Connors Corner: Races for Jamaica Three-Week Summer Meeting Hard to Fill, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-11


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| Connors Corner Races for Jamaica Three-Week Summer Meeting Hard to Fill By "CHUCK" CONNORS JAMAICA, L. I., N. Y., May 9. — The racing clans bade goodbye to Jamaica today and on Monday will mdve to Belmont Park. However, for 18 days from July 13 to August 1 Jamaica wil lagain play host to New York racing crowds. In that span of three full weeks of. racing, Jimmy Kilroe figured out that he has 162 races to fill, all | on the flat, and then* smiled in a weak sort of way and hoped that it could be accomplished without too great a struggle. In July Jamaica encounters more and stiffer opposition than in April and May. New Jerseys Monmouth Park is in full swing, Chicago has siphoned off some of the bigger stables and many owners have reached the conclusion that the interval between Belmont Park and Saratoga Springs is a perfect time to give their horses a respite. The result is that during the final few days at the Jamaica summer meeting the number of horses available plummets to a seasonal low. Horses during the final week here move on to Saratoga Springs to await the Spa opening and this presents a new facet to battle. Whether these 18 days in July will mark -the swan song of Jamaica as a racing ground is something that will not be known, officially, until later this year. Unveil Aqueduct September 14 The returnees from Saratoga Springs will be at Belmont Park for a couple of weeks and then the big unveiling of the new Aqueduct is scheduled for Monday, September 14 for a stretch of 67 days. The grapevine has it that as soon as the fall meeting at Belmont Park comes to a close, architects, engineers and construction men, will move in and take over to make some pronounced changes. What these alterations are to be is a secret, but as one member of the New York Racing Association pointed out they_cannot be too grandiose due to the present financial status of the overall racing body, due to the unexpected cost of new Aqueduct. Anyway some time during the Saratoga Springs meeting, word as to the ultimate decision on Jamaica will be made known. Trainer Tom Jolley plans to ship Plion, owned by Edward J. Potter the Tennessean, to Belmont Park for his-engagement in the Carter Handicap. ... At private terms, Hirsch Jacobs purchased from the Cain Hoy Stable the horses Blue Wind and Amber Morn. The new acquisitions will race for Mrs. Ethel Jacobs and will be. seen under colors at Belmont Park. . . . Walter D. Fletcher, who has a draft of horses with Jack Lawrence, was present yesterday. . . . William C. Langley, of the state racing commission, is a patient at a New York City hospital. He was admitted for treatment of an old ailirfent the other day. Trainer Eddie Kelley shipped up a brace of the Brookfield Farm horses to start in the Toboggan Handicap, opening-day feature at Belmont Park. They are Isendu and Itobe. They are to be returned to Maryland following the event. . . . A. G. Vanderbilt was on hand yesterday to witness his performer, Village Idiot, take down the major award in the feature. The visit was his first since his return from France where he and Mrs. Vanderbilt were busy on Worlds Veterans Association business. Long Gone John Sold At private terms, Max Hirsch acting for the Kentuckian John S. Marr, sold the two-year-old Long Gone John to the El-mendorf Farm of Max Gluck. The new acquisition will be trained by Walter A. Kelley. . . . Clyde Troutt reported that Mrs. Ada L. Rice has left Florida and joined her husband, Dan, in Lexington, Ky. for a few days. They will return to Chicago Monday. ... At private terms Larry Thompson, acting for the Chicagoan Modie J. Spiegel, purchased from the Brookmeade Stable the stakes winner Ouija Board. The Chicagoan races under the nom de course of the Alamode Stable. . . . Mrs. S. H. Sadacca was on hand to root for her starter, A Dragon Killer, in the Grey Lag Handicap feature offering of the day. Word was received that Louis A. Lazare and A. L. Ostriker, patients at two different New York hospitals following surgery, are doing nicely. Lazare suffered a broken femur bone in an auto accident and underwent special surgery while Ostriker is in the Presbyterian Hospital. . . . Jockey Ray Broussard leaves for Pimlico Monday to ride in the Preakness Prep at that track. He is due back here to accept mounts on Tuesday. . . . Jockey Bill Boland plans to pull up stakes from these parts and head west to Hollywood Park to ride out that meeting. He is convinced that a change of scenery would be beneficial. George F. Seuffert conducted the band and one of the numbers rendered during the afternoon was "Fantasy Favorites." . . . Shuu raced in the second race in the interests of the Kansascitian Herbert M. Woolf. A claim was filed for the four-year-old plater by S. R. Shapoff last time out but the claim was disallowed by the stewards.

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Local Identifier: drf1959051101_6_3
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