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j j Alphabetical Index to Entries A Dorothys Best 5th Del Larned Boy 6th H.P R Ahla Jav Sth H P Dr. Josh-6th Bml Las Olas 1st Bml Rag Apple-4th Del AftlSlrtSuf Ducat-6thSuf Sop H"P A?K!el Early Bama-th H.P flKSS,B;n, Sft? V thB "-J Reclaim-9th Bml AirDon-lstSuf Early Trouble-2d Bml j?1 AirShow-lstSuf Edna Allen-1st Bml HWSl 1and Remand-BUi iDel Jean-3i d Del Light Remote-3d?el Ala-Flash-2d Bel Elkeha-3d Bel Alert Boy-3d H.P EIIJ.-2d Bml .H1?13 io Del Algasir-6th Suf Elliotts Dream-5th Bel VstlGaDd3et7 Reterita-4tfrSuf Alice Vanmeter-6th Bml Emboss-4th Suf J-itUe Beaver 2d Bel i Richard Jr.-3d Suf All Comers-7th Bml Encono-4th Bml Jl eO ell-Sth Be I RicoJc 3d-Bel Airfor Ciro-5thSuf Engaged Bel h euerl Rico Vino 3d H.P Alliance-7th Bel Envite-lst Bel SJT"??? RWer Jordan-6th Del Ambulance-6th Bel Ergo-2d H.P lL,tUlNubb,y7l?iDel Robandc-lstBel Angle 4th Suf Estacion-8th .Bml " , T?s, Pik i Roman -Romeo-th Bel Another Art-7th Bel Etoka-7th Bel 0rd, c? Roman Senator-3d Del Antebabe-lstH.P Exception-6th Bml lovely D,ce-8th Suf Romantic Miss-8th Suf Antjon-3dSuf p dT Li Rose Capital-2d Suf Luckey Pete-2d Bml Trtfc-W. Bel AnxioMoment-4th Del Fabulist8lh Be. Apparition 5th Suf Fair Question 2d Del M Running K. 1st Suf Ariel Bu-1st Bml Familiar-8th Suf .Maid o Athens-7th Suf IV8-1 . Astounding 2d H.P Fibre King 6th H.P Man of Destiny 8th Bel Rushing Tide 2d Bml Atom Rocket 1st Bel Fideles 5th Bml Manpower 4th Del c Aunt G.ady,-3d Suf Marcet-lstBml Hdgel-JhH.P Sabre-Bim-3d Hi B iM-r Krinid Ll Sagmon-2d Bml B. B. Bu..-2d H.p Ea-lSiSS, KKEn5el f - Rel1RsllDe, Bad Margie 1st H.P up5 Massai 4th- Bel Salamanca 6th-Bel sfessk, sassas EKrteSKta. aasriaKi rearronthf "SETSE M SSSSoJ! Beauty Bush-3d Bel tSSS Menodoq 4th H P Scientific-1st H.P Beauty Miss-3d Del EWS?S,Binl MeSaSdl Del Scotch Rya,-3d HP Belle Helene-4th Del Kfith Lf Merlee 7th H P Scriptkn-4th Bml Benedicto 5th H.P ?r, r i MidvetdBml Seconds Away-1st Suf Best Ace-4th Del fSSSSStBrnl "M g Y iaker-5thBm. Sepia Gem-lstBml Bew tch ng 4th Suf p UT j Dd i Ui Dpi Sew it Up 5th Del Big Misterth Bm. fStSSSE? M Mofe-mDe. Beund-Jd Suf huente-atn bml iBml B.gPatr.c.a-3dSuf Milady Dares-5th Del Shamrock Hill-JM Big Print 2d Bel va Miocpnp Bel Shannons Leap 2d Bm Billies Beam-1st Del Gale River-7th Suf m -2d Bel Sherpa 8th H.P Biplane 3d Bel Galikist 2cTBml Mi Bobbin 1st H P Shining On 1st Del Black Torch-4th Del Gang War-2d Del M J B7Th H P Shiny Peter-th Suf Blazon Star-3d Del Garys Star 4th H.P Micciinfpv-qth W Shrewie-5th Bel Blenfly-6thSuf Gascony-2d Suf MtaMelndLSd.H P Shumaker Chac-3d Suf Blue and White-8th Del. Gay Reaper-9th Bml mndL.7Auf Shy Peg 7th .Bml Bluebir.Wth Bml Ge-Bob2d Del Se-2dluf SWe LlgMth-Del - " Blue Reno 4th Bml Go Lightly 6th Del M; TpPDhonpcth H p Slick 2d Suf Boiler Plate-6th Suf Grand Graphen-7th Del Swv ltv5S?ml SligoRock-4tlrSuf Bold Splashes 5th Bel Grand Suspense 5th H.P M jt 7ar?t 1st H P Smackover-7th Bml Bombadare-2d Suf Gravy Boat-2d Bml Mnllv ORoe-EtJrSuf So-tth Bml Bonanza Miss-7th Suf Gray Gambler-2d Del MnnL Monpv 1st H P Soin-6th Bel Bonaparte 8th H.P Great Day-1st Suf Zrnina Wafchls?BM Sonabusher-4th Del Boquet-SthBml Great West -2d H.P fffSd-Sth Bm. itf? Bml Bounding Sea 2d Suf Grecian 1st Bel Mr Am flth BpI Soul Pearl 4th Del Braseaa 9th Bml Greek Day 2d-Bel Mr AuS-7th H P South Florida 2d Bel Briar Sweet 3d Del - Greek Drama 2d Bel . uVrTrrifCut Rm Southern Belle 3d Suf BrightJ.ark-2d Bml G-Two-8th Bel ;,n7Z, u P Stag Line-7th Bml Bright Penny-6th Suf Guiltless-3d Bel Mf; SSsh 4th Bm! Stay Smodchle-Kh Del Broad Beam 5th Suf H Mr Kitchen 4th H P Statistician 3d Bml Bronze Age-2d Bel Half Nelson-1st Bel Mr" Marker-2d Del Stel Joan-5th Del Brother Joss 6th H.P Hand Reward-7th Del Mr. Melpet 1st Suf Stepping Merry-4th Suf BrownToppy-lst Del Handy-1stBel Mythical 1 1. 6th Bel Stone Age ll.-6th Bml Bufords Gal-lst Suf Happy Retreat 4th Del , Striking Hour 2d Bml Bullmerized 3d Suf Harold L 2d HP N Sub Factor 2d H.P Bullslinger 2d Del Hartsville 2d Bel - Nagol 5th H.P Suky Susie 7th H.P Burning Note 5th Suf Hash Supreme 3d Bml Namama 8th H.P Supreme Joy 8th Bml Bushthorn 2d Del Hate War 5th Bel Nasco 7th Bel Suz-Den-Ree 3d Suf Buxom 3d H.P Have and Hold 5th Del Natural Choice 3d Suf Swagger Stick 3d Bel r Hay Fever d Del Navy Action 4th H.P Sweet Mollie 5th Del C Headin In 2d Suf legate 1st Bml Sweet-Sis 3d H.P Calico Miss 6th Bel Heaven Helpus 4th Del Nemesia 8th H.P Sweet Ties 5th Bml Candy Davis 4th Del Helaman 1st Bel Net Ball 7th Bel Capelet 6th Bel Helens Ace 2d Suf Never Mind 3d Suf T. Captain Quick 6th Bml Hell Raysor 7th Suf Never Never 5th Suf T. Gibson 4th Bml ri1 Henrys Reward-2d Bml Night Hour-7th Bel Tacaro-7th H P Center Hill 1st Bel High Crest 1st Bml Nigreeny 1st H.P Take It Easy 2d Bml Chanter 7 tti H.P High Dune 3d Suf Nisht Amool 7th Bel Tan Hide 2tT Bel Charlevoix 4th Bel Hightone 9th Suf Nob,e Inn 3d Suf Tane 2d Del Charlies Alibi 1st Bel Hindrance 1st Bel Noble Lad 2d Bel Tasa 1st H.P Charlies Joy 6th Bel Hi-Scot 5th Suf Nosee Em 1st Bel That it Is 3d Del Chester K.-4th Del Hobo King 2d Bel Nunzi Nunzi 5th H.P The Hedonist 3d Bel Chief Pontiac 4th H.P Hoiero 7th Del Nutmeg Lad-2d Suf Thinking Cap 6th Del City Belle andh Bml Homework 4th Del n Third Base 4th H.P Clarksville MD. 2d Del Hot Walkpr2ri ?uf ji Tillie Temple 4th H.P .j r Cleveland-3d Bel . SourVSerllst Bel 2 d Sh.eP"fth Sul t , Tin Tigress-4th Del Clever Petec-3d Bel Hunow Dream 5th H P S,ymp,a S"151 Bm Tom Jackson-2d Del Close Bml KS-6th """V2!1! Griffin-5th Harmony-1st Huspah-6th Bel Bel i Oscar J.-9th,Suf r Tommy Bel Clymene-lstBml Top Flush-6th Suf Cold Night 1st Del , ur H3nC . Del Topper B. 2d Bml Cold Pigeon-3d Del m-inRed-1stSuf Our Pally 3d Bel Tournure-8th Del Coffeyville-2d Bml "f1 .u , d Bel. ... D , P Trappers Treat-3d Del Colleoni-5th Bml nka Dinka Doo-5th Bel William-1st Suf Tunasman 8th H.P Colonel Art 6th H.P Insomn.a 9th Suf 2 Turkish Gold 1st Del Colonel. Jay-7th Del lntenc.on-9th Bml Pakey 6th H P Turkoman-2d Bml Colonel Zeder 3d H.P J Pambo 2d Del Turf Pic 6th Suf Come On Red 4th Bel Jacalu 8th H.P Pana 1st Bml Comets Glow 2d Bel Jackie Van 2d Bel PaDa will Plav ith BpL " Combustion 1 1. 6th Del Jackies Folly-5th Suf Paradise Peak-3d Bel Uncle Ralph-7th Bel Coolie Boy 3d Suf Jacolady 6th Bml Park Dandy 7th Suf Untamed 6th Bel Coral Key 6th Bml Jeannies Pal 5th Bml py NeWs 2d Bel Up Coast 71,1 H-p Correlator-lst Bel Jesper-5th Bel Passing Age-1st Suf V Cosmonaut 4th Bml Jester 7th Bel . patiarkit fith BpI ... v Count Case-5th Suf Jet Spirit 3d Bel Paula-gtlrBml Vendome-4th Del Count Sickle 5th Suf Jewels Reward-7th Bel Pavion-flth Suf Vici Admiral-7th Bml Count Swedak-7th Suf Jimmer-7th Bel Paylo-4th Del Vintage Wine 3d Bel County Air 3d Bel Joel Chaseman 2d Del ps Reward 8th Suf W Courtly-4th Del John J. Jr.-lst Del Peep 0Day-3d Suf War Jade-8th Del Crack 0Dawn-1st Bel Johnson T-9th Suf Perch-1st Suf Wars History-1st Del CrownUe-lstBml Josh Del Petes Folly-5th Bml Warriors Stand-1st Bel Crystal Mag.c-7th H.P Joyr.n-7th Bml Pheasant Boots-2d Suf Wavy Navy-6th Bel D ii-9 on 6 Zu , Picafriend-8th Bml Weber J.-3d Del Dainty Jane-5th Bel justJudiitn BrnI oay RonTth-HiP . Weedock-1st Bel Bml Judy-9th Dales Delight-8th Bml" Pompeys Admiral-3d Bml 0 Weep and Wail-7th Del Dance-a-Jig 7th Del . K Pomposity-3d Del Wine, Jr.-7th Bel Dance Card 5th Del Ketchil Makan 5th Suf Pontchie Gal 4th H.P .Winged Foot 3d Suf Dancing 5th Bml Khaibar 3d Bel Potomac Shore 1st Sur" Wisemar 2d Bel Dandy Flo 1st Suf Killarney Bey 6th Bel Powhiri 7thrSuf Wish Tonight 7th Del Danny 0 7th Suf Kin9 Flush 1st Del Prexy Mac 2d Suf Witchery 3d Del Dark Eda 1st Suf Kirks Dandy 5th H.P Prince du Houlme 7th Del Witches Magic 7th Del Dark Etching 5th Suf 1. Princess Kiss-9th Bml With Music 3d Bml Darling Daddy-2d H.P L. Sars Ken 3d Bel Proud Uncle-3d Bml Woody Glen-7th Del Declaration 2d H.P Lady Elliott 8th Bml Purple Lady 5th Suf Worth a Bit 3d Del Dededons Joy 1st Bml Lady Swords 8th Bml Pusan 1st Del y Deep Skin-2d Suf Lady Tatula-6th Bel Pyrenees-7th Bml Young Colony-3d Del Deluxe Wine-9th Suf Lagides-4th Bel Q Destined Hour 5th Bel Laheim 6th Suf Quarter Deck-ith Del Z Do Doit 1st Bel Lancaster Rose 7th Del Quip 2d Suf Zacadoge 5th Bel"