untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-02


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lJ! ttJlli BHlHlIt Pass e P"30 auc0n horses most rf Mil - pjffl titBHHHHHI 1 1 likely to succeed in the Kentucky Derby! m I t W/ l i lMHgNWfr : ;| The first Keeneland Sale was held on the 9th day of August, / fpMV; IB S| BfJ ?andP/8| jlffiy 1943- Since that day- Keeneland Sales have sold 19,444 of , , -j" JrSliin- JIFW e nes, Worses in the world, representing 2,334,925 tieSemmasm Iff rmji WgmTi 3Rand dollar volume. Since that day more horses from Keeneland . ik ill B |i 1 vtr/mk fSmm lirJll ave won Paced n *e mones and started in the Kentucky rrl- fata I fee°J B*/BMyilaLSRN Tr l Derby than those of all the other sales companies in the ■ " - * K - Jfcffl ■ XI 1945— Won: Hooi , Jr.-2 starters. 1953— Won: Dark Star-3rd: Invigor- ■PSISfl and*TlN I if? «y f/a5?S 1946— 2nd: Hampden-6 starters. starrere1 R°yal B*y Gem_4 Ji» E f* ISA 1949 — 4th: Old Rockport-4 starters. 1955— No starters. - K V " _j ■ 1950— 4th: Sun Glow-5 starters. 1956 — 5 starters. --Jte*35* Siiv- 19" l— Ind: Royal Must;»ns:-.0.rd : Rulie 1057— i ■! starters . — _, _ _ 1£and - - ~- -4th: Phil D.-8 starters. „ . ,. , _ ,QCO „ YE A R L I NG5 ,,V!"13 s,arters s"rd: n°- WILLIAM S. EVANS tSl /A m tt I JULY 27-29* ~Ss b@Ms / ycmpanu „c ••• •••• •••••••••••••••••• •••] ••••••••••LEXINGTON V T ¥ KENTUCKY V /

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050201/drf1959050201_80_1
Local Identifier: drf1959050201_80_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800