untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-15


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rili msiiia- HARNESS RACING NIGHTLY SB t f BhEQHbPPI Harness racing every weekday night no racing Sundays through ltW-TV VtnB Vf 0V!Um0 May 30th Par-Mutue,s Dai, Double, Stake Races. Finest horses iy M fluMf v Y-jm, JGji II LJ VrMik competing on the Midwests fastest track. Post time, 8:40 p. m. I tTT"! flf v -o W 7 jm ; l " " WMRJL Admission .50 Grandstand, .00 Clubhouse, fax included. Easy to 1 if fi-. MEuPJrjl reach by car, bus or limousine. I Mr fl Do,7yA";f::r , V3WWrr!w EjSHjl NORTH AVENUE 1600 North and RIVER ROAD 8600 West. .yfDoMe K and f ?V V4 L XL;, PLENTY PARKING TRACKSIDE. DAILY DOUBLE CLOSES 8:30 P. M. uoU PA-Mt7Zland F0R RESERVATIONS CALL MAnsfield 6-4816 Faster Track Finest Horses Feature Race Nightly

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959051501/drf1959051501_19_1
Local Identifier: drf1959051501_19_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800