untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1957-06-05


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Keep Posted With Daily Racing Form fMk April Issue NOW ON SALE PmH no LIBRARY COMPLETE WITHOUT IT! KSlljplPA y Racing Forms CHART BOOK is a "must" for HPHujB all turfmen and students of form. Each volume BUajjHp contains an accurate chart-by-chart history of one months racingand gives detailed data on EYEKY horses performances. Published MONTHLY Throughout the Year 0 additional Features Alphabetical Index of All Starters Since January 1, 1956, Showing Pedigree, Breeder, Firsts, Seconds, Thirds and Fourths. Jockey Records, Riding Weight. Leading Money Winning Horses. Leading Money Winning Stables. . Stakes and Feature Races Decided During the Year, Alphabetically Listed, Indexed, for Ready.Reference. Scale of Weights, Scheduled Meetings and Other Valuable Information Included in Each Book of the ! Month. ! HANDSOMELY BOUND PER COPY POSTPAID Yearly Subscription -12 Issues - 0.00, Postpaid MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! DAILY RACING FORM, 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago 5, Illinois. Enclosed find .00 postage included for : Specify Issue Z iDcily Racing Form Chart Book or yearly subscription of 0.00 for 12 ChartBooks,: beginning with the issue. NAME ..; address CITY ZONE NO STATE E Plflie Make Chck or Money Order Payable to TRIANGLE PUBLICATIONS, Imc. Z : PLEASE DO NOT SEND STAMPS OR CURRENCY Z Canadian buyers may send payment directly to Daily Racing Form, 50 Richmond Street, East, To- j? ; tcnto ", Ontario. .. Price .60 per copy. Postpaid. Yearly Subscription 12 i.iiho..,...,,,,.,,,,,, Issues 6.00, Postpaid. :

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1957060501/drf1957060501_28_1
Local Identifier: drf1957060501_28_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800