untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1957-06-05


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I 7 HtghKS.C...B.D.LEx1ngton.,Kent w . - . Entered as second class matter. Max 26. 1045. hiWL l; ? fcgfclSiS at ChIcas-1U" Bndcr Act JOf YHiandx?6-W- Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation SITBSCBrPTION HATES Official NewsparofDtoe Matiomil Association of State Racing Commissioners Second ann .00 32.00 I Published daily, except Sunday, by first Class 14.00 178.80 TKI ANGLE PITOLICATION8. Inc. Air Mail 18.80 225.C0 DAIH BAOIHO FORM Minimum subscription period la 1 month of 26 lssnes J. Samuel Perlman. ....... Editor and Publisher Back number, single copy price, GO cents. Dan Lyons Chief Turf Editor : -p.-Pv-pQ. ; Addres all communications, make all remit- ASSOCIATED ,i,nm.TrT, PAPEE8: tances and send all manuscripts to 731 m Plymouth Court CVlcago 5. Illinois DAIIX EACING FORM we2 52na .S?eet Ne?" rk "?w 751 Plymouth Court. Chicago B. ni. W Vermont ..Loa Calif. 8; ATenue... Angeles 27. Telephone WAbash 2-O3G0 2 glchniond St.. East.... Toronto 1, Ont.. Canada Herbert S. Kamln. Business Manager 4133 University Way Seattle 6, Washington 2 2134 N. W. Miami Court Miami 37 Florida Chart number of first race In 1937 was 05844

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1957060501/drf1957060501_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1957060501_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800