Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-15

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Churchill Downs I ST RACE 6 FURLONGS chute. Purse ,500. 2:00 P.M. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ,500. PP. Horse. Prob.Jockey. Wt. Comment. Prob.Odds. 19 WONDROUS HOUR No boy 113 Call in opener 2-1 6 HIGH ORDER W.Williams 118 The one to down 5-2 II RE RE PO C. Meaux 118 Best of the rest 6-1 5 COMBOUND J. Lynch 118 Always a threat 5-1 4 BRISEIS L. Hansman 113 First starter 10-1 2 PATS BABY K. Church 118 Far back at finish 8-1 7SKIPPYSJOY No boy 118 Fits with these 10-1 3 KAZ J. Heckmann 118 Due for good try 10-1 1 GOLDEN EVA No boy 113 Not off last few 15-1 8 CAMERICA No boy 118 Slow as they come 20-1 9 OAK LEACH C. Meaux 118 May forget to stop 15-1 10 BILLYS BEST W. Carstens 118 Not to be ignored 15-1 12 JAMAICA No boy 118 Way back all efforts 20-1 13 BOPPIEJO No boy 113 Lets see if started 20-1 14 BURNING NOTE No boy 113 Not in here 20-1 15 STAR BLAZE J. Chalk 118 Improvement due 15-1 16 FANCY SOUVENIR J.Preston 113 Hardly the one 20-1 17BRISTLING F. Fatica 113 Slow sort 20-1 18 SUNNY LIL No boy 113 Trailer in most 12-1 20LASTANLEAST R. Duran 113 Speedy at times 15-1 ND RACE 6 FURLONGS chute. Purse ,800. 2:28 P.M. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Special weights. 1 USHBA W.B.Williams 117 Choice for top honors 3-1 5 PHARATENT No boy 117 Chance for all 8-1 14 COMMO-MAN S. Brooks 122 Rates a slice 4-1 12MABE TRADER J.E.Lucas 112 May go well today 5-1 6 HYCLAR S. Armstrong 122 Speedy foe 5-1 8 CRUEL TOBE KIND No boy 122 May press top ones 6-1 7 MR. M. J. J. Chalk 122 Runs in stretch 10-1 3 R0LIA RIA No boy 122 First starter 10-1 17 EDS SPY J. Lynch 122 Some chance today 8-1 2 HAR-LO-MC F. Adams 122 Hardly the one 20-1 4 SISSY BID- F.Zehr 117 Dull as they come 20-1 9 HOPEFUL LOU No boy 117 Trailer at finish 30-1 10 ROCK CREEK No boy 122 Pass this one 3Q-1 11 MISS PRIMATE J. Chalk 117 Could come close 12-1 13 SCOTTS J. Parsons 122 Maynot get in 15-1 15 QUELLE CHASSIS R. Parrott 117 Seems up against it 30-1 16 Mc VALENTINE R. Parrott 117 In poor form now 30-1 18 MIKEB0B No boy 122 Company too tough 30-1 19 TIMS JOY J. Parsons 117 Must wake up first 30-1 20 HYCAL R. Dever 122 Slow performer 20-1 3RD RACE 7 1-2 FURLONGS chute. Purse ,500. 2:56 P.M. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ,000. 3 HALF CARAT E. Dominguez 112 Has speed to score 5-2 9 INDAC W. Carstens 120 Won last; danger 5-1 11 BROWN BULLET No boy 117 Sharp all efforts 4-1 10 MUMBO R. Parrott 115 Close at finish 4-1 6 OCEAN KING J. Heckmann 120 Scored easily in last 6-1 8 MED0RA LASS R. Dever 108 Strong finisher 8-1 5 CABALLO S.Armstrong 113 Florida form fair 10-1 1SPECIAL CHOICE R.Ashcraft 115 Game performer 12-1 2 SMOKY HILL K. Church 113 Last few not best 15-1 4 VALIANCE No boy 113 Hardly the one 20-1 7 NOBLE JAC E. Gross 113 More speed needed 15-1 COUPLED: Mumbo and Brown Bullet. RACE 5 FURLONGS. Purse ,500. 3:25 P.M. 4TH 2-year-olds. Claiming. ,500. 7 FA I LA SUIT W. Carstens 117 Call in tough race . 3-1 8 C0NDAMINE No boy 114 Best effort needed 4-1 5 BOW DERO J. Heckmann 114 Threat to top ones 6-1 4 TASTY L. Hansman 111 Racing well now 5-1 11 GROWING PAINS S. Brooks 117 Always tough to down 8-1 6 MRS. COOPER R. Dever 114 Can turn on speed 8-1 1 ROHANIE C. Meaux 117 In good stride now 4-1 2 WEST LIBERTY J.R.Adams 114 Seems bit slow 30-1 3 LEOS TOWN GAL C. Meaux 111 Would be an upset 30-1 9 DUBLIN KNIGHT No boy 114 Hardly the one 30-1 10 M0USEF00T No boy 114 Company bit rough 15-1 "12 POPOCATEPETL W.B.Williams 114 Stepping up a bit 20-1 13 ADMIRAL MAC J. Heckmann 114 First starter 15-1 14 TOO BRILLIANT- L. Hansman 111 May not get in 5-1 15- RIPTE C. Meaux 117 Always a contender 4-1 COUPLED: Rohanie and Ripte; Tasty and Too Brilliant. RACE 6 FURLONGS chute. Purse ,800. 3:50 P.M. 5TH 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ,500-,000. 9 SAFE LANDING J. Heckmann 118 Choice for top honors 3-1 1 STAG LINE C. Meaux 122 Can turn on speed 5-2 6 SOME CLASSIC No boy 118 Best of the rest. 3-1 4 SIR PUTNAM R. Parrott 112 Threat off best 4-1 2 COUNT DEBLANC C. Meaux 115 Just missed last try 5-2 3 UPSY DAISY J. Preston 110 Game performer 5 ANN RUTLEDGE L. Hansman 107 Troublesome foe 15-1 7 ANCIENT GREEK C. Meaux 115 Trying hard in all 3-1 8 COMMARGO No boy 110 Runs in stretch 15-1 10 FLORIDIAN K. Church 115 Dull right now 20-1 COUPLED: Stag Line and Count deBlanc; Ancient Greek and Safe Landing. ,TH RACE 6 FURLONGS chute. Purse ,200. 4:20 P.M. 3- and 4-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. 8 J0ANIE GAL J. Heckmann 113 Should never be headed 7-5 4 RED BABY W.B.Williams 116 The runner-up 2-1 1 GERTS IMAGE L. Hansman 119 Threat to top ones 8-1 6 LINDY HOP No boy 105 Last a fine win 10-1 5 BLUFFING No boy 105 Weight off helps 12-1 2 SUSIE ST0CKARD No boy 108 Improvement due 12-1 3 BORGIA BULL B. Phelps 102 In with a feather 20-1 7 DIXIE MISS No boy 119 Never out of things 15-1 RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Purse ,700. 4:48 P.M. 7TH 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ,250-,750. 3 NONNIE JO C. Meaux 114 Fit right now; choice 2-1 1 SIR MODRED E. Dominguez 110 Out for main share 3-1 5 CONSTANT REBEL J. Heckmann 110 Best of . the rest 5-2 4 HARVEST MOON K. Church 110 Coming into top form 6-1 2 FULL FLIGHT J. Heckmann 1.14 Improvement due 10-1 6 PERTURBED J. Heckmann 111 Dangerous foe 5-2 7 HAPPY LAD W. Carstens 114 Some chance today 8-1 COUPLED: Constant Rebel and Perturbed. RACE 1 1-16 MILES. Purse 2,500. 5:15 P.M. 8TH 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ,500. 8 LEGATEE D. Dodson 117 Rates the laurels 5-2 10 COLONEL VELVET No boy 117 " Speedy foe 3-1 13 LORD N0RTHBR00K S. Brooks 114 Out for top spot 5-1 11 KENTUCADET D. Dodson 114 May come close 5-1 2 SPONGE B. Phelps 114 Not off last few 5-1 7 CORRELATOR No boy 114 Troublesome foe 5-1 1 BIG FITZ No boy 114 Hardly the one 20-1 3 APPEASE NOT J. Preston 114 Slow sort 20-1 4 WARNING LIGHT A. Popara 114 Must wake up first 20-1 5 B00TEVE No boy 109 Racing towards win 10-1 6 MYRTIS L. C. Meaux 109 Must show improvement 20-1 9 GRAY ACE R. Parrott 114 Needed last effort 15-1 12 MINT BRANCH W. D. Lucas 114 Some other day 20-1 COUPLED: Sponge and Correlator.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959051501/drf1959051501_14_2
Local Identifier: drf1959051501_14_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800