Delaware: High Voltage Eyes Gozelle and Delaware Shouse in Praise of Tracks Operation Don Ross Planning Further, Daily Racing Form, 1955-06-16


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Delaware — c By Charles Hatton High Voltage Eyes Gazelle and Delaware Shouse in Praise of Tracks Operation Don Ross Planning Further Improvements DELAWARE PARK, Stanton, Del., June 15.— Ogden Phipps is naturally gratified with reports of High Voltages resplendant condition, and he plans coming down irom New YorK tnis weeK end to see her performance in the 0,000 Delaware Oaks. After • this engagement, the attractive "speckled hen" returns to her Aqueduct headquarters, to participate in the important Gazelle Stakes. She will bypass the new" New Castle, but is a probable for the rich Delaware Handicap, in which she would again throw down the gauge to Parlo and others of the older mares. Even tually of course, High Voltage will be in production, in the Wheatley Stable stud, maintained at Claiborne in Kentucky. No mate has been selected for her, but Phipps thinks "Nasrullah would not be too bad." It is an interesting conjecture, since she combines the blood of Tourbillon and Pharos, and Nasrullah is a Pharos. Phipps, by the way, is a committeeman in the movement to reconstruct and modernize Belmont Park. JZq says, "there are a lot of details still to be ironed out, but I think the plan entirely feasible. In any case, we are working hard on it. And so far as the outstanding stock is concerned, it could be made worthwhile for the holders." It would be superorgation for us to say that New York needs a modernized race course. The very fact that so many of those so important in racing in the "Empire State" recognize this is patent in the maneuver to set up a greater New York track. Belmont, as it now stands is the "headquarters" of American racing, and yet there are discrepancies in its appeal to the public which the new course would correct.

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