Official Racing Charts: Pimlico Race Course, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-11

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Official Racing Charts 1 Pimlico Race Course §§|j "" ~~~ ~* ~~ ~~ ~~ "~ ~~~~ Copyright. 1959. bv Trianele Publications. Inc. BALTIMORE, MD., SATURDAY, MAY 9, 1959— PIMLICO RACE COURSE 1 MILE. Sixth day of twelve-day meeting May 4 to May 16. Maryland Jockey Club. American Totalisator. United Starting Gate. Film Patrol. Teletimer. Trackman, E. P. Heagerty. Weather clear. Steward representing Maryland Racing Commission, J. F. Flanagan. Stewards, J. F. Colwill and W. C. Brinton. Placing Judges, E. T. McLean, Henry Erickson and 0. E. Pons. Patrol Judges, J. P. Brocator, George Cook, C. Minner and L. Abundi. Paddock Judge, E. J. Brennan, Jr. Clerk of Scales, Merrall MacNeille. Starter, Edward Blind. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, Charles J. McLennan. Assistant Racing Secretary and Handicapper, J. Melvin Mackin. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting 1958, .33; current meeting, .29. Percentage of favorites in the money, .64. Daily Double, first and second races. No entries or field horses allowed in Daily Double races. Mutuel take, 12 per cent State 5, plus daily license fee, track 7. » Superior figure following jockeys name indicates apprentice allowance claimed. 3 Three lbs. claimed. 5 Five lbs., etc. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Confirmation Photos, Inc. Length of stretch from last turn to finish, 1,170 feet. ~ ~~~ FIRST RACE 6 FURLONGS. I Salute. Nov. 10. 1954. 1:10. 4. 106. P* O0/1£ Purse S2,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight. 122 lbs. Non-winners twice «m " _-_.**0 s;nce April 20 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, S2,5C0. May 9. 1959 Net value to winner 51,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 2,923. inaex Horses EqtAWtPP St Va V2 Str Fin Jockeys Clo Pr Owners Odds to 1991 LH2— Sugar Imp b 6 111 2 6 5 52 2h 12 J Blocks 2500 A Nichols 715 2127Lrl2— Pharakin b5 118 6 10 71 7h 6h 2h E Plesa 2500 Magnolia Farm 6.60 2206Lrl —Thoughtful b4116 5 11 . 114 61 5| 3"* K Kortet 2500 S Desiderio 40.80 2127LH1— Mt. Brilliant b6 119 7 3 3 . 2 _ 12 and W Mann 2500 A J Zolman 1.60 73.92 —World Series b 8 116 3 7 94 94 91 5. E Mclvor 2500 Mrs D Sukundo 21.60 2220Pim3— Love-A-Chance b 7 111 12 1 21 43 3h 6h J Johnson 2500 Mrs M K Ellis 14.00 1974Lrl —Satans Sister 6112 11 5 42 3. 41 7«° F Kratz 2500 Mrs H W Watters 26.90 2063Lrl —Cedar Patch 5116 8 4 64 8» 81 82 T Lee 2500 I C Mourar 92.90 21ZCLH — Chozn Coil b5114 9 9 101 103 10. 93 L Adams 2500 C L Hubble 4.00 2210LH —Eton Jacket 4116 1 12 12 11_ 11J 101 R Biamonte 2500 H Muhlenberg 55.30 462461 —Cue Passe 7116 10 8 8h 12 12 11* E Nelson 2500" AGP Hobbs 800 2210Lrl —Mr. Settle • 4 116 4 2 1h 1h 7h 12 L Reynolds 2500 C F Wisecarver 96.40 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :23%, :47%, 1:13%. Track fast. Mutuels Paid , -Odds to — — Official Program Numbers — - — — 7.80 5.60 7.80 2.90 1.80 2-SUGAR IMP 17.60 __ _ ,„. Mutuel Prices] 6-pharakin 6.20 4.50 2.10 1.50 - 5-THOUGHTFUL 16.60 7.30 Winner— B. g, by Noble Impulse— Sugar Biscuit, by Mowlee, trained by P. Scalcione; bred by E. A. Niccdemus. IN GATE-2:01. OFF AT 2:01 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. SUGAR IMP held a menacing position and showed a fine late response for the victory. PHARAKIN finished well to wear down the others. THOUGHTFUL was slow to respond. MR. BRILLIANT showed a tendency to bear out from the start, attained a clear lead at the furlcng pole, gave way badly and returned quite sore. LOVE-A-CHANCE weakened. SATANS SISTER was a factor to midstretch and faltered badly. CHOZN COIL showed nothing. MR. SETTLE stopped to a walk through the stretch. Scratched— 2220Pim Alaksar, 2220Pim Way Lowe, 2108Lrl Parti Quiz. Overweight— Pharakin, 2 pounds; Satans Sister, 1; Chozen Coil, 3. SECOND RACE 6 FURLONGS. I Salute, Nov. 10. 1954, 1:10. 4. 106. . O0/17 Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-wmners twice P* im - Z.ZV+I since April 20 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price. ,500. Mav 9 1959 Net va,ue to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, S86.644. Inoex Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va V-z Str Fin Jockeys C n Pr Owners Odds to SI 2202LH3— Suave b 6 116 8 6 71 62 31 1n0 L Adams 2500 D R Small 600 21r8Lrl —Hi-Sag b 6 116 5 3 3* 31 11 24 J Leonard 2500 Mrs B Casey 5.50 2126LH -Princeton b5 116 2 4 44 44 41 3h N Shuk 25C0 G W Parker 23.50 208Lr|i— More Scotch 4 119 6 9 81 71 73 41 E Monacelli 2500 Mrs C R White 3.40 2108Lrl — Corfel 10116 9 5 5h 51 5h 51 W Stagmr 2500 G G Rosenberger 14.80 22OPim — Mamowlee 4 106 3 1 24 11 2h 64 C Baker5 2500 A T Clarke 4.20 2091 Lrl —This Day 4111 4 19 6h 81 81 7h G Leone 2500 C Cardilla . 82./0 2.26LH -Balus Banner 6112 1 2 1h 24 61 8"* L Reynolds 25C0 J P Thayer 6.50 2201 Lrl -Arcularius b4 111 11 11 11 101 9h 9h W Watern 2500 D Caputo 127.90 22C6LH —Fire Moon b4116 7 8 93 93 102 Kf M J Haock 2500 P E Graves 74.00 1982LH —Cape Point b 7 116 10 7 103 11 11 11 F Kratz 2500 Mrs R H Burnette 5.30 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:13%. Track fast. . Official Program Numbers /— MutuH paid— ; r— Odds to — « , _ . 8-SUAVE t 14.00 6.40 5.40 6.00 2.20 1.70 Mutuel Prices- s-hi-sag e.oo 520 2.00 uo * i 2-PRINCETON 9-40 3.70 Winner— B g by Swiv— Best Value, by Bosworth, trained by D. R. Small; bred by Mereworth Farm. IN GATE-2:27. OFF AT 2:271 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. SUAVE entered contention from the outside and gained a narrow victory over HI-SAG. The latter rallied from just off the pace to wrest command near the furlong pole, then held on willingly. PRINCETON raced evenly while a factor throughout. MORE SCOTCH lacked speed on the outside rounding the turn, moved extremely wide and finished with good energy. MAMOWLEE was with the pace to the furlong pole and faltered. BALUS BANNER gave way badly. CAPE POINT was outrun. Scratched— 21 20Lrl Miche Colleen, 2220Pim My Pleasure, 2210Lrl Petiole, 2219Pim Ever Young. Overweight— Balus Banner, 1 pound. Daily Double on the First and Second Races Paid 24.60— Double Pool, 1,298. THIRD RACE 6 FURLONGS. I Salute, Nov. 10. 1954, 1:10. 4. 106. . D* 09/1Q Purse S2,500. 4-year-olds and upward Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners twice rim - zZJ0 smce March 30 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price. ,500. TVTav 9 1959 Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool. 00,202. index Horses Eqt A Wt PP bt Va /z Str Fin Jockeys Co Pr. Owners Odds to 2201Lrli-Son of Erin b6116 6 3 211 14 22 11 T Lee3 35CO H S White III 4lo 221 2Lrl -Little Chains b5116 4 5 31 34 1h 22 N Shuk 3500 Mrs D N Lee 15.10 225Pim —Tin Lassie 4 108 9 2 11 2h 34 31 J Block5 3500 G W Parker 11.50 2205Pimi— Bal Harbour b7 119 2 7 71 4h 42 4| B Green 3500, M Poinger 4.80 2212Lr|2-Lost Chord b5 114 7 4 54 61 5h 51 L Adams 350O C DeWald 3.90 2212LH2— Evening Tempo b 6 116 8 1 41 54 63 61 K Korte 350O Gloria J Stable 3.20 2210Lrli-Lady Jonage b4109 110 10 10 81 71 C Bakers 3500 H R Gray 14.00 2120Lrl —Walla b 8 106 3 9 95 92 71 84 R L Gilbts 3500 D B Schmeck 32.70 ??1[5Pim4— Eternal Flame b 5 116 5 8 61 74 94 9* E Monacelli 35C0 Margaret A Marshall 8.30 *" 2201P im -Rockbully b 4 116 10 6 84 8410 10 CShaw 35C0 J W Rice 129.70 Time,:23%,:47%, 1:12%. Track fast. Official Official Proqram Numbers / — Mutuels Paid— , Odds to 51 , FrogramumDers 6son er|n ,YIU MutUel PriCeS? 4-LITTLE CHAINS 11.60 7.40 4.80 2.70 I 9-TIN LASSIE 7.80 2.90 Winner— Gr g by Sun Again— Lucky Shamrock, by Sherab, trained by W. G. Christmas; bred by J. E. Mitchell. IN GATE-2:52. OFF AT 2:52 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. _,,...,. Start good Won driving. SON OF ERIN disposed of TIN LASSIE on the turn and, after having been weakened after having forged to the front at the furlong pole. TIN LASSIE held a clear lead after a quarter but could not retain the advantage. BAL HARBOUR lacked a late response. LOST CHORD was in a bit close between horses along the backstretch and failed to respond. EVENING TEMPO turned in a dull effort. LADY JONAGE broke tardily. Scratched— 221 5Pim Priscilla C, 2209Pim4 Royal Peak. Overweight— Tin Lassie 2 pounds; Lost Chord, 3. FOURTH RACE 5 FURLONGS. Westward Ho. May 19: 1954, :59. 2, 120. n« OO/IQ Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of two races other than maiden rim - ZZ47 or claiming. Weight, 120 lbs. Non-winners of ,800 allowed 3 lbs.; ,250, 5 lbs.; ivr-iv 9 1959 maidens, 8 lbs. Net value to winner S1,950; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, S150. Mutuel Pool, 08,820. Inoex Horses Eqt A Wt PP St A % Str Fin Jockeys Owners .Odds to 21 01 Lrl 1— Too Much Brass 115 7 5 53 41 31 12 L Adams Betty B Casey 3.70 2057Lr|i-Graphic Aid 112 6 2 34 21 22 24 E Nelson C H Gordon 1.20 Tqiirm_ASado 115 4 3 1h in in 34 r l Stevon Llangollen Farm 3.60 2206LrM-Juba!ator 112 2 1 2" 34 44 4™ K Korte Mrs N Basilisco 8.20 £n?Lrl — Ouarterstaff 112 3 4 64 64 63 52 B Green . Brandywine Stable 51.70 £"opim _|ra J 112 1 6 7 7 7 62 W Stagmr Magnolia Farm 34.10 — Johnstim 112 5 7 4h 53 5h 7 L Reynolds Murcain-Byars Stable 7.30 * Time, :224, :47, :5S%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — * , Odds to s n . 7-T00 MUCH BRASS 9.40 3.40 2.60 3.70 .70 .30 M. UtUel PriC2S? 6-GRAPHIC AID 2.80 120 • .40 .10 . 4-ASADO 2.80 .40 Winner— Dk. b. c, by General Staff— Pompous, by Roman, trained by T. F. Corcoran; bred by Crown Crest Farm IN GATE-3:17. OFF AT 3:171 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won cleverly. TOO MUCH BRASS, unhurried for three furlongs, moved boldy from the outside to attain command in the late stretch, then won cleverly. GRAPHIC AID raced with the pace to the furlong pole, wrested command and was no match for the winner. ASADD was hard pressed for command and faltered. JUBALATOR raced along the inside and with the pace to the stretch, then gave way. Scratched— 1993Lrl 1 Our Brook. FIFTH RACE 1 3-16 MILES. Nashua, May 28. .1955. 1:54% .3. 126. . y OO CH Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners twice lim - LLjM since March 30 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. ££ Mav 9. 1959 Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 24,216. _ Index Horses EqtAWtPP Va V? % 1 Str Fin Jockoys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to 2209Pim -Radiate Dar,by 5119 4 8 8 41 21 1J 11 L Adams 2500 L McL Merryman |20 2218LH1— Bended Knee b5 119 2 5 41 32 34 33 23 N Shuk 2500 CaDein Stable 3.60 221 8Lr|2— Betty C 7112 8 13 1« 15 12 21 31 C Bakers 2500 Bertrando Stable 10.00 2090LrM— Gallant Junior b 10 119 7 74 61 5h 4h 43 431 F Kratz 2500 Mrs R H Burnette 3.00 D 2098Lrl -Gaidar 8119 3 321 21 51 51 521 K Kortet 2500 B D Wright 2.30 2218lrl3-Sarah Constant 4111 5 4151 64 65 64 631 F Lovato 2500 L R OBrien 10-70 — 2218LH —Queens Flight b5 112 6 62 71 8 74 74 V L Reynolds 2500 Mrs J Gomez 29.00 _« 2117Lr1 -Red Wool b5 112 1 2r* 31 73 8 8 8 H Block 2500 W W Waters 40.20 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. C° Time, :243, :50, 1:16, 1:42%, 2:02%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers/ r—%2 Mutuels Paid— « ,-— Odds to — - J , . 4-RADIATE DARBY 14.40 6.40 4.60 6.20 2.20 1.30 Z kA n Mutuel L Prices! z-bended knee 5.20 4.20 1.60 1.10 C 9-BETTY C 4.80 1.40 Winner— Br. g, by Radiate II.— Darby Daphne, by Bostonian, trained by J. DeMurguiondo; bred by L. g M. Merryman. q IN GATE-3:42. OFF AT 3:421 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. £ Start good. Won driving. RADIATE DARBY, unhurried while trailing early, entered contention from the inside =*■ and held BENDED KNEE safe. The latter responded readily when set down but was not good enough. BETTY C. held a commanding lead for six furlongs, remained in front into the stretch and faltered. GALLANT JUNIOR S- failed to reach contention. GALDAR bore out on the final turn and weakened badly. RED WOOL appeared to C have gone wrong in behind. 2 Scratched— 2225Pim Day Older. C Overweight— Queens Flight, 1 pound; Red Wool, 1. 3 "* SIXTH RACE 6 FURLONGS. I Salute. Nov. 10. 1954. 1:10. 4. 106. . P* OOC1 Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-wmners twice £ ,m " Z.Z.DI s;nce April 15 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, S8,0C0; if for less, Mav 9. 1959 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,000. • - Net value to winner ,950; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 22,299. _ inoex Horses Eqt A Wt PP St Va V2 Str Fin Jockeys Clg Pr. Owners Odds to — 2224Pim —Teds Joy b7 116 6 1 2h 21 1h 1h E Nelson 8000 E Sutliff 5.30 _ 2208ShD3-Arich Rival b 6 116 2 2 13 4 21 2«" K Korte 6CO0 P Vischer 9.80 j£ 221 3Lr|2— Little Wolf b7 116 7 6 68 6 * 31 31 C Gonzalez 7500 J Arthur 2.30 1S07LH4— Sky Light b 4 113 1 5 41 31 51 4h A Chambers 7500 Julray Stable 7.70 2105Lr|3— Singing Bush b 5 108 5 4 31 4h 6* 5nk J Block5 7000 F C Whitmore 4.00 2213LrH— Soft Day 5116 3 3 51 5h 4h 621 L Adams 8000 Mrs J B Bradley 3.20 2105Lrl —Sea Bang b511147 7777 B Green 7000 J Bruning 23.00 Time, :234, :47%, 1:12%. Track fast. Official Program Numbers ,— Mutuels Paid — , Odds to , pi • 6-TEDS JOY 12.60 6.40 3.80 5.30 *2.20 .90 Mi utuel Pricesi 2-arch rival 9.60 4.60 3.80 1.30 C 7-LITTLEWOLF 3.20 .60 Winner— Br. h, by Hasteville— Flaring, by Flares, trained by R. B. Archer; bred by A. W. Williams. IN GATE1:08. OFF AT 4:08 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won driving. TEDS JOY joined the leader nearing the stretch and responded well for a narrow victory. ARCH RIVAL rapidly attained a commanding advantage, held on gamely when engaged, was displaced and just missed. LITTLE WOLF finished well after having been forced to take the overland route. SKY LIGHT loomed a threat from the inside and hung. SINGING BUSH was within striking distance throughout and lacked a response. Overweight— Singing Bush, 3 pounds; Sea Bang, 1. SEVENTH RACE 6 FURLONGS. I Salute, Nov. 10. 1954. 1:10. 4, 106. PI—- OOKO Purse ,300. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Non-winners of two races winners preferred. im - Z.AJZ. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners of ,800 allowed 3 lbs.; one race in 1959, 5 lbs.; Mav 9. 1959 maidens, 8 lbs. Net value to winner ,145; second, 60; third, 30; fourth, 65. Mutuel Pool, 22,253. maex Horses EqtAWtPP St Va V2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to S1 732563 —Moon Again 117 5 5 41 33 22 14 E Nelson Christiana Stable 2.30 2215Lrl — frownprince F. b 117 9 2 14 13 ih 221 B Green F W Zacharias 18.50 74008 —Flying Scud 119 3 7 61 51 51 3"° G Bond E S Voss 7.30 2215LrH— Miss Jennifer b 108 7 1 22 21 32 41 J Blocks J V Stewart Jr 3.40 2094Lrl —Step Over 114 4 4 31 42 44 5no K Korte Locust Hill Farm 7.70 2217Lrl— Serendipity b117 6 8 5 61 64 64 M Sordino M T Gilpin -10.30 72521 -Deucie 112 16 85 84 85 7™ A Chambers G A Garrett 14.20 2173Lrl3— The Sharper b 119 2 3 7h 7h 71 85 L Adams Mrs W G Morton 5.50 1440Bow —Royal Cain 114 8 9 9 9 9 9 L Reynolds Murcain-Byars Stable 44.20 Time, :23%, -M%, 1:13. Track fast. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — . , Odds to s n • 5-M00N AGAIN 6.60 4.60 3.60 2.30 1.30 .80 Ml utuel rrices 9-crownprince f 12.80 6.80 5.40 2.40 l 3-FLYING SCUD 4.80 1.40 Winner— Ch. c, by Sun Again— Lask, by Bull Lea, trained by H. S. Clark; bred by North Cliff Farm. IN GATE-4:36. OFF AT 4:36 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good. Won easily. MOON AGAIN improved his position steadily and wore down the leaders without need of pressure. CROWNPRINCE F. displayed good speed to set the pace, was no match for the winner but held the others safe. FLYING SCUD wore down MISS JENNIFER. The latter showed an even effort. THE SHARPER was outrun. Overweight— Flying Scud, 2 pounds; Miss Jennifer, 1. EIGHTH RACE 1 3-8 MILES turf. St. Vincent. Mav 21. 1955. 2:15%. 4. 126. Pim 99 53 Fifty-eighth running DIXIE HANDICAP. 5,000 added. 3-year-olds and upward. By i IIIl - i-JJ subscription of 0 each, which shall accompany the nomination; 25 to pass the entry May 9. 1959 box; starters to pay 25 additional, with 5,000 added, of which 65 per cent of all monies to the winner, 20 per cent to second, 10 per cent to third and 5 per cent to fourth. The owner of the winner to receive a trophy. Closed with 40 nominations. Gross value, 9,250. Gross to winner 9,012.50. Net to winner 8,712.50; second, ,850; third, ,925; fourth, ,462.50. Mutuel Pool, 41,870. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP Va V2 % 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 1797GPi-0ne-Eyed King b 5 120 8 7472 61 51 44 11 M Ycaza Cain Hoy Stable 1.80 2207GS -Oligarchy b5 116 1 3* 31 35 35 1h 1 K Korte Brookmeade Stable 8.30 2207GS4-Mystic II. 5 110 2 2h 21 1h 21 21 33 M Sorrtino C M Kline 5.40 2208Pim3— Midontrial 7 112 6 8h 84 54 41 53 44 L Adams Mrs H L Nathenson 38.10 2208Pimi— Pop Corn 5 118 5 51 63 4h 6* 65 51 J Ruane Greentree Stable 3.60 2208Pim2— Innishowen 6114 4 1i 11 21 1h 31 63 K Stuart P L Grissom 36.00 2095Lr|2— Air Pilot b 5 115 7 9 9 9 71 71 78 J Leonard Ada L Rice 9.40 71519 — Langton Breeze 7120 3 4241 71 81 81 81 D Erb Tower Hill Farm 10.80 2105Jam —Amber Diver 5118 9 62 5h 84 9 9 9 E Nelson F A Clark 13.00 Time, :24%, :48%, 1:14%, 1:39, 2:03%, 2:15% equals track record. Track firm. Official Program Numbers , — Mutuels Paid — » , Odds to Uv1 . n . 8-ONE-EYED KING 5.60 4.00 3.00 1.80 1.00 .50 Mutuel Prices? i-oligarchy 6.80 4.80 2.40 1.40 I 2-MYSTIC II 4.00 1.00 Winner— B. h, by Nasrullah— Siama, by Tiger, trained by W. C Stephens; bred by H. F. Guggenheim. , IN GATE-5:03. OFF AT 5:03 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. _ Start good. Won driving. ONE-EYED KING, unhurried while farioack for more than a mile, was strongly handled while attempting to lug in under pressure, moved outside for the stretch run and rallied well to wear down OLIGARCHY. The latter, taken under stout restraint when behind INNISHOWEN soon after the start, remained in a precarious position along the hedge for a turn of the course, joined the leaders and wrested command from the outside, then was unable to resist the winner. MYSTIC II. pressed the pace without being hurried, attained a slight lead at intervals after a turn of the course and faltered during the final furlong. MIDONTRIAL lacked the needed response. POP CORN failed to threaten. INNISHOWEN dropped in to the hedge while attaining a clear lead immediately after the start, responded gamely when displaced at Intervals and gave way in the late stages. LANGTON BREEZE weakened. -* NINTH RACE 1 3-16 MILES. Nashua. May 28. 1955. l:543/n, 3, 126. P]rn 99/1 Purse 52,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Non-winners twice •HI - Z.Z.J* s;nce March 30 allowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500. Mav 9. 1959 Net value to winner ,625; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 25. MutuebPool, 23,964. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP Va V2 % 1 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 2218Lrl4— Apache Brave b6 116 5 2124 11 14 12 131 R Biamonte 2500 Miss D J Gorske 6 00 2209Lrl —The Third Dream 4 119 9 43 44 44 42 24 24 R L Gilbert 2500 Mrs B L Warren 11.30 2209Pim — Montego Bay b4 119 4 95 94 72 72 31 31 M Danisi 2500 J J Paoli 14.00 2209LH — Lateish 5 116 7 6h 62 61 51 51 A"* C Gonzalez 2500 A T Schneizer 4.10 2218LH —Stiletto b5 114 110 10 10 85 81 51 G Hufnagel 2500 Mrs L G Bishop 18.40 2209Pim —Dancing Roman 4 106 10 71 5* 51 6h 41 63 C Bakers 2500 Keystone Stable 20 00 2225Pim — Fre Beau b4 116 2 4 1h 22 21 6* 73 E Monacelli 25C0 G L Hawkins 7.20 2218LH — Riel Heather 8111 6 5171 81 92 92 8h F Vincentt 2500 J A McKenna 60.40 2220Pim4— Raes Reward b 10 116 3 3434 34 34 74 91 E Nelson 2500 Mrs H S Clark 1.50 2206Lrl —Aglow b4113 8 8» 8h 9110 10 10 W Carpelli 2500 W R Carrier 29.30 tFive pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :244, p 1:16%, 1:43%, 2:03%. Track fast. Official .Program Numbers/ , — Mutuels Paid — . , Odds to SI , 11 . In . 5-APACHE BRAVE 14.00 6.E0 4.60 6.00 2.30 1.30 MutUel PriCeS? 9-THE THIRD DREAM 10.20 6.20 4.10 2.10 I 4-M0NTEG0 BAY 7.40 2.70 Winner— Br g by Faultless— Apache Squaw, by Blue Swords, trained by R. White; bred by G. H. Knapp. IN GATE-5:28. OFF AT 5:281 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. ...... Start good Won ridden out. APACHE BRAVE assumed command along the backstretch and steadily increased his advantage under mild urging. THE THIRD DREAM wore down the others without menacing the winner MONTEGO BAY lacked the needed response. LATEISH failed to rally. FRE BEAU flattened out badly. RAES* REWARD held a favorable position for a mile, dropped back badly and pulled up lame. Overweight— Stiletto, 3 pounds; Aglow, 2. Attendance, 15,122; Total Mutuel Pool, ,114,489.

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Local Identifier: drf1959051101_45_1
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