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,000 Reward for Information On 48-Hour Rule Violations HOLLYWOOD PARK, Inglewood, Calif., June 4. Hollywood Turf Club and the Horsemens Benevolent and Protective Association will post signs in the stable area tomorrow offering a ,000 reward for information on volations of the 48-hour rule. This action follows up their announcement several days ago that a reward was contemplated for information leading to the appprehension of any person or persons violating the following order of the California Horse Racing Board, issued last December: "No one, except in an emergency, may give any drugs, chemical or medicine whatsoever to a horse, scheduled to race within 48 hours, unless prior permission has been granted by the stewards of the meeting. In the event it becomes necessary to administer any drugs, chemical or medicine whatsoever to a horse scheduled to race within 48 hours, the trainer shall report the fact to the stewards of the meeting and secure their consent to the racing of the horse." Anyone with information is asked to report it to the Hollywood Park offices of the Thoroughbred Racing Protective Bureau or the California Horse Racing Board. The ,000 is being provided jointly by the Hollywood Turf Club and the California division of the HBPA.