untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-11


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Keep Posted With Daily Racing Form Grtmoom MARCH ISSUE NOW ON SALE t NO LIBRARY COMPLETE WITHOUT IT! Dairy Racing Forms CHART BOOK is a "must" for all turfmen and students of form. Each volume contains an accurate chart-by-chart history of one months racing and gives detailed data on EVERY horses performances. Published MONTHLY Throughout the Year iSiCitSFiSSKSidiL SHi9SiMaMVVM|KM*"i««tiv j*. «p* U3PI Additional Features • Alphabetical Index of All Starters Since January 1, 1959, Showing Pedigree, Breeder, Firsts, Seconds, Thirds and Fourths. • Jockey Records, Riding Weight. • Leading Money Winning Horses. • Leading Money Winning Stables. • Stakes and Feature Races Decided During the Year, Alphabetically Listed, Indexed, for Ready Reference. • Scale of Weights, Scheduled Meetings and Other Valuable Information Included in Each Book of the Month. Single Copy Price .50 Postpaid Yearly Subscription -12 Issues -5.00 MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! [ DAILY RACING FORM, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago 5, Illinois. Enclosed find .50 postage included for [ ; Specify Issue 2 2 Daily Racing Form Chart Book, or yearly subscription of 5.00 for 12 Chart jj ! Books, beginning with the issue. S I NAME " . : E ADDRESS -. = CITY , ZONE .... STATE I Please Make Check or Money Order Payable to TRIANGLE-PUBLICATIONS, Inc. - : PLEASE DO NOT SEND STAMPS OR CURRENCY jj : Canadian buyers may send payment directly to Daily Racing Form, 50 Richmond St., East, To- E ; ronto 1. Ontario. Price .25 per copy. Postpaid. Yearly Subscription-12 lssucs-2.50. Postpaid. jj

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959051101/drf1959051101_37_1
Local Identifier: drf1959051101_37_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800