On The Broadway Scene, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-11


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ON THE BROADWAY SCENE BYBurtBoYar NEW YORK, May 9.— CELEBS IN MOTION: Anita Ekberg checking into the Waldorf at three ayem with her secretary. . . . Rod Steiger, the r a g g- e d individualist, doing Fifth avenue in a pair of levis and a beat-up sweater. . . . Ed Sullivan being tugged up Park Avenue by his French poodle who is not impressed that the boss is a TV star. . . . Helen Hayes browsing through the Third Avenue pawn shops. Her pet timewaster. . . . Robert Preston raiding Abercrombie and Fitch for assorted items to fill his-new Westchester home, "Music Manor." . . . Melvyn Douglas wearing a homburg and double-breasted suit into the Colony and looking lik2 something out of a Greta Garbo movie. AAA PARAGRAPHIC: New York is becoming an expensive place to live. I have always suspected this, but it was graphically illustrated the other day when Jane and I stepped out of the Cepatend noticed a new garage had been built across the street. It was a nostalgic moment for me because I used to live in that garage, or to be exact I lived at 17 East 60th Street, where the garage now stands. Before I was married I had an apartment there with a 25-fcot living room, 12-ft. ceiling, bedroom, bath, kitchenette and cork-walled library. One end of the living room was made entirely of glass French doors which led out onto a little terrace. My rent there, just five years ago was 10 a month. I inquired at the garage as to what it would cost to house two automobiles with washing service. The price is 30 a month. AAA SHOW FOLK: Its interesting that George Gobel will alternate next season on CBS with Jack Benny, Gobel really IS 39. . . . Ella Fitzjazzald will open the Starlight Roof after Gobel closes the Empire Room. . . . Mrs. Paul Muni will go to the Coast to join her husband who is hospitalized there. . . . Mrs. Arthur Schwartz is an Actors Studio student. . . . Anne Bancroft did a "Fair, Lady" scene there and Lee Strasberg wants her to repeat it. In case you dont understand, this flattery is to an actor the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor with an Oak Leaf Cluster. . . . Phil Bennett, the blind society orchestra leader was offered a seeing-eye dog by Meyer Davis. Mr. Bennett declined: "I wouldnt have the heart to keep a dog up all night listening to dance music." . . . The recent Artists Equity Ball at the Waldorf at which the members came in costumes so skimpy they were just rumors, was an amazing affair. «Of the hundreds of people who wore costumes which cover less than a bikini would, not one was tossed out by the special cops. The only couple to be bounced were a fully dressed pair and that was because he bopped a nudenik who asked his wife for a dance. AD LIBBING: I saw Mae West on TV last week end and I can do without that. . . . Question: How many times have youj heard people bitterly vow, "Ill get even with that guy for what he did to me!" But have you ever heard one say, "Ill get even with that guy for what he did FOR me." ... It is frightening to think how many people go broke trying to convince people how much money they have. AAA SHUBERT ALLEY: Paul Ford of the Sgt. Bilko show will replace David Burns in "The Music Man" starting June 1. Burns will do a night club act with Dodie Gocd-man. . . . Kermit Bloomgarden rates a bow. Despite the enormous demand for "Music Man" tickets he still puts aside a certain number of reduced rate seats for high school students who can buy them for about 75 cents apiece. . . . Theatre ticket prices are expected to rise again next season. It would make the cost of orchestra seats to a musical close to 0. That wont kill a hit show but it sure will shorten its life. When a show is "hot," price is no object, but when they run out of the big spenders how can they hope for the average person to pay that kind of money for two hours in the theatre? . . . Pat OBriens here to see about a few plays for next seaj-son. Hes speaking with David Merrick about the "Ah , Wilderness" lead. . . . Tennessee Williams agent and discoverer, Audrey Wood, broke her wrist. . . . When Dana Andrews leaves "Seesaw" June 27 hell auto tour his daughter through Canada. Hes looking hard for another play fjor next season. j j I [ 1 J I 1 . I | .

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959051101/drf1959051101_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1959051101_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800