d G.S Aerojet— 1st Spt Agamemnon — 1st Bel Agoura Call— 1st Spt Air Delight— 3d Bel Airlong— 3d G.S Alfred John— 1st CD Algem— 5th Pirn Alley Bap— 8th G.S Amanullah— 1st Bel Amony— 3d G.S Andrew B. W.— 2d CD Angareth— 1st G.S .Another Art— 7th G.S Another Gal— 4th Pirn Any Star— IstSpt-Apple Dumplin— 1st G.S Apponaug— 9th Suf Arbela— 4th Suf Ariel Flush— 8th CD Astrology— 5th Bel Atellor— 8th CD Aubers Best— 3d G.S Audience— 8th Bel B Bali Hoo— 9th Spt Barroco— 7th Suf Battle Hill — 6th G.S Bay Harbor— 5th G.S Bay St. Louis— 3d Suf Bay-B-Lin— 2d CD Beach Mode— 8th Suf Beachies Last— 2d Suf Bearsee— 7th CD Becky Blyn— 4th G.S Belle Brune— 2d Bel Belle Peg— 4th G.S Bennington Gal— 3d CD Berelia— 2d Bel Bernlin— 1st Pirn Betsy T.— 2d Suf Better Depth— 1st CD Betty Linn— 6th G.S Big Fitz— 8th CD Big Sweep— 7th CD Bigger n Better— 1st Bel Black Hills— 7th Pirn Black Pine— 1st Pirn Bless My Heart— 4th CD Blessed Past— 4th Suf Blue Measure— 4th Pirn Blue Nitro— 9th Bel Bhie Sky Boy— 2d Pirn Bluffing— 5th CD Boast— 8th Spt Bokeer— 9th Suf Bomarsund— 3d Bel Bonnie A.— 6th G.S Boots Baby— 8th CD Bounce-A-Bit— 2d Bel Bow Dero— 1st CD Brady A.— 7th Suf Breezy Night— 9th Pirn Brendan— 3d Bel Briarwood— 5th CD Bridlewood— 1st Spt Bright Way— 1st CD Broken Chain— 3d Pirn Bumpy Road— 7th Bel Burnley Boy— 6th Pirn Buzzie— 1st Suf Byafleet— 5th G.S c Cable Lead— 3d Bel Cagi— 1st Pirn Call the Witness— 7th Pirn Capital Ace— 8th CD * Capitol K.— 2d CD Captain Abbey— 8th Spt Captain Charles— 6th Pirn Cardinal Sin— 6th CD Carmine— 2d CD Cashel II.— 6th Bel Challataw— 2d Spt Challborre— 9th Spt Chance Gauge— 7th CD Chance It— 7th G.S Charcoal Fiddle— 1st Pirn Charlies Admiral— 2d CD Charlies Joy— 1st Bel Chasmar Belle— 4th Pirn Check— 5th Pirn Checkered Flag— 8th Suf Cherokee Chief— 1st Bel Chicote Girl — 6th Spt Chief Please— 6th Spt Chilly Pende— 9th Pirn Chin Chin— 8th Suf Choice Double— 7th Spt Classic Red— 5th Spt Close Harmony— 5th Spt Closed In— 3d G.S Club Night— 1st Pirn Cobbs Boy— 4th CD Cohoes— 7th Bel Coloneast— 7th Suf Colonel Jett— 9th Spt Colonel Pat— 9th Suf Colonel Patch— 6th Spt Colonels Queen— 5th Pirn Combahee— 9th Pirn Conga Star— 3d G.S Cornhill— 3d Bel Corpus Kid— 4th Spt Count Amber— 4th Bel Count B.— 7th Spt Count Mighty— 3d CD Counter Spy— 7th G.S Cousin Buddy— 1st Pirn Cousin Con— 7th G.S Crack Decision— 9th Spt Cranberry Joe— 1st Suf Cuddling— 5th Spt Cue Cu— 1st Pirn Cut In— 4th Pirn Cuvier Relic— 2d CD D D. Beaut— 2d Pirn Dance and Play— 8th G.S Dandy Blitzen— 6th G.S Dashing Deby— 8th CD Davids Pride— 4th CD Dead Indian— 1st Bel Dear John— 2d Spt Debbie Castle— 2d Pirn Dee Dee Kay— 1st CD Dee Vee Tee— 5th Spt Deer Crossing— 4th Bel Demon Rouge— 3d Bel Derrick— 8th Bel Dianes Request— 2d Bel Dig Me— 9th Suf Dinner Music— 2d Suf Dinner Winner— 8th Spt Direct Way— 4th Bel Dona Mark— 8th Spt Donabul— 2d Pirn Donna Ray K.— 9th Spt-Dopplich— 2d Pirn Double Bid— 7th Suf Doublette— 2d CD Dr. Josh— 8th Spt Dry Powder— 5th Spt Dry Vermouth— 1st Suf Duke of Noor— 7th Spt Dunce— 8th Bel Dynamometer— 8th Suf E Edliss— 2d G.S Ednez— 3d G.S Eds Image— 2d Pirn Egotistical— 7th Bel Elliotts Gem— 1st Bel Emboss— 9th Suf Endine— 6th G.S Erie Isle— 1st Spt Estival— 2d CD Etoile Du Nord— 5th Suf Etude— 1st CD Eudys Dream — 3d Suf Ever So Humble— 6th Pirn Exhibition Run— 8th CD Eye Patch— 6th Spt F Fabulist— 7th Spt Fair Effort— 3d Suf Fairy Candle— 4th G.S Fancy Souvenir— 8th CD Felinity— 2d Bel Festoon— 2d Suf Fifth Down Red— 8th G.S Fighting Three— 1st Suf First Doe— 2d* CD Flag Waver— 2d G.S Fluellen — 8th Pirn Foamy— 8th Pirn .Forty Grand— 2d CD Foxy Silver— 9th Suf Franks Lass — 4th Pirn Fredrica— 5th Spt Fresh Meadow— 8th Pirn Fudcran— 9th Pirn Full Flight— 7th CD G Galla Vixen— 9th Spt * Gal las way— 4th CD Galnews— 3d G.S Gambrosia— 8th G.S Game Called— 2d Bel Ge He We-3d Suf Gen. Davidson— 1st Pirn Getahead— 4th CD " _ Ginger Brown— 7th CD Gipsy Scholar— 7th CD Glory Union— 5th Suf Glow Again— 1st G.S Golf Ace— 3d Bel Good Tune— 1st Suf Goose Lake— 3d Suf Grandviews Pride — 1st CD Gray Bahram— 3d Suf Graying— 3d Suf Greek Valor— 4th Suf Grey Haze— 5th Suf Growing Pains— 1st CD Gulio Cesere— 6th Suf H Halt Katy— 3d CD Hand and Foot— 6th Pirn Happy Gig— 2d Pirn Happy Guy— 2d Spt Har-Boots— 2d Pirn Harwick— 1st G.S Her Worship— 3d Pirn Heliobubble-Sd Pirn Hey Pasquale— 4th Suf High River— 3d Pirn Hill Mist— 5th Suf Hippogriff— 9th Spt History Book— 2d G.S Hit Head— 2d G.S Hoe Down— 5th Bel Hoist Away— 8th Bel . Holly Anne— 4th G.S Honey 0— 4th G.S Hoppys Eddie— 2d CD Hot Walker— 1st Suf Hush Man— 8th Pirn I I Am Cientifico— 5th G.S Ideology— 7th G.S . Ike-Margo— 6th Spt Im Gona To— IstSpt Ima Bargain— 4th Spt Image— 5th Bel Indisputable— 1st Bel Inniscarra — 1st Spt Iranian— 7th CD Irene Terres— 3d G.S Isendu— 7th Bel Island Lad— 1st G.S Ithaca— 2d Bel Itobe— 7th Bel J J. Homer— 4th Bel Jac-A-Muffin— 3d Pirn Jack ODiamonds— 4th Suf Jackies First— 9th Spt Jay Jay Jr.— 5th G.S Jedu— 7th CD Jerry Evarts— 6th Suf Jesper— 1st Bel Jett Flame— 8th Pirn Jimmer— 7th Bel Joanie Z. — 6th Suf Joe Jr.— 8th Spt John Hancock— 8th Suf Jolly Harp— 5th G.S Jos Alibi— 1st Pirn Joyful News— 2d Suf Joyous Maid — 4th Pirn Jumping Admiral— 5th Pirn Just Linda— 4th G.S K Karens Pal— 4th Spt Katys Khal— 2d Spt Kaygeebe— 6th Pirn Kays Choice— 8th CD Kentucky Pride— 7th Bel Kentucky Queen— 1st Pirn Kentucky Royal— 3d G.S Kentucky Star— 6th CD Khalette— 2d Bel Kinda Clever— 1st G.S King Dare— 8th G.S King Judex— 5th Pirn King Love — 4th Spt Kings Image— 7th CD Kissena— 2d Spt Kitchs Joy— 2d CD L v La Patrona— 1st G.S Lady Rippey— 2d Pirn Land-O-Zeve— 2d Spt Lark GIo— 2d Suf Lasting Spring— 2d Spt Lawdy Claudy— 6th Bel Le Tocsin— 7th CD Legal Separation— 2d Pirn Leos Town Gal— 1st CD Lift the Latch— 4th Spt Lilith — 5th G.S Lils Pill— 2d Suf Lily Mowlee— 2d Pirn Linda Ruth— IstSpt Lineage— 9th Bel Little Brave— 6th Spt Little Brownette— 2d Suf Little Chatter— 1st Suf Little Leaguer— 1st Bel Lizzy Cherry— 2d Bel Lon— 8th Spt Lonely— 6th Suf Lord Northbrook— 8th CD Lou Messaris— 2d Pirn Louis S.— 3d CD Lovable Li I— 3d Suf Lovelark II.— 3d Bel Loyal Lady II.— 6th Bel Lubrette— 8th G.S Lukeace— 1st CD Lystra Lady— 4th Suf M Ma Ginny— 2d Pirn Madams Hunter— 9th Suf Mae Ace— 6th Spt Maloge— 2d Suf Mamma Rose— 1st Spt Man Dave— 8th Spt Manassa Mauler— 7th Pirn Mans Reward— 2d G.S Manuel— 4th Spt Marauder— 7th Pirn Marcy Belle— 5th CD Master Palynch— 7th Pirn Masters Choice — 1st Spt Merging Traffic— 4th Spt Merrell L F.— 1st G.S Mi Model— 2d Suf Micherock— 2d Spt Mighty Epic— 9th Spt Mighty Handy— 4th Spt Mighty Impulse— 9th Bel Mike Barry— 7th Suf Mile— 4th Spt Millys Dream— 4th Spt Miracle Pick-th G.S Mirror— 2d Bel Miss Desirable— 6th Bel Miss Dogette— 2d CD Miss Errad— 2d CD Miss Grissim— IstSpt Miss J. K.— 4th G.S Miss Jill— 1st Spt Miss Lula— 2d CD Miss Lulie— 1st Spt Miss Nathaniel— 1st Bel Miss Orestes— 6th G.S Miss Pamida— 4th G.S Miss Pimpernel — 4th Pirn Miss Quick— 4th G.S Mister Buckle— 3d G.S Moco Yardley— 2d Pirn Molly Mutuel— 2d Pirn Moment of Truth — 4th Pirn Mon Key Do— 8th G.S Monetary— 2d G.S Montell— 4th Spt Moon Age— 8th Bel Moon Power— 3d Pirn Moonrun — 4th Spt Moony— 8th Bel More Trouble— 5th Spt Morse Flash— 2d Spt Motor Line— 7th Suf Mr. Beldine— 3d Spt Mr. Crack— 6th CD Mr. Dan L— 8th CD Mr. Fantastic— 6th CD Mr. Fidelity— 3d Spt Mr. M. J.-4th CD Mt. Auburn— 3d CD Myrtles Boy— 3d CD Mystery Woman— 3d G.S N Nadir— 7th Bel Nans Mink— 7th£el Natalie— 6th Bel Nautilus— 3d Bel Naval Hero— 4th Bel Nemrud Dagh— 1st Spt New Cut— 9th Suf Night Vision— 3d Suf Noble Chip— 4th Suf Noble Gem— 1st Bel Noble Kill— 1st Suf Noble Pat— 8th Suf Noble Toe— 4th Suf Noble Whilly— 9th Suf Normas Star— 2d Spt Norrew— 1st Suf Northern Tide— 4th Suf Nurse Ginny— 7th Spt o Occulted— 6th Suf Ocean King— 8th CD Oh Romeo— 5th Bel Oil Heiress— 4th Pirn Oil Show— 1st G.S Cil Wick-2d CD Old Miltorf— 8th CD Old Soggy— 2d CD On the Alert— 5th Suf On the Ropes— 2d G.S One Flier— 1st CD Open Lake— 8th CD Our Bob— 4th Spt Our Host— 5th G.S Our Lia— 9th Spt Our Tribe— 6th Spt Our William— 9th Bel OutSail— 5th CD P Palmy Days— 4th Bel Pappy Carter— 1st CD Parapet— 3d Bel Pas Dessert— 1st CD Patuxant Prince— 3d Pirn Pearl of India— 2d Bel Pearl Prince— 7th G.S Pearliwhirl— 3d G.S Pennies Collect— 1st CD Pennys Pride— 3d G.S Perkey Miss— 1st G.S Persian Spy— 4th Bel Phantom Gun— 5th Bel Phoenix Joy— 4th Spt • Pierrot— 1st Bel Pikadon— 8th Pirn Pince Nez— 1st Pirn Pipit— 7th CD Plain Ben— 7th Suf Playful Nurse — 4th Pirn Pleased— 9th Bel Pongfree— 7th Suf Popocatepetl— 1st CD Post Office— 8th G.S , Postin— 7th CD Pouket— 4th Bel Powder Cap— 9th Pirn Power Queen — 4th Spt Praise Bee— 3d Suf Prilaris— 1st CD Prince du Houlme— 9th Pirn Prince Eric— 2d Spt Prince Killer— 9th Pirn Prince Proud— 5th G.S Prince Torch— 6th CD Prince Weeper— 2d Pirn Princes Gem— 8th Bel Profizano— 2d Spt Proud Stepper— 5th Suf Pumps— 2d Suf Puncheon— 8th Pirn Pundit— 7th Bel Pym— 7th CD * Q Quaker Lady— 2d Bel Quatty— 3d CD Queen Mother— 4th G.S R R. Butler— 5th G.S Ranastream— 2d CD Red Baby— 6th CD Red Geranium— 9th Spt Red Trouble— 8th G.S Repowder— 2d Spt Requa— 9th Bel Resaca— 2d Bel Robust Fleet— 3d Spt Rogerio— 2d G.S Rolling CloUds— 5th Bel Romac— 4th Suf Roman Hope— 3d Suf Roman Legion— 8th G.S "Roman Request— 9th Suf Rosalba— 4th G.S Roscoe Maney— 1st Bel Rosy Inning — 3d Spt Round Circle— 4th CD Roving Caesar— 9th Spt Royal Birth— 5th Suf Royal Clipper— 3d Bel Royal Eighteen— 2d Bel Royal Orbit— 7th Pirn Royal Peak— 8th Pirn Ruling Beauty— 6th Bel Run Silent— 4th Bel Running Wolf— 7th Spt Russ-Marie— 2d Bel s Samark— 9th Bel . Same Thing— 8th G.S Samoan— 1st Bel San Catarina— 3d Pirn Sand Boy— 7th G.S Sand Shark— 7th Spt Santorin— 2d Bel Sapphire Blue— 2d Bel Satans Staff— 1st G.S Scarlet Ibis— 8th Suf , Scarlet Lilly— 3d Suf Scenery Tower — 6th Pirn Schoolmaster— 4th CD Scott City Girl— 5th Spt Sea Fighter— 1st Suf Sea Missile— 4th Suf Sea Story— 4th Suf Seaworthy — 4th Suf Second Fiddle— 6th CD Senorita Rica— 8th CD Sercial— 1st Bel Sextet— 3d Bel Shady Oaks— 3d Suf Shibill — 3d CD Shield Bearer— 3d Bel Shrug— 9th Spt Shura— 5th Spt Sibling — 1st Pirn Side Light— 7th Spt Side Wind— 4th Spt Singer— 2d G.S Sir Rom— 1st Pirn Six Bills— 1st Suf Sky Step— 5th Pirn Slainte— 2d Bel Slam Ray— 4th G.S Slamstown— 2d Bel Sleepy Brook— 8th CD Smidge— 3d Suf Smiling Pick— 3d Suf Smoothly— 4th G.S Snark Robot— 3d Spt Snokapi— 1st G.S Snowberry — 4th Suf Solar Heat— 3d G.S Solgan— 1st G.S South Wisner— 1st Pirn Spooky Cadet— 1st G.S Spring Training— 9th Bel Squid— 1st Pirn Stacked-4th G.S Stage Dance— 1st Spt Stan Gray— 3d CD Star Buckle— 3d Pirn Star of Persia— 9th Suf Star Toy— 1st CD Stay Smoochie— 6th G.S Stephens Royal— 4th Bel Stop Ringing— 2d Bel Stump Hole— 3d Suf Stylish Lass— 4th Pirn Subgal— 4th CD Sudden Lamar— 3d Spt Sun N Fun— 1st G.S Sunday Best— 2d Pirn Sunny Ruthie— 3d Spt Supreme Buster— 3d Spt Surprise Attack— 6th Pirn Susong— 8th Suf Sutler— 5th Bel Suzanne Gains— 9th Spt Sweet Swinger— 1st Suf T Taclos— 1st Suf Tanee Marra— 3d Spt Tango First— 8th CD Tauntress— 4th Pirn Taxi— 1st CD Tearmunn— 3d Bel Teri Ellen— 9th Bel That Lucky Day— 8th Bel Thats This Game— 9th Suf The Curragh— 9th Suf The Irishman— 8th Bel The Lip— 3d Spt Thekla Rose— 3d CD Thumb Nail— 1st CD Tick Tock— 7th Bel Tinkalero— 6th G.S Toni Mia— 8th G.S Tonys Chance— 7th G.S Top Dude— 2d Spt Traders Luck— 1st Pirn Trades— 1st Bel Trip— 3d Spt Trock— 1st Bel Tropic King— 9th Pirn Tru Blu Lu— 7th Spt Trust Allis— 8th CD Tuck Me In— 2d Suf Tuditious— 7th CD Tulle— 6th Suf Tuscany Belle— 1st Pirn u Udaipur— 5th Bel Uncle Pete— 1st Suf Uncle Samnik— 1st G.S Upset Book— 9th Spt Upsy Daisy— 6th CD We Trust— 9th Spt » t V Valiance-8th CD Valois— 2d CD Veracity— 9th Suf Viking Flier— 9th Suf Vimana— 2d Spt Vincere — 2d Pirn Viscount— 7th Bel w Walter B.— 1st CD War Gang— 1st Pirn War March— 1st Suf War Time— 3d Spt Warhead— 7th Bel Warm Welcome— 4th Suf Warning Light— 8th CD Way-Lady-9th Suf , Wedlock— 5th CD Well Learned— 3d Pirn Whaley— 3d Spt Whistle— 4th Pirn Whiteys Boy— 4th Suf Who Did It— 3d Bel Wild Music— 5th CD Willow Relic— 6th Suf Window Fan— 6th Bel Winging Star— 3d Bel World Ruler— 5th Bel Y Yellow Hand— 1st Suf Yellow Jacket— 3d G.S Yemen— 7th Bel YouGo-lstBd

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Local Identifier: drf1959051101_59_1
Library of Congress Record: