untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-11


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WmmMM Yours for the Asking! YYiSrip THIS 20_PAGE BOOKLET explains the tand RandCIDQ KjtprW F meaning ol every symbol, abbreviation g-* and figure in Daily Racing Forms supe- V€ U-- *-- VvK«l rior Past performances. The most com- H *-* -vV ?* "14130%M plete analysis ever compiled on these % Wi %/ - T/v W/"i -K JfH subjects. Yours by return mail for only iandvand* %2 Iv ""and» landpltandy *»p$ - five cents in stamps do not send coins vjj j|| to cover mailing and handling. Only one l?% Watb fa tin* J c°Py t0 eacn Person. Fill in coupon below: fe* riUDTV jDlKJT S "DAILY RACING FORM, *$~ ttlAlilA U8 Ymi f$ I 731 Plymouth Ct, Chicago 5. III. SC nmiiAniiiii/irn WM Send I Please sena me your booklet "How I PERFORMANCES i ,or sjp w AST .r= ! in stampi- m lt it 1 /WUWW4 Name %% ~£:wl ~~i ;-0??$£ y I Address mfc?t%andHZV~? v~ kMM I City Zone No.... State... .

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959051101/drf1959051101_24_1
Local Identifier: drf1959051101_24_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800